Category Archives: Routine Orders

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-13 – Week 13 – 27 November 2022


27 November 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Well, here we are, last week of November already. Please review the following and be ready for this week’s training.

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Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-12 – Week 12 – 20 November 2022


20 November 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the snow that came with it. Please review the following and be ready for this week’s training.

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Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-11 – Week 11 – 13 November 2022


13 November 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

I hope everyone is nice and dry now after an especially wet Remembrance Day. Thanks to the cadets and staff that came out to show support towards the veterans within our community. Things are going to slow down a bit over the next couple of weeks. We do however have some activities coming up in December, which is not so far away.

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Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-10 – Week 10 06NOV2022


06 November 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Remembrance Day, 2022

Well, this is possibly the busiest week we’re going to have for a while.    Monday night’s optional training will include Effective Speaking (1st period) followed by Aviation (2nd period).  Wednesday night’s classes are all cancelled and will be replaced with Drill, followed by a CO’s Parade.  With Remembrance Day coming up, we need to get the squadron’s marching skills polished up and make sure uniforms are presentable.   Then, on Thursday night, we do our overnighter at the legion, the 1st in a few years, to get prepped for Remembrance Day.    Then finally, the vigil at the cenotaph, followed by 2 Remembrance Day ceremonies.  Let’s get started.


Commanding Officer (CO): Lt Couroux
Deputy Commanding Office (DCO)/Co-TrgO: Lt Russell
Administration Officer (AdminO)/Co-TrgO: Capt Lemoine
Supply Officer (SupO): CI Dau
Squadron Warrant Officer: WO2 Abt
Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer/Training NCO: FSgt Forsyth
Flight Commander/Admin NCO: FSgt Vidal
Flight Commander/Supply NCO: FSgt Dau

COVID-19 Rules

Masks are no longer mandatory, except under certain circumstances, such as travelling in military transport or when entering an establishment that requires masks to be worn. If you feel comfortable wearing a mask, and would like to continue, you are permitted to do so.

It’s no longer a requirement for you to fill out and post a declaration. The link for this will no longer be provided.

Social distancing will still be practiced as much as possible. Also, it’s encouraged that we do as much training as possible outside.

We’re still committed to making cadets a safe and fun experience. If you have any questions on this, please consult a staff member.

If you feel sick, do the responsible thing, stay home.



Again, not everyone has their CADET365 account up and running.  Those of you that don’t please see Capt Lemoine this Wednesday evening.


We are still waiting on completed validation forms from 3 cadets.   We need these in right away in order to finish your enrollment process for this year.


Supply is open for exchanges and new issue during the evening.   Make sure you see CI Dau to set up an appointment


Regular Training

Where: Squadron HQ
When: Wednesday 09 November, 2022
Who: All Cadets and Staff
Dress: Cadets: Cadets C1A, CAF 1A, CI/CV Business Attire
Duty Officer: Lt Couroux

Training Night Schedule

1815 1830 Building Open, Parade Set-Up
1830 1845 Uniform Inspection/Opening Parade
1845 1920 Period 1
1925 2000 Period 2
2000 2015 Break
2015 2050 Period 3
2050 2100 Clean-Up Trg Areas/Parade
2100 2115 Closing Parade
2115 2130 Building Closed

Class Schedule

All Levels PO/EO
Description Beret Forming Parade Practice CO’s Parade
Instructor Lt Russell WO2 Abt WO2 Abt

Note: Off-duty instructors are to report to their areas of secondary duties
Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer/Training NCO: FSgt Forsyth
Flight Commander/Admin NCO: FSgt Vidal
Flight Commander/Supply NCO: FSgt Dau


  1. Monday Evening Optional Training – Monday November 07 – Effective Speaking & Aviation.

Dress: Appropriate Civilian Clothing
Timing: 1830-2115
Duty Officer: CI Dau

  1. Effective Speaking

Mrs Gowans has asked me to post the timeline for the course along with the outline for the Effective Speaking Competition.  They can be found:


  1. 126/809 RCACS Mixed Drill Team – Sign Up

Drill team has been cancelled this week.   It will resume next Thursday night (November 17)

  1. Remembrance Day Sleepover, Vigil and Parades – 10NOV2022 & 11NOV2022:

 Information was emailed last week detailing the Squadron’s activities regarding Remembrance Day.   This email can be read here.

  1. National Online Ground School

The application deadline for the Air Cadet Online Ground School for this summer’s Glider and Power Pilot Training Courses has been extended to 15 November.   Please see Capt Lemoine if you’d like to apply.

  1. Cadet Co-op (High School Credit Program)

The Training Year Cadet Co-op is starting back up once again in partnership between UCDSB and RCSU Central.

To be eligible a cadet must:

-Attend High School in Ontario
-Reside in Ontario
-Be a current cadet

There is one misconception that has come up over the years:

-Cadets must be a student from UCDSB- Incorrect
-The program is a ministry of education program, coordinated on behalf of the ministry through UCDSB. As long as the cadet is a student of any school board in Ontario (French, English, Public, Catholic, or even Private) they are eligible as the credit is linked to their OEN (Ontario Education Number)

Cadets can earn up to 4 credits through the training year version of cadet co-op. It takes 90 hours of cadet activities (Training, team practices, uniform prep, lesson prep, etc) to earn a credit, as well as completion of the pre-placement assignments, tracking their hours on a log sheet, and participating in your ACR. Why not earn some high school credits for what they are already doing!

If you’re interested, please see Capt Lemoine for more information, including the application and a FAQ sheet.


All attendees must check-in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form.

In-Person Activity Check-In Form

This Week’s Activities

07 NOV 2022 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Suitable Civilian Attire CI Dau
09 NOV 2022 Wednesday Parade Night

(CO Parade)

Squadron HQ CADET: C1A


CI/CV: Business Attire

Lt Couroux
10 NOV 2022 Thursday Remembrance Day Eve – Vigil and Parade Prep Branch 124

Royal Canadian Legion

Suitable Civilian Attire – Carry Uniform (see 11 NOV 2022) Lt Couroux
11 NOV 2022 Friday Remembrance Day Queen St, NOTL & Queenston CADET: C1A


CI/CV: Business Attire

Lt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

14 NOV 2022 Monday Optional Training

Effective Speaking


Squadron HQ Suitable Civilian Attire Capt Lemoine
16 NOV 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

CAF: 5

CI/CV: Golf Shirt + Khakis or FTU

Capt Lemoine
17 NOV 2022 Thursday Drill Team River View Public School, NF Suitable Civilian Attire TBD
21 NOV 2022 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Suitable Civilian Attire Lt Russell
23 NOV 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

CAF: 5

CI/CV: Golf Shirt + Khakis or FTU

Lt Russell
24 NOV 2022 Thursday Drill Team River View Public School, NF Suitable Civilian Attire TBD
26 NOV 2022 Saturday WO1 & WO2 Merit Review Boards TBD TBD
28 NOV 2022 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Suitable Civilian Attire CI Dau
30 NOV 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

CAF: 5

CI/CV: Golf Shirt + Khakis or FTU

CI Dau

D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
+ 1 (905) 468-7584

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-09 – Week 9 – 30 October 2022


30 October 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Happy Halloween 809!

Welcome to week 9. Lots of stuff to talk about again this week. No cadets on Monday night. Wednesday will be a standard training night. See schedule below. Thursday drill team practice is on. Poppy campaign continues this Saturday.

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Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-08 – Week 8 – 23 October 2022


23 October 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Good evening 809 Squadron.

Good evening 809 Squadron.

Welcome to week 8. Lots of stuff to talk about this week. Monday night will feature Effective Speaking and Sports. Wednesday will be the first round of cadet fitness assessments. Thursday drill team practice is on. The Poppy Campaign starts this upcoming weekend.

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Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-07 – Week 7 – 16 October 2022


16 October 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Good evening 809 Squadron.

Welcome to week 7. Monday night activities start back up this week. Wednesday, we’re back to FTUs. The 1st two periods will be devoted to Effective Speaking with the final period to be team-building activities. Drill Team is cancelled for this week, however, it will pick up again next week.

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Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-06 – Week 6 – 9 October 2022


9 October 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Good evening 809 Squadron.

Welcome to week 6. This week marks this year’s first CO’s parade. Make sure your blue’s are ready to go and your boots are shined. Also, we’re having a BBQ during the opening and 1st periods. Parent’s briefing & parade practice during 2nd period and the actual parade during 3rd period. This is a great time to introduce new recruits to the program, so please bring friends that you thing will enjoy being a part of the squadron. Remember, bring your tunic and tie in on a hanger.

Thanksgiving Monday – No cadet activities. Enjoy the holiday with your families.

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Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-05 – Week 5 – 2 October 2022


2 October 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Good evening 809 Squadron.

Welcome to week 5. This week (October 2-7) is Cadet Week across Ontario. It’s a week that the Ontario Government has dedicated towards recognizing the program and all of those participate. This year marks the 1st ever observance of this week, which will continue anually.

This week marks the beginning of optional training on Monday evenings (see below). Also, on Wednesday, October 12, we’ll be having our 1st CO’s Parade of the year. Time to get the blue uniforms out and ready to go.

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Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-04 – Week 4 – 25 September 2022 (Supplemental)

Good morning.

It appears that I was incomplete in posting the CO’s Weekly Routine Orders last night and only included activities for the upcoming week. Lt Couroux has amended the post to include the missing activities and I encourage everyone to review the WROs again to be more fully aware of upcoming activities. I apologize for the oversight.

This week’s complete WROs can be found here: Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-04 – Week 4 – 25 September 2022

J Lemoine
Administration Officer
809 Newark RCACS