Author Archives: 809 Newark RCACS

September Training, Registration & Welcome BBQ

We hope you are enjoying the last two weeks of summer vacation.  The Sponsors and Staff have been working through the summer to make some important updates to the training area and calendar of events. We know you’ll like them!

We start cadet training on Wednesday the 9th of September at 630pm at the Old Virgil Public School (same as last year). Dress for the first Wednesday back is UNIFORM: SUMMER C2-B. This night is for new and returning cadets.

Our Welcome BBQ for everyone is the following Wednesday, the 16th September at 630pm. Bring your parents, siblings and friends (especially those who want to join the best youth program in town!)

Registration fee of $150.00 is due at this time. Your first night – cheques to be made payable to 809 Newark Squadron Air Cadets. PARENTS: new this year – you MUST bring in the cheque/cash directly to our Sponsor Treasurer. You will be given a receipt (to be used for the Child Fitness Tax Credit). You will be issued your Lottery Tickets at this time as well.  No cash/cheques are to be sent with cadets or given to Staff Members. If you have questions about this new policy, please speak with the Commanding Officer on a Wednesday night.


BOTTLE DRIVE: mark your calendars NOW! The Fall bottle drive is SATURDAY the 12th of September. We will need EVERYONE for the WHOLE day. Timings: 9am-4pm. Dress: Sqn t-shirt, ball cap (we have these for those who did not receive one), jeans and cadet parka depending on the weather. Lunch is provided. PARENTS: we need drivers to help pick up bottles and to sort and load them to the Beer Store for return.

NCO TRG WKND WITH 79 SQN: for the Level 3-5‘s we have a NEW activity this year. Following the completion of the bottle drive on the 12th, we will be having an NCO trg day with 79 Port Colbourne Squadron at our LHQ. So bring your sleeping bag and pillow, and join us for a sleepover and some fun and challenging activities to get you ready for your transition into your new leadership roles at the squadron. The program will run from 4pm on Saturday the 12th of September to 4pm on Sunday the 13th of September. Please plan to attend!




Good Day All,


 Note: the original Thorold drop point (2201 St. David’s Rd) is NOT accessible this weekend for any bus drop offs.

 New Drop Point: The bus must now stop one minute down the road at Glenridge Quarry Naturalization Site @ 400 St. David’s Rd, St. Catharines ON L2T 4C2

 This affects the following busses and CTCs:

 1834A – Toronto

5424 A/B/C/D – Blackdown

6402A – Connaught

8400A/B – Trenton

 Please ensure your drivers/buses/escorts are aware of this change and drop off the cadets at the revised location.

 The WOA detachment will coordinate further dissemination of this information to the applicable units.

 Thank you,

Jonathan John

Captain / capitaine

 RC Transportation Officer 3, Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central)

Department of National Defence / Government of Canada / Tel: 705-424-1200 ex 7064 / CSN: 270-7064


Please be advised cadets volunteering at the Airport Fest in NOTL on Sat are not required at the airport until 1130am and they will be released as soon as possible after 5pm.  Timings for the event are 12-5pm.

We currently have 9 cadets signed up to help – we need at least another 3-6. Please email me if you can help out!

Make sure you bring something to eat for lunch – and a water bottle. It’s going to be a great afternoon, but you’ll need to stay hydrated. Dress is UNIFORM – summer dress (no tunic or tie).

Capt M Palumbo from SOGC will be on-site for the day with the Glider – make sure you ask him lots of questions!



Group Itinerary RETURN TRAVEL

Please LOG IN to review the GROUP ITINERARY for RETURN TRAVEL from ALL summer trg sites.

Please take care to check the ARRIVAL time of the bus that your cadet is traveling on and to CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY, should you wish to change your cadet’s method of transportation from PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY to BUS.

I sincerely hope that each cadet returns with many happy memories of summer training and has lots of stories and experience to share with the squadron: beginning at Airport Fest on Sat 15 Aug (this Sat) – we still need cadets! Timings are 10-4pm – check previous posts for more info.


To date, we do not have enough volunteers. We were hoping for 10-15 cadets to help support this local event  – we have 5. Please give me your name via email: if you can help out.

The event is this Sat from 10-4pm at the NOTL Airport. Dress is summer trg – see previous post for details.

Thank you in advance for your help at this event!

NOTL Airport Fest Volunteers needed – UPDATE

Calling all cadets: we need your help!

Airport Fest is Saturday 15 August at the NOTL Airport. As this is our own local airport, we need as many cadets as we can get! We will be in charge of security, parking and other tasks as assigned. **Cadets will be on the AVIATION SIDE only. PARENTS: we need your help for parking. If you are free, please consider giving us a few hours of your time.**  The day begins at 9am with a briefing, with the venue open to the public at 10am. The day should end around 4pm (to be confirmed). There will be many airplanes – including our very own Glider! – Food trucks, and various other aviation related displays. You will be able to see all of them – for free!

Dress: uniform – summer – C2B (check out the website for a photo of what you should look like)

Please send me your Rank, Last Name, First Name via email ASAP if you are able to participate. These hours count toward your high school volunteer requirements: 

More details to come. I will update the website as the info becomes available.


Summer Training Reminder

Good Afternoon All,
We would like to remind you that all cadets MUST have the signed Offer of Participation in their possession in order to attend their course.  Cadets need them if they are being dropped off by a parent and they will not be allowed on their bus if they do not have them in their possession.
Last year there was some leniency with this but this year the cadets will not be boarding the bus without it.
Thank you, and have a great weekend.
Lt Shannon Westlake
Area Cadet Advisor (Air), RCSU Central Det London
Department of National Defence / Government of Canada
Tel: 519-660-5275 ext. 5011 / CSN: 625-5011 / Fax: 519-660-5487 / Cell: 519-520-3044

Individual Travel Itineraries SUMMER TRG 6 wk courses

Please see below the individual travel itineraries for the first intake of 6 week course cadets. I apologize for the late post, I have been unsuccessful in downloading them before tonight.

I do not currently have any additional summer training selections. I will advise you should any become available asap.

You must be LOGGED IN to read the names below. There are 3 cadets travelling this wknd – 1 on Sat and 2 on Sun. Bus timings and details as well as PDF copies of your individual itinerary are listed below. All buses depart from 2201 St David’s Rd (enter off Merrittville Hwy – parking lot immediately to right upon entry).

REMEMBER: you need your HEALTH CARD, CADET TRANSPORTATION FORM and a copy of your OFFER OF PARTICIPATION [signed by you and your parent(s)] to board the bus. Travel is in uniform – no tunic. Read your Joining Instructions before you leave. Pack according to the kit list. I or another member of the squadron staff will be meeting each bus before it departs.



Air Cadet League 75th Anniversary Poster Contest

This is a reminder that all cadets across Canada have an opportunity to share their artistic talent in celebrating the upcoming 75th anniversary of the ACLC by producing an 11″ x 17″ poster and submitting it in a nationwide contest. As added incentive, there is prize money at the National level for 1st ($500), 2nd ($300), and 3rd ($200) place.

Individual squadrons are to judge their cadets’ submissions, and send the winning poster to the Ontario Provincial Committee for further judging. In Ontario, the deadline for submission of posters originally set as June 30 has been extended to Oct 15, 2015 in order to benefit from the summer months.  (In the event your squadron has completed the judging already, please send the poster in).

 Judging of all submissions received from Ontario squadrons will take place at the AGM scheduled for 31 October. The winning cadet from the Ontario Provincial Committee’s entries will have an opportunity to attend the national Air Cadet Leadership Symposium in Ottawa (along with 5 other selected Ontario cadets and a total of 40 from across Canada) in November 18-22 – travel and accommodation expenses paid.

 The winning poster will be then be submitted to Ottawa to be judged at the National Air Cadet League Semi Annual Meeting in mid-November.

Additional information is also available on the ACLC website at this link:

Canada Day Volunteers Needed

The Rotary Club of NOTL needs our help. Please see details below. Capt Lemoine and OCdt Couroux will be supervising. DRESS: Cadets: Routine Trg Dress C2B (blue dress shirt with rank epaulettes, wedge, blue pants, grey socks, parade boots, belt, nametag, undress ribbons). Staff: equivalent.

The schedule for Canada Day is:

  • Pop sales:  11:00 a.m. – l:00 p.m. or l:00 – 3:00 p.m. Cadets should come to Simcoe Park and report to Martin or Ruth at the Rotary BBQ section.
  • Cake Parade: 2pm. They should come to Simcoe Park at the Shelter Box and report to Betty or Ruth.

Please contact Capt Lemoine directly at – include your Rank and Last Name. We need approximately 2-4 cadets per area per shift (6-12 total). Remember to bring your high school volunteer sheets for Capt Lemoine to sign-off on.