809 Newark Squadron – Back to Training & Welcome Back BBQ

Good evening 809 Squadron,

Just a reminder that we resume training this week @ 1830 hrs.    We’ll be having a welcome back BBQ, so save room.    Cadets are required, however, parents, siblings, and potential new cadets are welcome to attend.

See WROs for timings and dress of the day.


Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

809 Newark Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets – Registration Night



Are you between 12 and 18? Do you want to make new friends? Would you like to learn about aviation technologies, aircrew survival or do you want to possibly learn how to fly? Join 809 Newark Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets for a registration evening on Wednesday, September 11 and explore exciting opportunities for youth in Niagara-On-The-Lake.

See our Facebook page for details:

809 Cadets on Facebook – Join Air Cadets

See our Join Us page from more details as well:

Join Us | 809 Newark (809cadets.ca)

Bottle Drop Off – Saturday 07SEP24

Attn all cadets, staff, SSC members and parents!

809 Newark RCACS is conducting the 1st of 3 Bottle Drop Off’s this Saturday morning.

This is a mandatory event for all squadron members.  See WROs for timings and assembly location

This is a major fundraiser for the unit and all members are required to attend.    Cadets, bring your parents, siblings and friends to help out. It’s a lot of work as well, and the more people we have helping out, the easier the job will be.

We depend greatly on the funds that these bottle drop offs provide.  In order to keep the program free we need everyone, including cadets, parents, staff and SSC members, to provide some sweat equity. To all the adults, if you have a truck you can bring along for the day, please do. It will help us in transporting the bottles back to VanNoorts.   Make sure you wear something that is appropriate for the weather, yet you don’t mind getting dirty.

Make sure you bring water with you for the morning. Pizza will be laid on after we’re finished up for the day.  Again, dress appropriately for the weather.

Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Senior Cadets & Staff – Back tonight

809 Senior Cadets and Staff

We’re back tonight for a 2024/25 training year briefing.    Looking forward to seeing our Sergeants, Flight Sergeants and Warrant Officers.

See WROs for dress and timings.

Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

WROs and Squadron Activity Information

WROs for Week 1 have been published on Teams.

A reminder that WROs are published ONLY in Microsoft Teams.    Events, required dress and important dates are all included. Microsoft Teams is the only approved method of on-line communication for Cadets Canada.

Cadets: it’s your responsibility to review the WROs weekly prior to attending cadet activities.   This way you have a good understanding of the expectations, dress requirements and timings of the event.   IF YOU DON’T HAVE ACCESS TO TEAMS LET US KNOW. To be successful, you need to share the information with your parents/guardians.

Parents/guardians: Please encourage your cadet to access teams regularly.    This way, you’ll remain informed about our activities and expectations.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.


Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

809 Squadron Resumes Training for 2024/25 Training Year

Attention 809 Squadron!

I hope everyone had a great summer. Time to trade in the t-shirts and shorts for blues and greens. 809 starts back up next week.

Wednesday, 04SEP24 – Training Briefing – Staff & Senior Cadets (Sgt and Up) @ LHQ – 1830-2115
Saturday, 07SEP24 – Bottle Drive – All Cadets, Parents, SSC & Staff – VanNoort Greenhouses 0800-1400
Wednesday, 11SEP24 – Welcome Back BBQ & Administration Night – All Cadets, Parents, SSC & Staff AND NEW CADETS – 1830-2115

More information to be included in WROs – 02SEP24

Capt D. Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Summer Shutdown

809 Newark RCACS is currently on summer shutdown. The squadron will resume activities as follows after the summer:

– Wednesday 04SEP2024 – Training Briefing – Staff and Senior Cadets only (Sgt’s and above)
– Saturday 07SEP2024 – Bottle Drive (all staff, cadets, SSC and parents)
– Wednesday 11SEP2024 – Mandatory Parade Night – All cadets return to training

New WROs will be published via teams on Monday, Sept 2nd. Announcements will be published same day on our website. Cadets attending summer training will be contacted individually with their itineraries and CTC Joining Instructions via their Cadet365 email. The squadron phone will not be monitored over the summer. If you need to get in contact with the squadron before we return in the fall, please send an email to 809air@cadets.gc.ca.

Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

UPDATE: 809 Ottawa Trip

Brief update,
We made good time coming home. It looks like we’ll be pulling up to the LHQ shortly before 1700hrs (5pm). Additional notifications to follow if there are any more changes to our timeline.

Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

809 Returning From Ottawa

Good morning parents/guardians.

809 has boarded the bus and has departed Ottawa.  ETA at SQN LHQ is approx 1745hrs.   I’ll provide updates as we get closer to home.

I’ve posted several pics of the cadets enjoying the trip’s activities on our facebook page. Make sure you have a look.

Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Announcements – Week of 26MAY24

Hello 809!

Here we are at the 2nd last week of the 2023/24 training year.   This week is an incredibly busy one.   On Monday and Wednesday, we will be prepping for ACR.   This Thursday through Sunday we’ll be on our year end trip to Ottawa.

Here are this week’s announcements:

  1. Optional Training – Monday, 27MAY24:

This Monday is prep for ACR.   If you have taskings that need to be completed, this is the time to come into the squadron to work on them.    You’ll have access to training aids and other items to ensure your static display is worthy.

Time: 1900-2100hrs
Where: Squadron LHQ
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

  1. End of Year Trip – Ottawa – 30MAY2024 – 02JUN2024:

The Ottawa trip is scheduled for 30MAY24 – 02JUN24.    SIGN UPS ARE NOW CLOSED.   Confirmed cadets and staff are published on this week’s WROs.

Departure Time: 0800 Thursday, 30MAY2024
Departure Place: 809 Sqn LHQ
Dress – Civilian:

  • White Golf Shirt or Squadron Golf Shirt/sweater,
  • black pants,
  • black shoes

Return Time: 1745 Sunday, 02JUN2024
Return Place: 809 Sqn LHQ

An information package, including kit list, schedule and parent authorization sheet have been sent out in a separate email.     Capt Emptage will forward a letter for each cadet to present to their school detailing the trip.

  1. Annual Awards Banquet – Friday 07JUN2024:

When: Friday, June 7th. 1830hrs – 2130hrs
Where: 124 Branch Royal Canadian Legion, 410 King St, NOTL
Dress: Business Formal (jacket, shirt, tie – Males, Dress outfit – Females)
Who: all cadets, staff, SSC & guests
Cadets and Staff are Free
Parents/Siblings and guests $25.00 per person

This is a chance where we get together and celebrate our training year as a unit, and also with our guests (parents, guardians, siblings, etc).

Check your email for invites.   Please RSVP to Capt Couroux no later than 03JUN24.   Payment is due at the door.

  1. Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) & Squadron Change of Command (COC) Ceremony– Saturday 08JUN2024:

When: Saturday, June 8

Time: Cadets & Staff: 0800hrs
Parents & guests: Seated for 1045hrs – Parade Starts 1100hrs
Where: Squadron HQ
Dress: Cadets C1A, Officers: 1A, Other Staff & Guests: Business Formal

 This is a mandatory event for all cadets, staff and SSC.  

This day is a formal parade where you get the opportunity to show your guests what you’ve done this year.    This is a formal military parade where awards will be presented, promotions will be made, presentations will be made to the unit and displays, such as our new Flight Simulator, will be available for viewing by your guests, and guests of the unit.   It’s a celebration of our training year.

This year, we’ll be incorporating the Cadet Change of Command parade.    This will be the formal handover of the unit from our current SWO to the incoming SWO for the 2024-25 training year.

Check your email for invites.   Please RSVP to Capt Couroux no later than 03JUN24.

  1. Fish Fry:

The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thursday nights.    This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration.   All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Kathleen Kells by email.   Include your phone number, cell phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out.   Ms Kell’s email is ktkells@gmail.com

Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS