Category Archives: Aviation

DCO’s Corner – We’re Back!

Welcome back, 809. After a long absence it looks like we’re on the verge of doing in person training once again. So, make sure your hair is cut, your uniform fits and your boots are polished cause here we go.  

So,  as always, here are some important dates in history for this week (and also from earlier this past summer): 

1/ September 11, 2001 – 911 20th Anniversary

(From the Canadian Armed Forces facebook page)
September 11, 2001 will always be remembered as a day of tragedy, which claimed nearly 3,000 lives, including 24 Canadians. But it was also a day when Canadians demonstrated the kindness, generosity and resilience of the human spirit.
In the aftermath of the deadly attacks, Canada activated Operation Yellow Ribbon to divert flights and clear the airspace throughout Canada.
The town of Gander, Newfoundland, was a key part of the efforts. Thirty-eight flights and nearly 6,600 passengers were diverted to 9 Wing Gander, which handled security, transportation, telecommunications, and the unloading of aircraft. Meanwhile, Residents of the town also jumped into action and helped in any way they could. They donated food, provided bedding, created shelters, and even welcomed passengers into their homes.
In 2016, New Yorkers thanked the residents of Gander for their help and gifted the town with a piece of steel from the World Trade Center’s south tower. Passengers also donated their mementos from Gander to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
20 years after 9/11 – #WeRemember. We will #NeverForget

May be an image of airplane and sky

2/ Battle of Britain Sunday – Sunday, September 18

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few” – Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, 20 August, 1940

Every year, on the third Sunday of September,  the RCAF celebrates Battle of Britain Sunday to commemorate the victory over the Luftwaffe in the skies of England.    We also recognize the loss of Canadian lives during the conflict.     It was a great moment for our Air Force. 

More information regarding the origins of the Battle of Britain ceremony can be found at this link:

  The origins of the Battle of Britain ceremony – Skies Mag

3/ CJCR Has a new Commander – Welcome Brigadier-General Jamie Speiser-Blanchet

809 Sqn would like to welcome Air Force Brigadier-General Jamie Spieser-Blanchet as the new commander of the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers.  General Spieser-Blanchet assumed command on June 30, 2021 from outgoing commander, Navy Commodore Josee Kurtz.  To Commodore Kurtz, good luck in your new assignment as  Commandant and Vice-Chancellor of Royal Military College of Canada (RMC). 

That’s all for this week.   For the instructors, see you all virtually on Wednesday.    For everyone else, I hope to see you during your uniform exchanges.     

2Lt Couroux.

Future Pilots – Watch This: A Conversation with Captain Matthew Kutryk, CF-18 Pilot

I thought this would be interesting for anyone who plans on becoming a pilot.

Captain Kutryk was a cadet at 551 Whitehorse Lions Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron and 341 Mundare Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Mundare, Alberta. He spent three years as a Civilian Instructor, gliding at the Villeneuve Cadet Flying Site in support of the familiarization flying program before joining the Canadian Armed Forces in 2006.

This session was coordinated by the Regional Cadet Support Unit Northwest Air Operations section as an online training opportunity for cadets this summer.

809 Newark Sqn Paper Airplane Contest – Wednesday, May 6…1900

Scramble, scramble, scramble…Aircrews, man your planes…

Hey 809….We’re looking to you to become designers of some funky, maybe practical, but also fun paper airplanes. We’ll be reviewing them on a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, May 6. We’ll pick out winners of 3 categories..

1/ Most realistic design….WW2 warbird…Canadian Forces Aircraft….Civilian Airliner….Whatever. Design and build a paper airplane model.  Colour it so that it looks as realistic as possible. Don’t worry about flight on this. It’s the look that counts.

2/ Most Fantastic Funky Fliers… Go all out with a crazy design. Take something from a movie….a cartoon… or just from the top of your head. Design something spectacular to show off. If it flies…well bonus.

3/ Best practical design. This is where we put together a paper airplane that’s born to fly. The airplane with the best flight characteristics gets the heads up on everyone in this category.

809 will get together on Wednesday May 6 at 1900 via Zoom (invitations will go out to take part).   Here you can show off your creation, talk about your influences and show how much air your flier can get.  Send me your email addresses so I can send you an invite.

We’d like everyone to take part.  Even if you’d prefer being an observer.  Let me know.

Have fun with this and bring your A-game.  Show the squadron who the best of the best is.

OCdt Couroux.

Operations Order – CYDC Aviation Weekend 2020

1085-29 (CO)

18 Feb 2020

Dist List

Operations Order: An Air Raising Experience 2020

  1. Situation
    1. The cadets and staff of 809 Squadron will participate in the Cadet Youth Development Centre’s “Introduction to Aerospace Through Simulation” training program during the weekend of 28 Feb – 1 Mar 2020.
  2. Mission
    1. To build upon and enhance the level training for aviation, aerospace and aerodrome operations.
  3. Execution
    1. The cadets will commence training on Fri 28 Feb 2020 at 2000h at the Cadet Youth Development Centre in Breslau, ON. They will complete training on Sun 1 Mar 2020 at 1630h. For a detailed itinerary please see Annex A.
    2. The exercise will be conducted in four phases as follows:
      1. Phase 1 – Planning
      2. Phase 2 – Paperwork submitted to 809 CO for approval
      3. Phase 3 – Paperwork submitted to Area Office (NGTA)
    3. The exercise will be conducted in four phases as follows:
      1. Phase 1 – Planning
        1. Scheduling and exercise layout
        2. Paperwork submitted to 809 CO for approval
        3. Paperwork submitted to Area Office (NGTA)
      2. Phase 2 – Advance Preparation
        1. An officer will extract necessary rations from storage and prepare them to be loaded on the bus
        2. Rations will be loaded on the bus when it arrives at 809 HQ
      3. Phase 3 – Training
        1. All cadets and staff will execute the exercise as laid out on the schedule in Annex A
      4. Phase 4 – Tear Down and Departure
        1. All training staff will continue to follow Annex A for tear down
        2. All supplementary orders will come through the OPI or designate
  4. Service and Support
    1. Dress
      1. Authorized dress for this exercise
        1. CAF Personnel – Operational (CADPAT or NCD)
        2. Cadets – Civilian (See Annex B for cadet kit list)
    2. Rations
      1. Friday
        1. Cadets are expected to arrive already fed
      2. Saturday
        1. Breakfast and lunch will be MREs
        2. Dinner will be locally-ordered pizza
      3. Sunday
        1. Breakfast and lunch will be MREs
    3. Transportation
      1. All cadets are expected to provide their own transportation to and from 809 HQ.
        1. Drop off NLT 1815 28 Feb 2020
        2. Pickup NLT 1815 1 Mar 2020
      2. Transportation from 809 HQ to the Cadet Youth Development Centre will be by bus. See Annex C for route.
    4. Accommodations
      1. Accommodations will be in the CYDC’s open floor area and/or classrooms.
    5. Emergency Action Plan
      1. In case of an emergency all actions will be directed through the Officer Staff and OPI
      2. The unit’s mobile phone (905-468-7584) will be available for emergency use during the activity
      3. Parents and guardians can contact their cadets via the unit’s mobile phone for urgent matters
      4. All cadet home phone contact numbers will be kept with the Supervising Officer at all times
    6. Safety/First Aid
      1. For any minor incidents, the First Aid Officer for the exercise is 2Lt Nicolescu. She will be in possession of a First Aid kit.
      2. For major incidents the local Ambulance/Hospital will be notified. Cadets must be in possession of an Ontario Health Benefits card at all times, as well as any medical alert information, asthma inhalers, and/or epipen kits. The route to the closest Emergency Room is outlined in Annex D.
      3. In the event that a Cadet or Officer is hospitalized, the parent/guardian/next of kin will be notified immediately via the emergency contact phone numbers. Any further action required will be determined at that point in time. The Area Office will be contacted at the earliest convenient opportunity.
  5. Command and Signals
    1. Command Structure is as follows:
      1. OPI – Capt Lemoine
      2. 2IC – 2Lt Nicolescu
    2. Communications:
      1. The unit’s mobile phone will be available for all emergency calls during the exercise. The phone number is 905-468-7584.
  6. All inquiries should be directed to the undersigned.

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D

Distribution List


TrgO 809 RCACS
AdminO 809 RCACS
SupO 809 RCACS


SSC Chair 809 RCACS

Annex A
1085-29 (CO)

18 Feb 2020

Annex A – Training Schedule (Tentative)

  1. Friday, 28 Feb 2020
    Time Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4
    1830 Bus Departs from 809 Squadron HQ
    2000 Bus Arrives at Cadet Youth Development Centre
    2030 Briefing: Outline of the “Introduction to Aerospace Through Simulation” Schedule Establish Training Flights
    2100 Free Time
    2200 Lights Out
  2. Saturday, 29 Feb 2020
    Time Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4
    0730 Reveille
    0800 Breakfast
    0900 Cockpit Familiarization
    0915 Aircraft Review Flight Controls
    Simulation Lessons 1-5
    Aircraft Review Flight Controls
    Simulation Lessons 1-5
    Robot ROV Apollo 13
    1015 Robot ROV Apollo 13 Aircraft Review Flight Controls
    Simulation Lessons 1-5
    Aircraft Review Flight Controls
    Simulation Lessons 1-5
    1115 Apollo 13 Robot ROV Vehicle Simulation Air Traffic Control Simulation
    1215 Lunch
    1330 Tour: Airport Terminal Flight Centre Aircraft Maintenance
    1530 Vehicle Simulation Air Traffic Control Simulation Apollo 13 Robot ROV
    1700 Lunch
    1930 Evening Activity
    2200 Lights Out
  3. Sunday, 1 Mar 2020
    Time Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4
    0730 Reveille
    0800 Breakfast
    0900 Briefing
    0915 Simulation Lessons 6-10 Simulation Lessons 6-10 Navigation Navigation
    1015 Navigation Navigation Simulation Lessons 6-10 Simulation Lessons 6-10
    1130 Cross-Country Navigation Cross-Country Navigation Lunch Lunch
    1230 Lunch Lunch Cross-Country Navigation Cross-Country Navigation
    1330 Rubber Rocket Construction
    1430 Indoor Rocket Launch and Competition
    1500 Debrief
    1530 Break and Final Clean-up
    1600 Presentation of Certificates and Class Photo
    1630 Bus Departs From Cadet Youth Development Centre
    1800 Bus Arrives at 809 HQ

Annex B
1085-29 (CO)

18 Feb 2020

Annex B – Kit List

  1. All cadets should be in possession of the following clothing and equipment in order to ensure a safe, productive, and enjoyable training exercise:
    1. Health Card;
    2. Appropriate Outdoor Coat or Cadet Parka with Liner;
    3. Winter Gloves;
    4. Toque;
    5. Winter Boots;
    6. Shirts (2 minimum);
    7. Socks (4 pair minimum);
    8. Underwear (2 pair minimum);
    9. Pyjamas;
    10. Pants (i.e. khakis, jeans [no rips or holes]);
    11. Running shoes (indoor and outdoor);
    12. Personal Hygiene Kit. (tooth brush, tooth paste, &c);
    13. Plastic Bag (for dirty laundry);
    14. Air Mattress (with pump);
    15. Sleeping Bag and Pillow; and
    16. Prescription Medication
 (Bring ONLY enough for the weekend;
 notify officer staff immediately upon arrival.)
  2. Cadets MAY bring personal electronics such as digital cameras and music players (with headphones) but these are discouraged and are brought entirely at the cadet’s own risk. Neither the trip staff nor the squadron will be responsible should such items go missing.
  3. Cadets are NOT to bring the following:
    1. Any Item Deemed to be a Potential Weapon (i.e. Knives);
    2. Illegal or Controlled Substances (i.e. Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco); or
    3. Pornographic material.
  4. Any and all prescription medication will be turned in to the OIC upon arrival to the Squadron HQ. Health cards and will be collected upon arrival and returned at the end of the exercise.


18 Feb 2020

Annex C – Map to Cadet Youth Development Centre (14-4881 Fountain Street N, Breslau, ON N0B 1M0)


18 Feb 2020

Annex D – Map to Grand River Hospital Emergency Room (835 King Street W, Kitchener, ON N2G 1G3)