Author Archives: Capt. Couroux

Correction: Canada’s Wonderland Excursion – Saturday May 28 0745hrs – 2000hrs

For everyone going on the Wonderland excursion on Saturday morning, just a reminder of a few items:

  1. Be at the Squadron Headquarters no later than 0745.   We expect to return to by around 2000 (8pm).
  2. Dress in civilian attire, appropriate for the weather.   Right now, the forecast is showing as Sunny with a temperature of about 20degrees.  You may want to bring some sunscreen.
  3. Bring spending money with you.   The squadron is covering your travel, entry into the park, fast passes for the day, lunch and a refillable drink.   Anything beyond this is your responsibility.
  4. Bring your facemask.   As a cadet, you’ll be required to where this throughout the day.
  5. Bring your health card – Very important.    You can’t attend if you don’t have this with you.

For those of you that did sign up, see you Saturday AM.

Lt Couroux,

Familiarization Flight Reminder – Saturday, 07MAY2022, 0700hrs

Good evening,

Sorry about the late message.   Here’s a quick reminder to the cadets taking part in tomorrow’s familiarization flight.

  1. MANDATORY: Be at the squadron headquarters no later than 0700 tomorrow AM (07MAY2022)
  2. MANDATORY: Wear the appropriate uniform (C5 is the dress of the day.   If you don’t have a complete C5 uniform, C3B is permitted – also providing it’s complete.   Last resort = black pants & white shirt)
  3. MANDATORY: Wear your issued face mask
  4. MANDATORY: Bring your provincial health card
  5. MANDATORY: Bring a bottle of water and snacks for the day,
  6. SUGGESTED: Bring something to do on the bus
  7. SUGGESTED: Bring a phone or camera so that you can take pics of your experience

Please be advised, failure to follow the MANDATORY directions WILL result in being turned away.   The SUGGESTED items are not required, however they will make your day much more enjoyable.  I will have a COVID screening declaration for you to sign once you arrive.

Please remind your parents to stick around after they drop you off, until they’re released, so that we can make sure they’re available to bring you home should the need arises.

I’m not sure when we’re returning, so please advise your parents that I’ll be asking each of you to call home when we’ve left London for home, which is about a 2hr warning.  I’ll then get you to call them when we’re about 1/2hr out from the headquarters so they can meet you when we arrive.

Have a great evening everyone.  I’m looking forward to an exciting day of flying with each of you tomorrow.


Lt Couroux

Air Cadet Lottery

Dear 809 family and friends,

I hope you are doing well during these unique times! Thank you for your continued support of our youth Air Cadets. As always, the Air Cadet program provides unmatched leadership development, life-changing experiences, and enhanced aviation training. While we ensure the safety of our cadets and communities, this year’s lottery has been transitioned online. The funds raised through this lottery help us provide this amazing program to the youth of our community.

This year’s lottery has $100,900.00 in cash prizes to be won, including an early bird prize of $4,500 and a grand prize of $58,000. The early bird draw is April 1st and the grand prize draw is April 29th. Tickets are only $10! Please consider supporting us in one of the following ways. ·

  1. ·         Purchase your tickets today – Buy Ticket Here
  2. ·         Share with your friends and family


Thank you for the continued support.




Cory Abt

SSC Chair 809 Air Cadet Squadron

Message from our SSC Chair – Parental Help Needed – Bottle Drive – Saturday January 8

Dear Proud Parent of a Cadet,

Hoping your holiday season has been great, and that 2022 will be better times for all!

This Saturday January 8th we are having our bottle drive for 809 Squadron.  This is a big fund raiser for us and helps to fund the entire program.  During non Covid times this is a mandatory event for cadets and strongly encourage for the rest of the family to pitch in and help.  The squadrons working orders are that in person cadet activity is not sanctioned at this time but life must go on.  We need your help to make this fundraiser work.

Saturday Jan 8th

8:30am – 1:30pm

We will have 3 drop off locations that need to be manned and we will need a crew out at the VanNoorts Greenhouse to sort and package.

2-3 trailers will be needed to service these locations

If you could reply right away with the number of family members that can help that would be great…the sooner the better.

Please respond to me directly at  or my cellphone 289-687-7050.

All the best,

Cory Abt

Chair, 809 Squadron Sponsoring Committee


Happy Holidays!

809 Newark Squadron celebrated the season with it’s 2nd Virtual Mess Dinner. Have a fun and safe holiday season everyone. Best wishes to everyone’s families. We’re hoping to see you all again, in person, in the new year.

Reminder – Christmas Mess Dinner – We need you to sign up

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that we need everyone to sign up tonight if they plan on attending this year’s virtual mess dinner.    Here’s the initial post from Wednesday night:

2021 Christmas Mess Dinner – Sign up required by Friday, December 17, 2200hrs (10pm)

In: Mess Dinner

Good evening 809 Sqn,

It’s time for our Annual Christmas Mess Dinner. As with last year, this year’s mess dinner will be a virtual event with dinner to be served at your house. Dinner will be on Wednesday, December 22, timing and details to be published on the next WRO’s. Please sign up by Friday, December 17 @ 10pm if you plan to attend so we know how many dinners to provide (both cadets and staff please).    Please note, this is still regarded as a mandatory training night.  Remember, you need to be logged in to view the sign up sheet.

Event Sign-ups | 809 Newark (



2021 Christmas Mess Dinner – Sign up required by Friday, December 17, 2200hrs (10pm)

Good evening 809 Sqn,

It’s time for our Annual Christmas Mess Dinner. As with last year, this year’s mess dinner will be a virtual event with dinner to be served at your house. Dinner will be on Wednesday, December 22, timing and details to be published on the next WRO’s. Please sign up by Friday, December 17 @ 10pm if you plan to attend so we know how many dinners to provide (both cadets and staff please).    Please note, this is still regarded as a mandatory training night.  Remember, you need to be logged in to view the sign up sheet.

Event Sign-ups | 809 Newark (