Author Archives: 809 Newark RCACS

Staff Cadet (3 of 3) & Six Week Course Travel Orders

**You must be SIGNED IN to view the information below.** NOTE NEW BUS PICK-UP/DROP-OFF LOCATION FOR THIS SUMMER**

Staff Cadet:  for travel orders for this cadet:

Course Cadets: for travel orders for these cadets:  

Do NOT be late. PRINT AND SIGN a TRANSPORTATION FORM Cdt CTC Transportation Form (or from Joining Instructions) & bring it along with your HEALTH CARD to the bus pick-up. Capt Palumbo will have a copy of your OFFER OF PARTICIPATION with her to give you before you board the bus.

BUS PICK UP NEW LOCATION: Pen Centre parking lot behind Walmart (Old Target) in North West Corner. See map here: 2016 Pen Parking NEW BUS PICK UP

Staff Cadet (2 of 3) Travel Orders

**You must be SIGNED IN to view the information below.**

Staff Cadets:  (no other orders to date) for travel orders for these cadets:

Do NOT be late. PRINT AND SIGN a TRANSPORTATION FORM Cdt CTC Transportation Form (or from Joining Instructions) & bring it along with your HEALTH CARD to the bus pick-up. Capt Palumbo will have a copy of your OFFER OF PARTICIPATION with her to give you before you board the bus.

BUS PICK UP NEW LOCATION: Pen Centre parking lot behind Walmart (Old Target) in North West Corner. See map here: 2016 Pen Parking NEW BUS PICK UP

Summer Training (Travel Orders & Briefing)

To date, no travel orders (itineraries) have been published to FORTRESS for our cadets. I will be checking the site daily, and forward them asap. There are currently no new Summer Training Offers of Participation either.

Please find the SUMMER TRAINING PARENT BRIEFING here: Summer Training Presentation 2016

It includes information about logging into the portal for Joining Instructions. The portal website:

Please direct any questions to

Thank you

Capt Palumbo

Parent Briefing & CSC COC

Duty Officer
Lt Russell

C1: All cadets


Summer Training Briefing begins at 1840 (6:40pm). All parents of cadets selected for summer training are required to attend.

Change of Command Parade for Cadet Squadron Commander begins at 2000 (8:00pm). Parents are encouraged to attend. Join us as we celebrate our outgoing and incoming CSC & DCSC. Cake & drinks for everyone.


Bottle Drop-Off & Sort

Cadets and Parents are welcome to help out on Sat 11 Jun 16 from 830am-1pm at VanNoort Greenhouses – on the corner of Hunter & Creek Rds in NOTL.

Time spent will count toward high school volunteer hours. This is an optional activity open to all. NO driving – just sorting and packing of the truck. Sponsoring Committee members will be on hand to direct volunteers.


Don’t forget: sports tonight. 7-9pm. We need to practice so we can take on 62 Sqn next year. (We need to beat them next year at the NAG sports comp) 🙂

This will be our LAST Monday night for the training year.

TONIGHT: you can bring in any waivers missing for the Level 4,5,6 trip this wknd; return any kit issued over the annual wknd; exchange uniform parts for summer training needs (be issued additional ones as well).

DON”T FORGET: Parent Briefing Wednesday night (645pm) for any cadets attending summer training and the Cadet Squadron Commander Change of Command Parade (8pm) (followed by cake and pop)


ANNUAL CEREMONIAL REVIEW PARADE tomorrow SAT 4 Jun 16 – Cadets arrive at 9am for practice. Parents please join us at 1030am. There will be reserved seating for our local dignitaries, Reviewing party, award presenters and families of graduating cadets. Otherwise, seating is on a first come basis. No3 VIRGIL FIRE HALL on CONCESSION 6.

DRESS: C-1 for the parade. Cadets are to arrive in C2B (what they wore on Wed) – their blue dress cadet shirt, pants, socks, belt, wedge, boots, & rank slip-ons. They are to BRING their tunic & tie on a hanger. Make sure their name tag and any pins or medals (full size) are attached.

The parade format is as follows: parade display followed a viewing of the static displays then a BBQ luncheon. You are welcome to join for the luncheon – no cost.

PARKING: please do not park to the LEFT of the Fire Hall – this must be reserved in case of fire for the Virgil volunteer firemen. Park on the road, or to the right of the hall.

NOTE: this parade is a mandatory event. Every cadet must attend in order to complete their level training.

Annual Ceremonial Review: Banquet & Parade

Cadets & Parents:

ANNUAL CADET AWARDS BANUET: tomorrow FRI 3 Jun 16 – arrive at 630pm, dinner starts at 7pm. (doors will not open before 630) The evening should conclude by 915pm. NOTL COMMUNITY CENTRE on Hwy 55. 

If you have not paid for your tickets, please pay at the door. There are no additional tickets available at the door other than those already reserved. See Mrs Lett.  $15 per adult & sibling 12 & over; $10 for siblings 11 & under. Cash or cheque only.

DRESS: semi-formal (no uniforms).  Suit and tie or dress shirt & tie with dress pants is expected for the males. Females: equivalent (dress, or blouse with dress pants). Please be mindful of skirt length and neckline. Do not wear business casual (khaki pants & a golf shirt).

Dinner is buffet, served by the staff. WOI Chikombero will direct you as to how to proceed. Please find enough seats to accommodate your family – moving place settings is perfectly fine.

ANNUAL CEREMONIAL REVIEW PARADE this SAT 4 Jun 16 – Cadets arrive at 9am for practice. Parents please join us at 1030am. There will be reserved seating for our local dignitaries, Reviewing party, award presenters and families of graduating cadets. Otherwise, seating is on a first come basis. No3 VIRGIL FIRE HALL on CONCESSION 6.

DRESS: C-1 for the parade. Cadets are to arrive in C2B (what they wore on Wed) – their blue dress cadet shirt, pants, socks, belt, wedge, boots, & rank slip-ons. They are to BRING their tunic & tie on a hanger. Make sure their name tag and any pins or medals (full size) are attached.

The parade format is as follows: parade display followed a viewing of the static displays then a BBQ luncheon. You are welcome to join for the luncheon – no cost.

PARKING: please do not park to the LEFT of the Fire Hall – this must be reserved in case of fire for the Virgil volunteer firemen. Park on the road, or to the right of the hall.

NOTE: this parade is a mandatory event. Every cadet must attend in order to complete their level training.








Duty Officer
Capt Palumbo

C2B: EVERYONE – dress rehearsal for Saturday. If the weather is like it was last wknd, we will be in short order for the parade Sat. So, tonight wear your blue dress shirt (iron it!) so we can make sure you’ll look your best.