Category Archives: Routine Orders

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 24 November 2021


22 November 2021

RO Number:


DCO’s Message:

Good evening 809

Capt Lemoine is still away, but should be back in time to attend our Virtual Parade Night on Wednesday, November 24.     Again, if there is anything that you’d usually contact the CO about, feel free to contact me during his absence.

Effective Speaking – Tuesday, 23 November 2021 – 1900-2000hrs

Mrs Gowans is running the effective speaking program this evening.   Again this is a virtual class being run through our .    All cadets are encouraged to participate, including 1st years if they’d like to do so.

Virtual Training – Wednesday, 24 November 2021 – 1855-2040hrs

Once again, we’re conducting our parade night virtually.    The schedule is as follows:


Opening Parade (Virtual) 1855-1900 – 
Period 1 1900-1935
Break   1935-1940
Period 2 1940-2025
Closing Parade (Virtual) 2025-2040 –

High School Co-Op Credits

Another reminder that your cadet participation could get you some credits towards your high school completion.    In order to participate, you must complete and return the attached form below (instructions as to where to send your application are at the bottom of the form), and you must obtain at least 1 high school credit before the end of June 2022.    A FAQ sheet has been attached as well:

Regular Training Night

24 November 2021


All attendees must check in for all virtual activities using the Registration for Virtual Events Form.

Connection Information;


CAF Member Dress

5 (Operational [CADPAT/NCD])

Cadet Dress

(Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel

Duty Officer: 

This Week’s Activities


Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
30 November 2021


Tuesday Effective Speaking Virtual Civilian
01 December 2021


Wednesday Training Night Virtual 5/

Upcoming Activities


Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
07 December 2021


Tuesday Effective Speaking Virtual Civilian
08 December 2021


Wednesday Training Night Virtual 5/

D Couroux

2nd Lieutenant

Deputy Commanding Officer

809 Newark RCACS



Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 17 November 2021

14 November 2021

RO Number

DCO’s Message

Good afternoon!

Capt. Lemoine is currently away, but will be back for our next training night.   In the mean time, if you need anything that you’d typically approach the CO about, feel free to contact me during his absence.

Back to virtual training.

Well, we had a great run of in-person training.   Now, under the direction of RCSU, we’re back to virtual training until further notice due to the increase of COVID-19 infections in the Niagara Area.   This has affected every Squadron/Corps in the region so we’re not the only ones having to revert.    Let’s make the most of this and have fun.  Virtual training is being conducted through google classroom at our usual location.   Remember, you need to be logged in using your 809 cadets email address in order to participate. 

Lt Nicolescu has provided the following schedule.  Links to the individual meeting rooms per class are included:

1st Period 2nd Period
Level 1 4 M103.02 Map Personal Goals for the Training Year


M121.01 Discuss Aviation Opportunities


Level 2 4 C270.04 Watch World’s Biggest Airliner: The Airbus A380 – Coming Together C270.04 Watch World’s Biggest Airliner: The Airbus A380 – Coming Together
Level 3 8 M336.01 Describe Properties of the Atmosphere M336.02 Explain the Formation of Clouds
Level 4 8 M409.02 Identify Elements of a Positive Learning Environment M409.02 Identify Elements of a Positive Learning Environment
Level 5 5 M503.02 Prepare an Exercise M503.02 Prepare an Exercise

Effective Speaking

Mrs. Gowans is starting the Effective Speaking classes this Tuesday evening, Nov 16 @ 1900hrs.    As with our parade night, this class will be conducted on-line at our squadron Google Meeting site.    For 2nd year cadets, this is mandatory.  However, anyone can, and is encouraged to take part.    The classes will take part for the remainder of the year and for at least the first month of 2022.   This year the SSC has put forth prizes for the squadron level competition.   I encourage everyone to take part as it provides you with a solid background for you to become fantastic instructors, and the benefits will stick with you for the rest of your life.   If you’d like to attend, please tune in to see what Mrs. Gowans has to offer.  She is asking that you be prepared to present a 1-2 minute presentation about yourself.  Remember, in order to access the site, you need to be logged in using your 809 Cadets email address.    Here’s the link for the class:

High School Co-Op Credits

Just a reminders that your cadet participation could get you some credits towards your high school completion.    In order to participate, you must complete and return the attached form below (instructions as to where to send your application are at the bottom of the form), and you must obtain at least 1 high school credit before the end of June 2022.    A FAQ sheet has been attached as well:   

Regular Training Night
17 November 2021


All attendees must check in for all virtual activities using the form.

