Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

My road to the CF-18 – Cpl Michael Reyda

Being an Air Cadet is only the beginning…

“You have brains in your head you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Michael Reyda wanted to fly the CF-18 after seeing one perform a high-alpha maneuver at an airshow. When he found out he needed glasses he knew that meant he couldn’t be a CF-18 pilot. So he made it his goal to work on the jet instead. Now Cpl Reyda is an Avionics Systems Tech and keeps the CF-18’s computers, radios and radar in check for exercises like Maple Flag.

RSVP Reminder

Just a friendly reminder that we have a hard deadline approaching for the Awards Banquet RSVPs. As Capt Palumbo mentioned at Closing Parade on Wednesday, the 17th of May is the absolute last day to RSVP for the event. If you haven’t done so already, please RSVP for yourself, your cadet(s) and any guests you may be bringing via the following Evite link:

(Note: You need to be logged into the site to see the links.)

If you have already replied, please make sure your numbers include your cadet(s) and use the above link to adjust if they don’t.

At the same time, please RSVP to the Annual Ceremonial Review invitation below if you haven’t already. There will be a BBQ following the event, so we need numbers to ensure that there is enough food and drink to go around. Please make sure you include your cadet(s) in your RSVP for this event as well.

We’re looking forward to a great close-out to the training year. Thank you for helping us celebrate it!

Capt Jody Lemoine

Drill Team: WOA Band and Drill Competition

It’s that time again. The WOA Band and Drill competition is coming up this weekend. As per last year, we’ll be staying over night at Fanshaw College in London. We’re slated for breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Make sure you have supper before departing on Saturday night as we won’t be stopping for food. Bed linens will also be provided.

Here are the timings:

Saturday May 13:
1815 hrs (6:15pm) – Assemble @ Virgil Public School for 1830hrs departure

Sunday May 14:
0800 hrs – Inspection
0830 hrs – Performance
1230 hrs – Depart for home (approx. arrival in Virgil 1500hrs – 3:00pm)

Bring with you the following:

  • Uniform – Carry with you – C2 (full uniform, shirt and tie, ribbons – no medals)
  • Wear your Drill Team hoodie & track pants or shorts
  • Sleep wear
  • Toiletries
  • Towel
  • Health card
  • Something to do in your down time. Don’t bring anything with you that you wouldn’t like to lose.

Remember to work hard and to have fun. This is what we’ve been working for all year. Parents, my cell phone is below for emergencies only. See you Saturday.

Dan Couroux
CI – 809 Newark Sqn RCACS

Awards Banquet and Annual Ceremonial Review

Awards Banquet

Please join us at 809 Newark Squadron’s 2017 Awards Banquet at 6:30pm on Friday, May 26th at 6:30pm. Please notify us of the number of guests that will be attending no later than Wednesday, May 17th in order for us to make accommodations with the caterer. Dress is semi-formal. (No uniforms!)

Any special meal requirements should be communicated to CI Thiffault before the RSVP deadline.

Cadets are free, children (under 12 years of age) are $10 each and all others are $15 each.

Please make sure you include your cadet in your RSVP.

Annual Ceremonial Review

Cadets are to arrive at the Fire Station for 1:00pm on Saturday, May 27th for practices and setup. Wear your uniform (C1) but bring your tunic on a hanger. They are to report to CI Ruttan for attendance. Parents and guests are asked to arrive at the Fire Station for 2:45pm. As this is a mandatory parade, we require a note from all cadets who are unable to participate.

All parents and cadets are invited to join us following the parade for a small reception to commemorate our success this year – we have lots to celebrate! Please invite your entire family to come to the parade as it truly shows the result of the hard work the Cadets of 809 Squadron have put forward this past training year.

In order to estimate numbers for the SSC BBQ that traditionally follows the ACR, please RSVP using the link above and include your cadet in your response.

Cadets should be in uniform: C1

Guests should dress in business casual attire. (No jeans.)

See you there!

Sports Night and Fitness Testing

Join us tonight for our final sports night and fitness testing! This is your chance to fulfill your level requirement, improve on your last score and have fun with your friends.

Dress: sports clothing – shorts, t-shirt (no tank tops, please), running shoes. squadron t-shirt, 809 ball cap. If you don’t have one, or didn’t receive one this year, see Capt Palumbo.

Vimy Trip Flights

We’ve reached the point where we’re ready to book our flights for the Vimy trip in October! Yes, folks, it’s slowly but surely becoming a reality.

In order to make the booking, I will need passport information for each person who will be going on the trip. What we need immediately is each person’s name exactly as it appears on their passport and their dates of birth. Ultimately, we will need full passport information and so I’m gathering photocopies of each person’s passport tonight. Please accept my apology for the short notice.

If you have a passport that expires before 15 April 2018, you will need to apply for a new one immediately.

I will be in the office from 7-9pm to collect all of the necessary information and to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.