Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

2018 Annual Ceremonial Review – Video

Thanks to Mr. Nicolescu, we have a great summary video of Saturday’s Annual Ceremonial Review, including a few shots of the Annual Cadet Awards Banquet from the night before. Whether you made it to the event or not, give it a watch. There are a lot of great cadets in there to be proud of.

Thank you very much, Mr. Nicolescu, for putting this together for us.

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 27 May 2018

27 May 2018

RO Number

Training Night
30 May 2018

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C1: All Cadets

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: OCdt Couroux

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO Practice Practice LP-CSCCoP
Description Parade Practice Parade Practice Level Promotions and CSC Change of Command
Level Two PO/EO Practice Practice LP-CSCCoP
Description Parade Practice Parade Practice Level Promotions and CSC Change of Command
Level Three PO/EO Practice Practice LP-CSCCoP
Description Parade Practice Parade Practice Level Promotions and CSC Change of Command
Level Four PO/EO Practice Practice LP-CSCCoP
Description Parade Practice Parade Practice Level Promotions and CSC Change of Command

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
27 May 2018 1300-1600 Sunday Spring Gliding Niagara District Airport Civilian Capt Lemoine
30 May 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Summer Training Briefing for Parents / Cadet Squadron Commander Change of Command 809 HQ (REIA) C1 OCdt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
3 June 2018 0830-2130 Sunday End of Year Trip to Canada’s Wonderland 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Capt Lemoine
8-10 June 2018 Friday-Sunday Senior Cadets’ Trip to OWL Rafting 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Lt Russell

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

Gliding Update

It’s looking like the weather is good, the winds are calm, and it’s a good day for gliding! There’s still a forecast for rain and possible thunderstorms, so I’ll keep everyone in the loop if this changes, but we’re still good to go right now.

I had initially thought we had 20 spots for gliding, but we’re sharing the afternoon with 128 Squadron and may have fewer. I’ve submitted the 16 cadets who have signed up with the Gliding Centre and haven’t heard anything back from them, so we should still be good.

It’s going to be a hot day today, so definitely remember to bring a hat, sunscreen, water, and a book or something similar to occupy you while you’re waiting for your flight.

See you there!

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

Gliding Tomorrow

For those cadets who signed up for gliding this Sunday at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Airport, we begin at 1300h (1:00pm) and so you should arrive at 1245h (12:45pm) and meet Capt Lemoine at the terminal building. Dress: civilian appropriate for weather. (This means that you should wear sunscreen and a hat.) We’ll be finished around 4pm.

There is a forecast for thunderstorms tomorrow, so watch for updates in case we have to cancel due to inclement weather. Fingers are crossed that we’ll have a great afternoon of gliding!

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

Annual Ceremonial Review 2018 – Treats

Good morning.

We’re putting out an all-call for a few things needed at Saturday’s Annual Ceremonial Review.

1. We’re looking for nut-free, bite-sized baked goods and desserts. We’ve noticed over the years that cadets, former cadets, and well… everyone, needs some sugar to keep themselves going at these events. If you’re bringing them in a reusable container, please label the container so that we know to whom to return it.

2. We need coolers to store drinks and keep them cold for the event. If you have one that you can loan us, please bring it with your cadet when you drop them off at 0900h (9:00am).

Thank you!

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 20 May 2018

20 May 2018

RO Number

Training Night
23 May 2018

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Description Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice
Description Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice
Description Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice
Description Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
23 May 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2B/C4A Lt Russell
25 May 2018 1830-2130 Friday Annual Cadet Awards Banquet Addison Hall at St. Mark’s Church Semi-Formal Lt Russell
26 May 2018 0930-1300 Saturday Annual Ceremonial Review Niagara District 3 Fire Hall C1 Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
27 May 2018 1300-1630 Sunday Spring Gliding Niagara District Airport Civilian TBD
30 May 2018 2000-2100 Wednesday Summer Training Briefing for Parents / Cadet Squadron Commander Change of Command 809 HQ (REIA) C1 OCdt Couroux