Connection Information


CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational [CADPAT/NCD])

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer:

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
16 November 2021
Tuesday Effective Speaking Virtual Civilian
17 October 2021
Wednesday Training Night Virtual 5/C5

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
23 November 2021
Tuesday Effective Speaking Virtual Civilian
24 November 2021
Wednesday Training Night Virtual / 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5

D Couroux
2nd Lieutenant
Deputy Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 7 November 2021

7 November 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

I hope everyone’s recovered from our first FTX of the year! (Okay, our first FTX in almost two years if you can believe it.) It’s good to be back at practical training again. Thanks to Lt Nicolescu for bringing it all together and to all of the senior cadets and staff members for making it a success.

This week, our focus is on Remembrance Day. I’ve already put out the call for cadets to volunteer at the vigils this Thursday and we’ll all be wearing full dress uniform (1A/C1A) on Wednesday to make sure we’re prepared.

If you haven’t submitted your uniform sizing to CI Dau, best to do it as soon as possible. To be very clear, mixing and matching of uniform items isn’t acceptable. It’s all or nothing, so if you don’t have a C1A uniform that fits, wear civilian clothing on Wednesday. There have been plenty of reminders, so unless you’re a new cadet or CI Dau has told you that we can’t get the right sizes yet, there aren’t really any excuses.

I’ll be away from the 12th to the 23rd, and won’t be in attendance next week, but will be back on the 24th and ready to pick up where we left off.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
10 November 2021


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
1A (Ceremonial with Medals)

Cadet Dress
C1A (Civilian if C1A dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CI Dau

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
10 November 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 CI Dau

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
11 November 2021
Thursday Remembrance Day Old Town and Queenston Cenotaphs 1A/C1A Capt Lemoine
17 November 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 31 October 2021

31 October 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

There are a few items to consider for the coming weeks.

First, the Royal Canadian Legion (our primary sponsor) has officially begun the annual Poppy Campaign. Most immediately, this means that the poppy is a mandatory part of our uniforms until the closing of the afternoon Remembrance Day service on Thursday of next week. If you don’t have a poppy for your uniform, we’ll have them at the check-in table on Wednesday. This also means that the Legion Poppy Campaign is looking for volunteers in the community and cadets are authorized to participate.

Second, our first FTX is this weekend! We’re looking forward to a couple of days of hands-on training on Saturday and Sunday, so be prepared to come out and have a good time!

Third, Remembrance Day is next week and we have a role in it. Traditionally, 809 has stood morning vigil in shifts at the Old Town Cenotaph and has participated in the Old Town service in the morning and the Queenston service in the afternoon. Our role is scaled back this year due to COVID-19 precautions, but we’re looking forward to participating.

Further details surrounding the Poppy Campaign and Remembrance Day will follow. These events demand full dress uniform, so if you’re still missing parts, let us know and we’ll get that dealt with as soon as possible.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
3 November 2021


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational [CADPAT/NCD])

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Couroux

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
3 November 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 2Lt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
6 November 2021
Saturday Autumn FTX 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine
7 November 2021
Sunday Autumn FTX 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine
10 November 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 1/C1A CI Dau
11 November 2021
Thursday Remembracne Day Old Town and Queenston Cenotaphs 1A/C1A Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 24 October 2021

27 October 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

Training night is on Wednesday… with the possibility of a familiar face making an appearance! Be sure to come out and find out who it is.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you then!


Between last week and the week before, we had five potential new cadets come out to training! We’re very much hoping that they’ve found something they love about what we do and that they’ll stick with us. Keep up the good work and always be on the lookout for people who you think would benefit from out program.

Annual Validation Forms and Detailed Health Questionnaires

We’re down to three cadets (at last count) who need to send in their Annual Validation Forms. Lt Russell will soon be chasing down those who still have to send theirs in.

Those cadets who have been instructed to fill out a Detailed Health Questionnaire must complete it and send it directly to the Regional Cadet Medical Liaison Office at the address below.

Attention: Medical Liaison Office
Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central)
Canadian Forces Base Borden
Post Office Box 1000, Station Main
Borden, Ontario
L0M 1C0

This needs to be done as soon as possible as cadets without validated medical clearances can be temporarily barred from participation. After dealing with the isolation of COVID-19, this is the last thing we’re looking to have happen.

Poppy Campaign

I’ll be speaking on Wednesday with Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 about the schedule for the Poppy Campaign and will update everyone as I have more information.

The Poppy Campaign begins on 29 October this year and ends on 11 November. During this period, the Poppy is a mandatory part of cadet and CAF uniforms.

Remembrance Day

We’re still waiting for permission to run our traditional vigil at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. If that comes through, we expect to be running half-hour shifts from 0600 to 1200. We will not be doing our traditional overnight before the vigil, nor will we be coming back to the Legion building afterwards, though I hope we can pick back up on those traditions next year.

Cadets who will be missing a half day of school to participate will be provided with a letter to explain the situation to their schools.

Cadets are encouraged to wear their uniforms to school and participate in Remembrance Day ceremonies there as requested. Participation in the vigil is still mandatory, but earlier shifts can be arranged for cadets who need to be at school for this purpose.

Regular Training Night
27 October 2021


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational [CADPAT/NCD])

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
27 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
3 November 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 2Lt Couroux
6 November 2021
Saturday Autumn FTX 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine
7 November 2021
Sunday Autumn FTX 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 17 October 2021

17 October 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

We’re starting to talk about upcoming activities with some real excitement now. Approval requests have gone in for in-person training in November, Poppy Campaign Support, Remembrance Day activities and more. With a little more work, we’re hoping to start marksmanship activities and possibly some virtual clubs on the site. Stand by, we’re starting to pick up speed!

Be sure to read the WROs in their entirety. We’ve got a lot of detail in these of late.

See you on Wednesday!


Last week, we had four potential new cadets come out and train with us, so we’re hoping that they’ll join us this week. That’s an exciting beginning, but there’s definitely more to do. The recruiting efforts can’t stop. This needs to be a constant endeavour for us.

Annual Validation Forms and Detailed Health Questionnaires

We are still waiting on updated Annual Validation Forms and, in some cases, health insurance information from a number of cadets. If this has not yet been sent to Lt Russell, this needs to be done as soon as possible. Cadets with invalid information and/or health insurance information can be barred from participation and we want to avoid this if at all possible.

Some cadets are required to fill out a Detailed Health Questionnaire based on their responses to questions in the Annual Validation Forms. If a cadet is required to fill out one of these, it should not be returned to the unit staff. This information is protected beyond the security clearance of unit staff and must be sent directly to the Regional Cadet Medical Liaison Office at the following address:

Attention: Medical Liaison Office
Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central)
Canadian Forces Base Borden
Post Office Box 1000, Station Main
Borden, Ontario
L0M 1C0

Poppy Campaign

We’ve put in a request to support the Royal Canadian Legion’s Poppy Campaign on the 29th, 30th and 31st of October; and on the 5th of November. This is the first in-person support activity that has been authorized since the beginning of COVID-19, so we’re being very careful about handling this. If we receive authorization to support, we’ll be organizing teams of cadets to participate on these days. More information will be forthcoming as we receive it.

The Poppy Campaign begins on 29 October this year and ends on 11 November. During this period, the Poppy is a mandatory part of cadet and CAF uniforms.

Remembrance Day

We’ve requested permission to run our traditional vigil at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. We haven’t received approval yet, but if that comes through, we expect to be running half-hour shifts from 0600 to 1200. We will not be doing our traditional overnight before the vigil, nor will we be coming back to the Legion building afterwards, though I hope we can pick back up on those traditions next year.

