Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

Remembrance Day Vigil and Parades (Correction)

Good morning.

The original post regarding this weekend’s activities was based on last year’s information and the weekdays weren’t updated from Thursday and Friday to this year’s Friday and Saturday. This has been corrected in the original post. Please accept our apology for any confusion this may have caused.

Remembrance Day Vigil and Parades

J Lemoine
Administration Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Remembrance Day Vigil and Parades

Our Annual Remembrance Day Vigil begins on Friday, 10 Nov 2023 at 1900 (7:00pm), cadets will meet at the Royal Canadian Legion’s Ed Boldt Memorial Hall (upstairs) and begin preparations for Remembrance Day on Saturday.

Bring your uniform (on a hanger) and your boots; pajamas; a sleeping bag and pillow; toiletries; and any other essential items for a sleepover.

Dress for the Friday evening portion is casual. Jeans and a t-shirt are fine. Dress for the Saturday parades is full dress uniform: C1. The early forecasts are calling for clear skies and 4º. Bring your parka and prepare for cold weather.

Breakfast will be provided by the Squadron Sponsorship Committee through donations by our cadets’ families. Please accept our sincere thanks if you are contributing to our breakfast. Please see the Remembrance Day Breakfast Contributions sign-up sheet and bring the items with you when you arrive on Friday night.

The sign-up sheet for Remembrance Day breakfast contributions can be found here: Event Sign-ups. Please remember that you need to be logged into the site to see the sign-up sheets.

Our schedule for Remembrance Day is as follows:

0600 – Reveille (First Group)
0620 – Breakfast (First Group)
0645 – Walk to Cenotaph (First Group)
0700 – Shifts begin
1000 – Last shift at the Cenotaph
1030 – Old Town parade begins
1200 – Old Town parade ends and cadets return to the Royal Canadian Legion
1230 – Cadets are bussed to Queenston for the afternoon parade
1300 – Queenston parade begins
1430 – Queenston parade ends and cadets return to the Royal Canadian Legion
1500 – Cadets are ready for pickup at the Royal Canadian Legion

Shifts last for 30 mins each with five (5) cadets per shift.

Changeovers will occur at the top and bottom of each hour until the last shift takes position at 1030. This shift will remain for the duration of the Remembrance Day parade.

Thank you to all who contribute to making this event successful. The Remembrance Day parades are where we have an opportunity for cadets, staff, and volunteers to show our respect for our fallen and, through them, our community.

D. Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-10 – 5 November 2023


5 November 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809!

It’s Remembrance Day week. We’ve got a busy schedule starting Monday with Optional Training. Mandatory training on Wednesday night. Friday is our overnight vigil and Saturday is the Remembrance Day parade. For this special parade we need to have hall hands on deck to show our support for veterans.

Now for the WROs

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Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-09 – 29 October 2023


29 October 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Happy Halloween 809!

This week we’ve got Optional Training for all interested cadets on Monday night, we’re going with a Halloween theme. Wear a costume and we might have a movie for the evening. Parade night on Wednesday is a CO’s parade. Make sure your uniform is prepped and ready to go. If you got promoted on the last CO’s parade, make sure your appropriate ranks are sewn on, otherwise you’re out of uniform. Poppy campaign started on Friday, all cadets and officers are now to wear a poppy on their uniform. Speaking of which, we have poppy campaign on both Saturday and Sunday 0900-1600. We’re looking for the entire squadron to sign up.

If you need to exchange pieces of your uniform for better fitting items, please make sure you see CI Dau this week. Next week is our Remembrance Day vigil and parade, and you may need gloves and a parka depending on the weather.

Now for the WROs

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Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-08 – 22 October 2023


22 October 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Welcome to week eight 809!

This week we’ve got Optional Training for all interested cadets on Monday night, Parade night on Wednesday and Trunk or Treat on Sunday evening.

We’re also coming up on poppy season, which starts this Friday. Typically we assist the Legion by selling these to raise money to support veterans. Also, the wearing of poppies is mandatory on uniforms starting the same date. More to follow during parade on Wednesday evening.

Please note that CI Dau is away this week. Unless it’s an emergency, any supply items should wait until next week.

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Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-07 – 15 October 2023


15 October 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Welcome to week 7 809!

What a fantastic weekend! Although we had a tough time with the weather, 809 had a great time at Exercise Niagara Challenger. Well done everyone.

This week, everything gets back to normal.

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Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2023/24-06 – Week 6 – 8 October 2023


8 October 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Welcome to week 6, 809!

We’ve got a busy week.

Monday is Thanksgiving – No training! Enjoy your night off.

Wednesday evening is fitness testing – bring your “A” game.

Friday through Sunday is the Garrison FTX.

Also, If you haven’t done so, we need your completed Annual Validation Forms and Cadet Codes of Conducts returned this week.

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Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-36 – Week 36 – 28 May 2023


28 May 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. We’re in for a busy, but exciting week. This week your family and friends will get to you what you’ve done for the past 9 months. Optional training on Monday night – We’d like as many cadets a possible to come out to finish up the static and practical displays. Wednesday night will be a parade practice. Friday is the Awards Banquet and Saturday will be our Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR). Here we go!

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Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-35 – Week 35 – 21 May 2023 (Update)

Good morning.

There is an update to this week’s Weekly Routine Orders that focuses specifically on CJCR Dress Regulations for Ceremonial Occasions. The original WROs have been updated to reflect the change. The specific addition follows and needs to be carefully considered when wearing C1A orders of dress.

J. Lemoine
Administration Officer
809 Newark RCACS

CJCR Dress instructions – Section 2 – Appearance – Specific Guidance for Ceremonial Occasions (2-2-18)

  1. Ceremonial order of dress (C1) shall only be ordered for specific occasions (CO’s parade, Formal parades, ACRs, etc.) C1 shall not be the standard training dress at a corps/squadron. The following amplification is provided for all cadets when in C1 order of dress:
    1. footwear will be worn as per environment / regiments / branches and corps / squadron dress instructions;
    2. over garment will be worn as per environments / regiments / branches and corps / squadron dress instructions. Medals are not to be worn on over garment (parka, gabardine, windbreaker);
    3. hair that extends below the tunic jacket collar shall be secured in one of the following styles:
      1. in a bun;
      2. a single braid;
      3. double braids centred to the back;
      4. multi braids or locks, be pulled back to the centre of the back or equally positioned along the shoulder blades and secured; or
      5. when hairstyle or hair type does not allow a cadet to adopt one of the aforementioned hairstyles, the cadet must discuss with the Chain of Command to find a hairstyle that can be secured accordingly.
    4. Jewellery;
      1. Rings, a maximum of two rings which are not of costume jewellery nature. Additional rings may only be worn when they indicate professional standing, such as an engineer, or are worn with a wedding band as a single set indicating betrothal or fidelity, e.g., an engagement or an anniversary ring. Rings shall not inhibit the execution of proper arms drill or cause an unsightly bulge in white or black gloves.
      2. Necklaces and bracelets shall not be visible;
      3. Piercings. The only piercings authorized are single or single set of stud or single stone earrings (one in each ear) are permitted in the ear lobe(s). These earrings shall not exceed one centimetre square or diameter. Gauges / spacers shall not exceed 2.5 cm in diameter; and
      4. Plain tie-pins or clips or with a Canadian military/Cadet insignia are permitted.
    5. Facial make-up, temporary lashes, and eyelashes extensions are permitted; and
    6. Coloured nail polish and artificial nails are permitted as long as they do not impair the cadet’s ability to perform their duties.

Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-35 – Week 35 – 21 May 2023


21 May 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. Enjoy Monday evening off for Victoria Day! On Wednesday, everyone will be dressed in C1As for inspection. Make sure to have all your badges sewn on properly, boots shined and uniforms pressed. I’m including some information from the dress regs in this edition of the WROs detailing how ceremonial dress is to be worn. Please review and make sure you’re adhering to these regulations. And finally, the Wonderland trip for Cadet Day is on this Saturday.

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