Jody Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 13 May 2018

13 May 2018

RO Number

Training Night
16 May 2018

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Description Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice
Description Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice
Description Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice
Description Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice Annual Ceremonial Review Practice

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
14 May 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
16 May 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2B/C4A Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
23 May 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2B/C4A Lt Russell
25 May 2018 1830-2130 Friday Annual Cadet Awards Banquet Addison Hall at St. Mark’s Church Semi-Formal Lt Russell
26 May 2018 0930-1300 Saturday Annual Ceremonial Review Niagara District 3 Fire Hall C1 Capt Lemoine
27 May 2018 1300-1630 Sunday Spring Gliding Niagara District Airport Civilian TBD
30 May 2018 2000-2100 Wednesday Summer Training Briefing for Parents / Cadet Squadron Commander Change of Command 809 HQ (REIA) C1 OCdt Couroux

Jody Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

809 Newark Squadron Annual Cadet Awards Banquet

Every year, the evening before our Annual Ceremonial Review, we hold an awards banquet to celebrate the accomplishments of our cadets. Those subscribed to the web site will have already received an invitation via, but we’re coming down to our deadline for registration and need to know who and how many will be in attendance. The full invitation can be found below. Please take the time to RSVP before Monday’s deadline, indicating how many will be in attendance, including your cadet.

ACAB Invitation 2018

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 6 May 2018

6 May 2018

RO Number

Training Night
8 May 2018

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CV Carbone

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M140.01a M140.01b M140.01c
Description Aerospace Activities Aerospace Activities Aerospace Activities
Level Two PO/EO C232.03a C232.03b C208.02e
Description Aero Engine Systems Aero Engine Systems Inter-Flight
Level Three PO/EO M303.06a M303.06b  
Description Leadership Leadership  
Level Four PO/EO      

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
7 May 2018 1900-2000 Monday Aerospace Club 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Capt Lemoine
7 May 2018 2000-2100 Monday Film: Destination Mars 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Capt Lemoine
2 May 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2B/C4A CV Carbone

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
14 May 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
16 May 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2B/C4A Capt Lemoine

Jody Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

NAG FTX 2018

It’s finally here! The NAG FTX will be this weekend. Over 300 cadets are expected to attend. Activities include canoeing, archery, hiking, orienteering, &c.

We will be departing from 809 HQ at 1700h (5:00pm) on Friday, May 4th and will be returning to the same spot at 1630h (4:30pm) on Sunday, May 6th.

Dress: Civilian or Field Training Uniform (Must have all of the pieces: Boots, Pants, Shirt, Jacket, Beret, Rank Slip-ons.) Dress for the weather.

Kit List:

  1. ONTARIO HEALTH CARD (you will not be allowed to remain at the trg site without it)
  2. Optional: FTU – olive drab decommissioned CF combats with blue air cadet rank, blue beret, black combat boots. (only complete kit to be worn)
  3. T-shirts and or long-sleeve shirts dependent on weather
  4. Pants, preferably quick dry (no jeans)
  5. Sweater or sweatshirt
  6. Underwear
  7. Socks – at least 2 pairs wool
  8. Warm Spring Coat – RAIN COAT
  9. Hat
  10. Shoes 2 pairs – one for canoeing
  11. Gloves
  12. Sleeping Bag, Pillow, Air Mattress (single)
  13. Face Towel and body towel
  14. Flashlight
  15. Sunglasses
  16. Large Water Bottle (filled w/ WATER)
  17. Toiletries and Personal Hygiene Items
  18. Chapstick
  19. Appropriate Sleeping Attire
  20. Bug spray
  21. Sunscreen
  22. HOT LIQUID MUG (for hot chocolate on Sat night – must be separate from water bottle)
  23. Prescription Medication & Non-prescription medication ( Advil, Tylenol) – bring ONLY
    ENOUGH FOR WEEKEND; notify CO immediately upon arrival at Valens Conservation Area.

The official title of the event according to the Operations Order is “May Mayhem” and Maj Palumbo is in charge of the whole thing. With that combination, there’s no way this can be anything but fun. See you there!

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS