Monday Night 7-9pm Range Team ONLY
Supply is open 7-8pm
Staff Meeting: 8-930pm Please note the time change.
Monday Night 7-9pm Range Team ONLY
Supply is open 7-8pm
Staff Meeting: 8-930pm Please note the time change.
Whether you are looking for a career change or just about to start one, come learn about different career paths the aviation industry has to offer:
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Saturday, 7 February 2015 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (EST)
Location: Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, 9280 Airport Rd, Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0
Promo code: CADET to be entered on the registration page The special rate of $24.99 is to cover the cost of good and beverages for the day
TO REGISTER visit or contact
Tara Jacobs, Event Coordinator, Annex Business Media
1-888-599-2223 ext. 213
This is not an Air Cadet League of Canada, OPC sponsored or DND supervised activity unless locally arranged.All details and links are provided with the intent to provide information and awareness.
Parent Briefing for March Break Trip and Training Update begins at 7pm in classroom #1.
INSTRUCTORS: take note of classroom changes; meet with Lt Russell to confirm where your class will take place.
Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine
C-3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl
C2: Sgt, FSgt, WOII
NEXT WEEK is a CO’s Parade. Get those uniforms up to standard – or better yet, set the standard for your peers. Polish those boots, iron your pants, get a haircut, shave.
Drill Team practice – 7-8pm
Range Team practice – 8-9pm
Dress: civilian appropriate; bring your drill boots and wedge for drill team.
Tonight and Wed night – bring in your 809 Sqn blue t-shirt for a re-do of the front and back, or to add your name on the back. No charge for painting. Need a new shirt? $5.00.
We placed 2nd in Volleyball and 3rd in Soccer, which earned us enough points to win 2nd Overall at the NAG Sports Competition.
Our Hand Ball team had some hard fought battles, but unfortunately were not able to surmount the dominant 87 Sqn team.
Congratulations to all our cadets – you played well, tried your best, and showed the other squadrons what true sportsmanship is all about.
NAG Sports Comp.
Bus provided from 809 Sqn LHQ to Dunnville Secondary School. 0645 meet at Sqn. 1700hrs pick up from Sqn.
Dress: 809 Sqn t-shirt, sports shorts, running shoes.
SPORTS: Volleyball, Indoor Soccer, Handball.
Lunch provided. Bring snacks, backpack and something to read in between games.
PARENTS: you are welcome to come watch and cheer! Directions on the event page. Come in the morning to avoid disappointment should our teams be knocked out early. Double-elimination tournament.
A letter to all Cadets from DCdts regarding flight safety/medical requirements for flying:
Flight safety is a priority concern, especially when it comes to Cadets. All Cadets with a Ministry of Transport (MOT) license to fly are obligated under the Aeronautics Act to report medical conditions to their Civilian Aviation Medical Examiner (CAME) to determine continued fitness to fly. DCdts in coordination with medical experts will be developing a more robust screening process of all Cadets to ensure this aspect of flight safety is met.
If you have any current medical concerns that may affect your ability to fly, we recommend that you follow-up with your CAME soonest so that these issues can be addressed and do not affect your license. Your CAME may recommend follow-up with your family doctor for investigation and/or treatment of these medical issues. Access to this medical care could become the rate-limiting step in ensuring your fitness to fly if not done in a timely fashion.
No exceptions will be made for Cadets who show up for flying instruction and activities but need to be grounded pending further medical work-up based on this new screening process. Your pro-active assessment of any medical concerns will ensure a successful and safe flying experience for everyone.
For further information regarding your MOT license, please contact your local CAME or phone the Civil Aviation Medicine Headquarters at 1-800-305-2059 for further guidance. The Aeronautics Act can be found at the following hyperlink:
Conrad Namiesniowski
Colonel | colonel
Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers | Directeur Cadets et Rangers juniors canadiens
Wednesday night is the Inter-Flight Sports Competition – to get us ready for the NAG competition on Sat. DRESS: Sports gear. SQN T-shirt. running shoes (NO JEANS). Points are awarded to the flight who wins the most games – and go toward the TOP FLIGHT award at Annual.
We will be making squadron t-shirts for those of you who need a new one or who have outgrown it. Bring $5 if you need one.
NAG SPORTS COMPETITION: We need 7-9 cadets per team for Saturday – that’s 27 cadets total that we can take. We NEED your skills! Make sure you let us know if you can’t participate. Escort Officer for Sat: Capt Lemoine. Capt Palumbo will be refereeing Indoor Soccer & Capt Jarrell will be refereeing Hand Ball. Parents: don’t forget you are welcome to attend and cheer!
Drill 7pm
Range 8pm
Dress: civilian, running shoes, sqn ball cap, jeans. BRING parade boots and wedge for drill team.
This Saturday, our Squadron will compete against 8 other Niagara Air Group (NAG) Squadrons for the coveted title of Sports Competition Champion.
Here are the rules/regulations governing the event: Sports Comp Rules v 15
WEDNESDAY will be a sports day for us to make sure we have our 7-9 players per sports. Come dressed to participate and show us your skills on the court.