Author Archives: Capt. Couroux

Future Pilots – Watch This: A Conversation with Captain Matthew Kutryk, CF-18 Pilot

I thought this would be interesting for anyone who plans on becoming a pilot.

Captain Kutryk was a cadet at 551 Whitehorse Lions Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron and 341 Mundare Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Mundare, Alberta. He spent three years as a Civilian Instructor, gliding at the Villeneuve Cadet Flying Site in support of the familiarization flying program before joining the Canadian Armed Forces in 2006.

This session was coordinated by the Regional Cadet Support Unit Northwest Air Operations section as an online training opportunity for cadets this summer.

Cadets Canada – Remembrance Day 2020

A message from our Commander:

“I am incredibly proud of the small, yet meaningful gestures and actions cadets and JCRs take to show their respect for veterans and their sacrifices. You are clearly demonstrating that the next generation of Canadian leaders will not forget those who gave their lives to defend the values that define Canada.”

Commodore Kurtz, Commander CJCR

Safety Details for the Return of 809 Sqn

Good evening everyone,
Attached is a copy of the COVID-19 Safety Plan. Please note the following:

1/ Everyone must complete the COVID 19 Self Assessment prior to leaving for cadets.
It’s located at:

Also, please complete the attendance tracker for in-person activities found at this link before arriving:

2/ If for any reason you’re feeling ill, don’t come to cadets. Fill in the attendance form, indicating your ill, and also call the squadron @ 905-468-7584.

3/ There’s a staggered start as follows:
1810 = Staff
1820 = Level 5
1830 = Level 4
1840 = Level 3
1850 = Level 1 & 2

4/ You must wear a mask while indoors and follow the protocols set out in the COVID-19 Safety plan

5/ Parents, please drop your cadet off at the door. Access is restricted to Staff Members and Cadets only. Please remain in your car and wait for about 10 mins. This way if a cadet needs to return home, they’ll still have a ride waiting. The same goes for picking up your cadet upon completion of the parade night.  Capt Lemoine will be reaching out to parents to go over this in detail

6/ Upon entering the building, you’ll meet the Duty Officer & Duty NCO who will check you in. They’ll verify that you’ve completed the attendance tracker and ask you if you’ve completed the COVID-19 Self Assessment.

For other details, please ask or refer to the COVID-19 Safety Plan. See you Wednesday.

OCdt Couroux
DCO/COVID-19 Safety Officer

Virtual Training Starts Wednesday, October 7 @ 1845hrs

Good evening 809.

Finally, we’re back.

We’ve been approved to start virtual training.   Our first night back will be on Wednesday, October 7 @ 1845 hrs.   Training will be conducted virtually through Google Meet.

All attendees will need to register via the virtual attendance form.

Please check your emails.   Each cadet should’ve been sent an invitation to accept your new email.   You will be needing to activate your account to get access to virtual training.  You will also need access to a computer with a camera and microphone.  If you’re not able to access your 809cadets email, or you don’t have access to the required hardware, please reach out to us to let us know.  We have resources available to help you out.

THIS IS A PARADE NIGHT. Order of dress for the evening is as follows:

Senior NCO’s = C3B

Junior NCO’s & Cadets = C3F

Authorized haircuts and shaven appearance as per the dress regs, along with presentable uniforms, are expected.  For more information, please consult the regs under the resources page

Schedule for the evening is as follows:

Period 1: 1845-1920 = All Levels = CO’s Welcome Back Presentation

Period 2: 1920-1955 = Break out into levels 1-4 = Presentations by Level Officers

Period 3: 2015-2050 = Individual level trainings 1-4 = Presentations/Classes by Level NCO’s

If you anticipate that you will have problems attending the virtual training, whether technical or otherwise, please reach out to either myself or Capt Lemoine.  My email is   Capt Lemoine’s email is

See you all Wednesday


OCdt Couroux
DCO / Level 3 OIC