Cadets who will be missing a half day of school to participate will be provided with a letter to explain the situation to their schools.

Cadets are encouraged to wear their uniforms to school and participate in Remembrance Day ceremonies there as requested. Participation in the vigil is still mandatory, but earlier shifts can be arranged for cadets who need to be at school for this purpose.

Regular Training Night
20 October 2021


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational [CADPAT/NCD])

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Nicolescu

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
20 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
27 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Russell
3 November 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 2Lt Couroux
6 November 2021
Saturday Autumn FTX 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine
7 November 2021
Sunday Autumn FTX 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 10 October 2021

10 October 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

Our second week of regular training is here! We had a lot of enthusiasm on Wednesday and are looking to carry that momentum forward. With a bit of work, we can start opening up optional training nights in the near future and get back to normal operations sooner than later.

We have a few items to address and a couple of opportunities worth investigating this week. They’re outlined below.

See you on Wednesday!


As discussed on Wednesday, we’re faced with a need to build if we want the squadron to continue its vital role in supporting the youth of Niagara-on-the-Lake. If cadets or parents/guardians know anyone between the ages of 12-18 who would benefit from what we do here, now is the time to bring them out on a Wednesday night.

Annual Validation Forms and Detailed Health Questionnaires

We are still waiting on updated Annual Validation Forms and, in some cases, health insurance information from a number of cadets. If this has not yet been sent to Lt Russell, this needs to be done as soon as possible. Cadets with invalid information and/or health insurance information can be barred from participation and we want to avoid this if at all possible.

Some cadets are required to fill out a Detailed Health Questionnaire based on their responses to questions in the Annual Validation Forms. If a cadet is required to fill out one of these, it should not be returned to the unit staff. This information is protected beyond the security clearance of unit staff and must be sent directly to the Regional Cadet Medical Liaison Office at the following address:

Attention: Medical Liaison Office
Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central)
Canadian Forces Base Borden
Post Office Box 1000, Station Main
Borden, Ontario
L0M 1C0


All cadets who were in attendance on Wednesday have had the bulk of their field training uniforms issued by CI Dau. If cadets have not yet received their FTUs and have not filled out their sizing forms (see previous Weekly Routine Orders), now is the time to do it. We’re also intending to be wearing 1A/C1A uniform on our 10 November training night and for Remembrance Day activities, so if cadets don’t have correct sizing for these, that needs to be taken care of sooner than later.

Regionally Directed Activities – In-person

Orienteering Training for the NGTA is being held next Saturday at Clareville Conservation Area in Brampton. Cadets who are interested in attending and developing their orienteering skills should definitely consider registering. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, cadets and their parents/guardians need to organize their own transportation to the event.

The Operations Order for the event can be found here: Operations Order – Orienteering Training – Fall 2021

Regionally Directed Activities – Virtual

18 months of building an infrastructure for virtual activities isn’t without its benefits. Even as we return to in-person activities, the virtual medium still gives us some training opportunities that we wouldn’t otherwise have. Amongst these are music workshops. Beginning at the end of October, both Military and Pipe and Drum on-line courses will be run on virtually on weekends for interested cadets. If you’re interested in participating, please let the staff know on Wednesday. Cadets do need to have the instrument they’re interested in learning in order to participate. If there’s a need for loans, this can be investigated, but isn’t guaranteed.

The Warning Order for the Virtual Music Training Program can be found here: Virtual Music Program WO – Fall 2021.

Regular Training Night
13 October 2021


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to Lt Russell.

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational [CADPAT/NCD])

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
13 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
20 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu
27 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Russell
30 and 31 October 2021
Saturday and Sunday Autumn FTX 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 3 October 2021

3 October 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

We’ll start with two pieces of good news:

  1. We have finally received approval for in-person training in October! The first training night begins on 6 October at 0630 until 2100. Dress will be C5 (FTU) for routine training going forward, so if CI Dau has issued you your FTUs, wear those. If he has not, come in civilian clothing and report to CI Dau to address the matter.
  2. Lt Nicolescu (as has already been announced in the DCO’s Corner post) has completed her Air Elemental Training Course this weekend. Well done! Welcome back! We’re looking forward to some stories.

If you haven’t completed your uniform updates, see CI Dau on Wednesday. If you haven’t returned your annual validation forms yet, ensure those are completed, signed, and returned to Lt Russell on Wednesday.

We’re getting started slowly, but we’re aiming to get back into as much regular activity as possible. It’s not going to be quite the same as it was pre-COVID-19 for a bit, but it’s still going to be good.

If you know anyone who might be interested in joining us, bring them out on Wednesday to see what we’re about.

Lastly, keep the last weekend of October free. We’re working on our Autumn FTX and, pending approvals, we aim to hold that on the 30th and 31st of the month.

Regular Training Night
6 October 2021


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to Lt. Russell at

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational/CADPAT)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CI Dau

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
6 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 CI Dau

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
13 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine
20 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu
27 October 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Russell
23 and 31 October 2021
Saturday and Sunday Autumn FTX 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 26 September 2021

26 September 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good morning!

We have one more preparation night before we (hopefully) can begin proper hybrid (some virtual, some in-person) training! Before we can get started, there are a few things that need doing:

Uniform Updates

If you haven’t submitted your new uniform sizes yet, we need that information right away. In-person training in October will require uniform and the intent is that we will mostly be training in C5 order this year. If you’ve put in uniform sizes for your dress uniform, but not your FTUs, get that second one done. Here are the links one more time:

Uniform / Uniform Parts Request
Field Training Uniform

CI Dau is working hard to get everyone’s updates complete, so if you can give him as much time as you can to get that done, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.

Annual Validation

Lt Russell has sent out the annual validation forms and needs those sent back as soon as possible along with updated health card information. A number of cadets have updated health card information that isn’t in our records and we can’t permit attendance at in-person training unless we have that.

On-Line Ground School

A number of cadets have expressed interest in attending the on-line ground school beginning on 1 October, but I’ve only received actual enrolment requests from two. If you’re interested in signing up (and you need to sign up if you want to apply for the GPTC or PPTC courses next summer) then contact me as quickly as possible so that we can add you.

This Wednesday is once again a preparatory night with uniform exchanges and instructional preparation for FSgts and above. If you’re a FSgt or above, or you’ve been contacted by CI Dau to come in and exchange uniform parts, come in. Otherwise, we’ll look forward to seeing you next Wednesday.

If you know anyone who might be interested in joining us, our first training night in October would be an ideal time to bring them out.

Uniform Exchanges, Instructional Techniques Review for Instructors
29 September 2021


All attendees must check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form and complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form, bringing proof of completion (printed or electronic) for verification. Cadets should complete the screening as students. Staff should complete the screening as employees.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Couroux

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
29 September 2021
Wednesday Uniform Exchanges, Instructional Techniques Review for Instructors 809 RCACS HQ 5/Civilian Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
6 October 2021
Wednesday Training Night Virtual / 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Russell
13 October 2021
Wednesday Training Night Virtual / 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 CI Dau

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

T + 1 (905) 468-7584

Tonight and Next Wednesday

Good afternoon.

It has come to my attention that I may not have been clear enough in this week’s weekly routine orders, so I’ll quickly clarify things in this post.

  1. While we are easing into in-person cadet activities, we will not be beginning our training nights until the first week of October.
  2. Training Level 5 cadets (FSgts and above) will be meeting to review Instructional Techniques in preparation for returning to training.
  3. Cadets who have submitted their sizes for new uniform parts and have received confirmation from CI Dau that their parts are available will be coming to drop off their old uniform parts and collect new ones.

If you’re not attending the Instructional Techniques review or exchanging uniform pieces, don’t come out.

There is no general cadet training scheduled until the beginning of October. We’re anxiously looking forward to having everyone back as soon as possible, but please have patience with us. We’re not quite there yet.

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS