Author Archives: Capt. Couroux

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2023/24-04 – Week 4 24SEP2022

24 September 2023

RO Number
2023/24 – 04

CO’s Message

Welcome to week 4 809!


We’re continuing with regular training.  If you haven’t done so, we need your completed Annual Validation Forms and Cadet Codes of Conducts returned this week.


On to this week



809 Officer and Senior Cadet Staff positions


Commanding Officer (CO):

Deputy Commanding Office (DCO):

Training Officer (TrgO):

Assistant Training Officer (ATrgO):

Administration Officer (AdminO):

Supply Officer (SupO):

Squadron Warrant Officer:

Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer:




Where: Squadron HQ

When: 27SEP2023

Who: All Cadets and Staff

Dress: C5 (cadets), CADPAT (officers), Golf Shirt & Khaki’s (CI’s/CV’s)

Duty Officer:

Duty NCO:


Training Night Schedule (From SRO’s)


Parade Night Timetable
Begins Ends Period
18:15 18:30 Building Open, Parade Set-Up
18:30 18:45 Uniform Inspection/Opening Parade
18:45 19:20 Period 1
19:25 20:00 Period 2
20:00 20:15 Break
20:15 20:50 Period 3
20:50 21:00 Clean-Up Trg Areas/Parade
21:00 21:15 Closing Parade
21:15 21:30 Building Closed



Levels 1& 2 PO/EO M107.02 M130.02 M108.02
Description Identify Air Cadet and RCAF Officer Ranks Describe the Main Components of an Airplane Execute Salute at the Halt Without Arms
Levels 3 & 4 PO/EO M303.04 M303.04 M436.01
Description Communicate as a Team Leader Communicate as a Team Leader Explain Winds


Note: If you cannot make it to a mandatory cadet activity, or one that you’ve signed up to attend, you need to call the squadron @ 905-468 7584 and leave a message, or send an email to,  indicating your reason for not attending.    Failure to do so will result in being marked as absent without excuse and will affect your standings towards training. 


September Events


  1. Monday Night NCO Training:


All Monday night activities for the month of September will be geared towards senior NCO development.    As a complement to the Level 4 training being offered this Saturday by the NGTA, we will be going over classroom instruction, drill instruction and leadership skills.    All level 4’s and 5’s are to attend.    All other levels are not required for this training and have Monday nights off until October.


  1. Fish Fry


The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thursday nights.    This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration.   All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Katleen Kells by email.   Include your phone number, cell phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out.   Ms Kell’s email is


  1. Glider Sign Up


Gliding is due to take part this upcoming Sunday.  The location has been changed to the Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport, located at 435 River Rd, Fenwick, ON.      Be at 87 Squadron’s headquarters no later that 0845.   Pick up afterwards will be approximately 1215hrs.   Wear appropriate civilian attire based on the weather conditions.   Bring a water bottle with you.    Note, there are no washroom facilities once you get out on the airfield.  Also keep in mind that you’ll be exposed to wind/weather when out at the location as well, so please dress appropriately. We need a head count, so please let us know on Wednesday at the squadron and/or email with your intention to attend.   Once you give us your commitment, we do expect you to attend the activity.


  1. Online Ground School (OGS) – Glider and Power


Cadets wishing to apply for either Glider or Power Pilot Training this summer must complete OGS.   This consists of 45 hrs of class work, with the qualifying exam to be completed by the deadline date (15JAN2024).    Deadline for applications is 15OCT2023.    Let squadron staff know if you’re interested, or if you need more information.


  1. Exercise Niagara Challenger Field Training Exercise (FTX)


We are having a Niagara Region wide FTX on the weekend of Oct 13-15.   This is large activity with cadets participating from Air, Army and Sea units throughout Niagara.    We’ll be sleeping in tents and taking part in survival activities.  We’ll need a head count for this, so please let squadron staff know this Wednesday if you plan to attend.    It’s a fantastic exercise and lots of fun.   Don’t pass this one up.



This Week’s Activities:

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
25 SEP 2023 Monday Level 4 and Level 5 Training Squadron HQ Appropriate Civilian Attire
27 Sep 2023 Wednesday Mandatory Training Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

Officers: CADPAT

Upcoming October Activities:

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
01 Oct 2023


Sunday Gliding Welland Airport Appropriate Civilian Attire
02 Oct 2023 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Appropriate Civilian Attire
04 Oct 2023 Wednesday Mandatory Training & CO’s Parade Squadron HQ Cadets: C1

Officers: 1A

09 Oct 2023 Monday Thanksgiving

No Training

11 OCT 2023 Wednesday Mandatory Training Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

Officers: CADPAT

13 Oct 2023 – 15 Oct 2023 Weekend Exercise Niagara Challenger Chippewa Creek CA Cadets: C5

Officers: CADPAT

16 OCT 2023 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Appropriate Civilian Attire
17 OCT 2023 Tuesday Community Coordinating Committee Lake St Armoury – CO/SSC Chair and SWO Cadets: C5

Officers: CADPAT

18 OCT 2023 Wednesday Mandatory Training Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

Officers: CADPAT

23 OCT 2023 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Appropriate Civilian Attire
25 OCT 2023 Wednesday Mandatory Training Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

Officers: CADPAT

30 OCT 2023 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Appropriate Civilian Attire

See each of you on Wednesday evening.

D Couroux

Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS


Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2023/24-03 – Week 3 17SEP2022

17 September 2023

RO Number
2023/24 – 03

CO’s Message

Welcome to week 3 809!


This week marks the start of regular training.    Annual Validation Forms and Cadet Codes of Conducts are due to be returned this week.


To all the cadets that took part in Level 4 training, I hope you had a great time and I’m looking forward to hearing about it.


To the officer and cadet attending the Decoration Day Ceremony, thanks for taking part.


On to this week



809 Officer and Senior Cadet Staff positions


Commanding Officer (CO):

Deputy Commanding Office (DCO):

Training Officer (TrgO):

Assistant Training Officer (ATrgO):

Administration Officer (AdminO):

Supply Officer (SupO):

Squadron Warrant Officer:

Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer:




Where: Squadron HQ

When: 20SEP2023

Who: All Cadets and Staff

Dress: C5 (cadets), CADPAT (officers), Golf Shirt & Khaki’s (CI’s/CV’s)

Duty Officer:



Training Night Schedule (From SRO’s)


Parade Night Timetable
Begins Ends Period
18:15 18:30 Building Open, Parade Set-Up
18:30 18:45 Uniform Inspection/Opening Parade
18:45 19:20 Period 1
19:25 20:00 Period 2
20:00 20:15 Break
20:15 20:50 Period 3
20:50 21:00 Clean-Up Trg Areas/Parade
21:00 21:15 Closing Parade
21:15 21:30 Building Closed



Levels 1& 2 PO/EO M107.01

(includes M207.01)

M130.02 M108.01
Description Discuss Year 1 and 2 Training Describe the Main Components of an Airplane Adopt the Positions of Attention, Stand At Ease and Stand Easy
Levels 3 & 4 PO/EO M307.01

(includes M407.01)

C208.01 M303.01
Description Identify Proficiency Level 3 and 4 Training Opportunities Practice Ceremonial Drill as a Review Define the Role of a Team Leader


Note: If you cannot make it to a mandatory cadet activity, or one that you’ve signed up to attend, you need to call the squadron @ 905-468 7584 and leave a message, or send an email to,  indicating your reason for not attending.    Failure to do so will result in being marked as absent without excuse and will affect your standings towards training. 


September Events


  1. Monday Night NCO Training:


All Monday night activities for the month of September will be geared towards senior NCO development.    As a completment to the Level 4 training being offered this Saturday by the NGTA, we will be going over classroom instruction, drill instruction and leadership skills.    All level 4’s and 5’s are to attend.    All other levels are not required for this training and have Monday nights off until October.


  1. Fish Fry


The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thusrsday nights.    This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration.   All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Katleen Kells by email.   Include your phone number, cell phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out.   Ms Kell’s email is



This Week’s Activities:

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
18 Sep 2023 Monday Level 4 and Level 5 Training Squadron HQ Appropriate Civilian Attire
20 Sep 2023 Wednesday Mandatory Training Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

Officers: CADPAT

25 SEP 2023 Monday Level 4 and Level 5 Training Squadron HQ Appropriate Civilian Attire
27 Sep 2023 Wednesday Mandatory Training Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

Officers: CADPAT

Upcoming October Activities:

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
01 Oct 2023


Saturday Gliding Niagara Region Airport Appropriate Civilian Attire
13 Oct 2023 – 15 Oct 2023 Weekend Exercise Niagara Challenger Chippewa Creek CA Cadets: FTU’s

Officers: CADPAT

See each of you on Wednesday evening.

D Couroux

Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS


Glider & Power Pilot Training Courses – Online Ground School Registration

Good afternoon 809 Squadron,

Exciting news – Online Ground School (OGS) registration for both Glider and Power Pilot Training Courses is now taking applicants.   The deadline for signing up is  15OCT2023.

Cadets must complete 45 hours of OGS and write the qualifying exam by the deadline of 15JAN2024, or they will not be considered in the selection process.

Please note, you can only register for Glider or Power, not both.

You must also have the following:

  • A working CCO Email
  • Reliable internet connection & computer
  • For Glider – You must b 16 before the end of the summer course
  • For Power – You must be 17 before the end of the summer course

This is a pretty tough and demanding course.   You must be dedicated to putting the time in to study if you’re going to be successful in being selected to take part in the flying programs.   If you’re selected, the squadron will do everything it can to support you in your training.

This is why most people become Air Cadets.   Let me know by email if you’re interested.

Lt D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

CJCR Dress Instructions

Good morning 809 Squadron,

Last night during the parent information session, it was requested that information be posted regarding the updated Cadet & Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR)  Dress Instructions. The following links will take you to the official information on, the website for Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers.

Dress instructions – This is the full document:
Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group (CJCR Gp) Dress Instructions –

These are the sections you’ll most likely be looking for on the most frequent basis:

Dress And Appearance
Chapter 2 Dress and Appearance Section 1 Dress –

Appearance (hair, piercings, tatoos etc) – Please note that there is a specific reference for ceremonial wear uniform in this section (whenever a cadet wears C1)
Section 2 Appearance –

Orders of Dress
Chapter 6 Orders of Dress Section 1 General –

Insignia (Ranks, placement of badges, awards and medals)
Chapter 3 Insignia Section 1 Guidelines –

809’s website will be updated with these links for future reference.   If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.

Lt D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

BBQ & Parental Info Session – Tonight

Good afternoon,
A quick reminder, and as mentioned in our previous WRO’s, we’re having a welcome back BBQ and a parental information session tonight. Parents, we’ll be going over the goals and events for the 2023-24 training year, expectations of all members of the 809 family and hopefully answer some questions you may have. So, cadets, feel free to bring the entire family for burgers and dogs tonight. And, also, bring friends that may be interested in joining the squadron! See you all tonight.

Lt D. Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Monday Night Senior NCO Training

Good afternoon,

Reminder that tonight will be for Levels 4 and 5 cadets only.    Bring a note book and pen.  Also bring your boots with you (don’t wear them) and also bring your shining kit.

Timing: 1900-2100hrs
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire
Location: Squadron HQ

Lt D. Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2023/24-02 – Week 2 09SEP2022

09 September 2023

RO Number
2023/24 – 02

CO’s Message
Welcome Back 809!

After a long, and I hope fun, summer break, I’d like to welcome you back by having a Squadron BBQ this upcoming Wednesday evening.   More information is down below

The staff and myself are looking forward to seeing all of you and hearing the stories of how you spent your summer.

This year is going to start off in quick fashion as we have several events already scheduled for the month of September.

We’ve also had our first bottle drive for the year this past Saturday.   Thanks to all the Cadets and Parents that came out to help.   We had a great showing.

A reminder to all cadets that attended last Wednesday’s parade night.   Make sure to have your cadet code of conduct, and your Annual Validation Form reviewed, signed and returned this week.   For everyone that missed last week,  see me on Wednesday for your forms

Let’s begin.

809 Officer and Senior Cadet Staff positions

Commanding Officer (CO):
Deputy Commanding Office (DCO):
Training Officer (TrgO):
Assistant Training Officer (ATrgO):
Administration Officer (AdminO):
Supply Officer (SupO):
Squadron Warrant Officer:
Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer:

Where: Squadron HQ
When: 13SEP2023
Who: All Cadets and Staff
Dress: C5 (cadets), CADPAT (officers), Golf Shirt & Khaki’s (CI’s/CV’s)
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

Training Night Schedule (From SRO’s)

Parade Night Timetable
Begins Ends Period
18:15 18:30 Building Open, Parade Set-Up
18:30 18:45 Uniform Inspection/Opening Parade
18:45 19:20 Period 1
19:25 20:00 Period 2
20:00 20:15 Break
20:15 20:50 Period 3
20:50 21:00 Clean-Up Trg Areas/Parade
21:00 21:15 Closing Parade
21:15 21:30 Building Closed


There are no classes this Wednesday night.   Instead, we’ll be having a welcome back BBQ
Please invite your parents, siblings and friends to take part.   We’d especially like to meet any of your friends that would be interested in joining the squadron.

For those of you who don’t know, there is an award to be presented at the end of the year for the top recruiter.   Let’s see who that will be.

There will be a parent information meeting on Wednesday as well.   So, please make sure to encourage your parents to come.

Note: If you cannot make it to a mandatory cadet activity, or one that you’ve signed up to attend, you need to call the squadron @ 905-468 7584 and leave a message, or send an email to,  indicating your reason for not attending.    Failure to do so will result in being marked as absent without excuse and will affect your standings towards training. 

September Events

1. Level 4 Area Directed Activity

Where: Robert Land Academy
When: Sunday, September 17 – 0900-1400
Who: All level 4 cadets
Dress: C5 (FTU)
Transportation: Parental Drop Off
Special instructor training to be delivered by NGTA Staff.  See email sent to all level cadets on Sunday, September 10.

2. Monday Night NCO Training:

All Monday night activities for the month of September will be geared towards senior NCO development.    As a completment to the Level 4 training being offered this Saturday by the NGTA, we will be going over classroom instruction, drill instruction and leadership skills.    All level 4’s and 5’s are to attend.    All other levels are not required for this training and have Monday nights off until October.
3. 124 Branch Royal Canadian Legion – Decoration Day:

Where: Niagara Lakeshore Cemetery – 1483 Lakeshore Rd, NOTL
When: Sunday, September 17 @ 1340hrs (1:30pm)
Who: All cadets and staff
OIC: Lt Couroux
Dress: Cadets – C1A, Officers – 1A, Civilians – Business Formal

809 Newark RCACS will assist 124 Nelles Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion (our main sponsor) by providing a marching contingent to salute and honour the Veterans of Niagara On The Lake who served their country and have since passed away.

The squadron will assemble at 1340 hrs in C1A at the cemetery

This Week’s Activities:

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
11 Sep 2023 Monday Level 4 and Level 5 Training Squadron HQ Appropriate Civilian Attire
13 Sep 2023 Wednesday Welcome Back BBQ & Parent Meeting Squadron HQ Cadets: C5

Officers: CADPAT

17 Sep 2023 Sunday Level 4 ADA Training Robert Land Academy C5
17 Sep 2023 Sunday Decoration Day Niagara Lakeshore Cemetery Cadets: C1A

Officers: 1A

Upcoming October Activities:

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
01 Oct 2023 Saturday Gliding Niagara Region Airport Appropriate Civilian Attire
13 Oct 2023 – 15 Oct 2023 Weekend Exercise Niagara Challenger Chippewa Creek CA Cadets: FTU’s

Officers: CADPAT


I’m looking forward to starting an exciting new training year.   See each of you on Wednesday evening.

D Couroux

Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS


Bottle Drop Off – Saturday, September 9



Good evening 809 Squadron,

809 Newark RCACS is conducting the first of 3 Bottle Drop Off’s this Saturday morning.   This is a major fundraiser for the unit and all members are required to attend.    Cadets, bring your parents, siblings and friends to help out. It’s a lot of work as well, and the more people we have helping out, the easier the job will be.

We depend greatly on the funds that these bottle drop offs provide.  In order to keep the program free we need everyone, including cadets, parents, staff and SSC members, to provide some sweat equity. To all the adults,  if you have a truck you can bring along for the day, please do. It will help us in transporting the bottles back to VanNoorts.   Make sure you wear something that is appropriate for the weather, yet you don’t mind getting dirty. Please be at VanNoorts Greenhouse no later than 0830 to receive instructions and so that we can have everyone out to their stations by 0900hrs.

Make sure you bring water with you for the morning. Pizza will be laid on after we’re finished up for the day.

What: Cadet Bottle Drop Off
When: Saturday, September 9 @ 0830hrs until approx 1400hrs
Where: VanNoorts Greenhouse (Corner of Hunter Rd & Four Mile Creek Rd)
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire

Any questions, please forward them over to myself

Lt Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS


Correction to 2023-24 Training Year Start – Wednesday, September 6

Please note that there were 2 errors on the previous post, which has now been corrected.

Dress should be C3B
Our 1st parade night is on Wednesday Sept 6.

This is how it should read:

Welcome Back 809 Squadron,

I hope you all had a great summer.   I know I did.  However, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone back at cadets.   Our first day back is this Wednesday (September 6).    Dress for the evening will be C3B.    For those of you who don’t remember, the orders of dress can be found on our website, here:

Air Cadet Uniform – Numbered Orders of Dress (2019) | 809 Newark (

Seeing that this is our first night back, we do have some administrative details to look after.   So, make sure that you bring in your health cards and proof of citizenship/residency.

Make sure you put the word out to any of your friends (from 12-18)  that we’re recruiting.   If you think may benefit from the program, please invite them out.

Timing is 1830-2115
Wednesday, September 6
Croatian National Centre, 1416 Line 3, NOTL

Attendance is mandatory. This is a training night.

See you on  Wednesday,

Lt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS