Remembrance Day Sunday Church Service Volunteers Needed

We need 5-10 cadet volunteers to form a colour party for Grace United Church Remembrance Day Service on Sunday, 9 Nov 14.

Dress: C-1

Timings: 1015am-1130am at Grace United Church, Niagara On The Lake

Capt Lemoine will meet you at the church and give further direction.

**Volunteer Cadets who would like to represent the Squadron for this important event are asked to email Capt Palumbo at or give their name on Wed night before closing parade. **


Parent Mtg WED: Summer Trg & March Break Trip

5 Nov 14: Summer Training Selections & March Break Trip to Washington 1830-2000hrs

Come to the briefing with these things:

1. A flyer has gone home with the summer training courses available for 2015. Using the flyer, CIRCLE the three choices, #1, #2, #3 and write their NAME on the top of the page.

2. know whether your cadet is applying for a NATIONAL course or not. This is listed on the flyer.

3. FOR MARCH BREAK PARTICIPANTS ONLY: $125.00 Deposit to guarantee your cadet’s attendance on the March Break Trip 2015.

** Parents please note: as of Thurs 30 Oct 14, we still have ONE male spot available for the trip without increasing the cost per cadet. If you would like this for your child, please email me at . In order to guarantee your cadet’s participation in this OPTIONAL trip, please bring the $125 deposit on Wed 5 Nov to the mtg.

Poppy Sales begin TODAY

Poppy Sales

Poppy Sales will take place TODAY Saturday November 1st and next Saturday November 8th. Meet at the Cadet building. CI Ruttan will be taking you to your location for Poppy Sales and providing you with your box.

Dress is FULL UNIFORM with Cadet Parka. If it is cold, you are authorized to wear your cadet toque instead of your wedge.

Please log in to check your schedule.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

For those cadets who expressed interest last night, the following link provides further information on the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme.

Duke of Edinburgh Award – Ontario Division

In order to pay and register for the award programme, the following process needs to be followed:

  1. Pay on-line at the Duke of Edinburgh Award On-line Payment page.
    • Select that you would like to use the on-line record book;
    • Indicate your level:
      14 year old cadets should select Bronze,
      15 year old cadets should select Silver,
      and 16+ year old cadets should select Gold;
    • Provide “RCACS 809 Newark” as your group;
    • Pay the $30 registration fee via the provided PayPal link.
  2. Register on-line at the Duke of Edinburgh Award On-line Registration page.
    • Indicate that you are registering as a new award participant and continue;
    • Select your award unit:
      International Region: Americas,
      Country: Canada,
      Operating Authority: Ontario,
      Sub-operating Authority: Central Ontario (L Postal Code),
      Award Unit: RCACS 809 Newark;
    • Complete your registration by providing relevant details and consent on the next page. (In order to streamline the administrative overhead of this process as much as possible, parents/guardians should submit their consent via email.)

Interested cadets will be meeting with me briefly on Monday evening to discuss next steps.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to approach me directly.

Capt Lemoine

Poppy Sales

Poppy Sales will take place on Saturday November 1 and 8, meeting at the Cadet building. CI Ruttan will be taking you to your location for Poppy Sales and providing you with your box.

Dress is FULL UNIFORM with Cadet Parka. If it is cold, you are authorized to wear your cadet toque instead of your wedge.

Please log in to check your schedule.

Wed Night Training

Bring your best uniform yet: polish your boots, iron your pants, get a haircut. Dress to impress.

Duty Officer
Capt Palumbo

  • Dress
    New Recruits: white shirt, black pants, tie OR C-3 Routine Training Dress (Check the dress regulations under CADETS – DRESS REGULATIONS-NUMBERED ORDERS OF DRESS page 5 on the website) – do not mix uniform with non-uniform clothing parts.
  • LAC, Cpl, FCpl: C-3
  • Sgt, FSgt, WOII: C-2

SPORTS TONIGHT!!! & Msg from Regional Cadet Officer: LCol MacMillan

Yes, you read it correctly – we are back at cadets TONIGHT! We missed you last Wed, so if you can come out tonight, wear your sports gear and come have some fun with your friends. 7-9pm

Msg below from LCol MacMillan, Regional Cadet Officer:

As outlined below by C Res & Cdts, effective today, the cadet program will resume its normal scheduled training activities throughout the province.  Obviously given the incidents last week, an increased awareness of our surroundings will be required in order to ensure the safety of our cadets.  Local unit leadership can certainly make decisions within their lane, as some did (cancelling their parade night) quickly in reaction to last week’s events.  
Training activities/competitions (PO 513, EC Trg, Music Clinics, etc) that were suspended late last week will be re-scheduled and updated information will be forthcoming in the next few days. 
As we move toward Remembrance Day activities, cadets obviously will be involved (selling poppies, involved with vigils and ceremonies), thus we need to maintain a high level of situational awareness.  No Cadet or JCR should be asked to participate in any activity if they, the leadership, or their parents are uncomfortable or feel unsafe.  Effective communicationwith our cadets, JCRs and their parents must ensure any concerns are addressed appropriately, at the proper level and in a timely manner. 
If there is any indication of an increased risk to the CCO, this will be reassessed.
J.A. MacMillan
Commanding Officer / Officier Commandant
Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central) / Unité Régional de Soutien aux Cadets (Centre)
PO Box 1000 Stn Main / CP 1000 Succ Main
Borden, Canada L0M 1C0


No Mon Night Trg

Cadet activities are still in suspension – 27 Oct included. At this time, we believe we will resume parading on Wed. Orders are anticipated tomorrow to clarify how we will move forward. Take this time to polish your boots, iron your pants and get a haircut. Be ready for Wed with your best uniform yet.

Message from the Chief of Defence Staff

Ladies and Gentlemen,

By now many of you will be aware of the incident today in which Corporal Nathan Cirillo was shot, and later died of his wounds. Corporal Cirillo fell while standing guard over Canada’s National War Memorial. This cowardly attack on our member, and on our institution – will not shake our resolve. It will in fact strengthen it.

 We will take appropriate precautionary measures as we move forward to reduce unnecessary risks, and we will continue our efforts to defend Canadians and Canadian interests, both at home and abroad, with steadfast resolve. We will not be deterred.

 On my order, the Commander of Canadian Joint Operations Command has issued direction for bases across Canada to increase local Force Protection measures as appropriate. In the National Capital Region, this resulted in the lock-down of all Canadian Armed Forces facilities. While this lock-down has since been lifted, beginning tomorrow members in the NCR have been instructed to not wear their uniforms when travelling to and from their places of work. This is to be a temporary measure.  The intent will be to resume wearing uniforms when transiting to and from our place of duty as soon as practicable.

 This order was not given lightly. As Canadian Armed Forces members, we wear our uniforms with pride and we will continue to do so. However, with the recent attack in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, in which we lost Warrant Officer Vincent, and with the shooting in Ottawa today, this is viewed as an appropriate and measured response.

  I have further instructed the CJOC Commander to develop and issue updated Force Protection instructions CAF-wide to include restricting access to DND bases and facilities. Additional information on this will be forthcoming. These orders build on other measures that have been implemented in recent days to increase security.

 In the days to come we will continue to monitor this space, and may take further action. The safety and security of our members, our families, and our civilian partners depend on this diligence.

I am proud of the work that you do, of the operational excellence that you demonstrate in service to our country, and of all that we are able to accomplish together. You, and your families, should be proud too.

TJ Lawson
Chief of Defence