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Reminder: Famil Flying

Just a reminder that you are to meet at the St Catharines Flying Club (there is a sign on the left pointing you in the correct direction) and NOT the terminal.

Flight times are posted in a previous post, and you will need to log in.

Please show up on time;  if you are running late and you don’t call 905-933-4978, you may miss your flight.

Chief of Reserves and Cadets – Video Message June 2014

Posted on behalf of RAdm Bennett, Chief of Reserves and Cadets:

Good day,

As the cadet training year draws to a close and cadets from across the country prepare for summer training, I have prepared a video message to share news about what’s happening at the national level of the Cadet Program, to recognize and thank our cadets for the incredible things they are doing in their communities, and to encourage them to take advantage of every opportunity this wonderful program has to offer.

Please promote and distribute this video to cadets throughout your Corps and Squadrons and Cadet Summer Training Centres, across your social media networks, and in any public or internal forum you deem appropriate.

The video is now live on YouTube and can be accessed via the Canadian Cadet Organizations Facebook page at, and the @Cadetsca Twitter feed at

Thank you for all that you do every day in helping to develop the leaders of tomorrow. Best wishes for a fantastic and safe summer!

J.J. Bennett
Chief Reserves and Cadets

Chief of Reserves and Cadets – Video Message June 2014

RSVP for Annual Banquet/Parade – LAST CHANCE


Please make sure you RSVP for BOTH the Annual Review Awards Banquet (Fri) and the Annual Ceremonial Review Parade (Sat) by TODAY. We need to know the numbers for the caterer.

Fri Night Banquet: 6pm for 630 Dinner. At the Sqn HQ. Dress: Semi-formal (no uniforms).      $15 adults, $7.50 siblings & children under 19, Cadets Free. Please RSVP for FRIDAY using the following link (or access it from the calendar on 23 May 14 under TICKETS):

$$$ Can be handed in at Cadets on Wed night this week or next. But tickets must be reserved by TODAY.

SAT Morning Parade: BBQ Lunch to follow parade. No cost. Just need to know numbers so we have enough food. We need to know by TODAY. Please RSVP for SATURDAY using the following link:


NO Mon Night Trg

Happy Family Day! Enjoy your day with your family and we’ll see you on Wed night.

Wed 19th Feb 2014 – dress: C-3 (C-2 for Sgt & up)

This Wed will be sign-up for the wknd FTX – 21, 22, 23. All cadets are expected to attend. Visit the calendar for more details.

Tonight’s Mess Dinner

This is another reminder that the annual Mess Dinner is tonight at Grace United Church on Victoria Street in Niagara-on-the-Lake at 1830 (6:30pm) sharp. Please do not arrive early. All cadets are expected to attend.

This dinner is for the cadets, staff and sponsors ONLY. Dress is Mess Dress: cadet uniform with white shirt, black bowtie, no wedge.

Cadets will be ready for pickup at 2100 (9:00pm).