Canada’s Wonderland Trip – Saturday, 27MAY2023

Hello 809,

Heads – Up…..Emails have gone out to everyone participating in next Saturday’s trip to Wonderland containing details about the trip and copies of your ticket for the day.    Please have a look at your cadet email.

To everyone who hasn’t replied, but would like to go (including cadets, staff, SSC members, parents/guardians), we have 5 tickets leftover.   Anyone that would like to join us for the day, please reach out to me by email ( no later than Wednesday, May 24th letting me know that you’d like to attend.   Tickets include your admission, all day drink voucher and supper voucher.   809 cadets, Staff and SSC are free, Parents/Guardians & siblings (must be accompanied by parent) of cadets are $68.91 per ticket .   First come-first serve.


Lt Dan Couroux
809 Newark RCACS


Awards Banquet and Annual Ceremonial Review

Awards Banquet

Friday, June 02 1830-2130


Please join us at 809 Newark Squadron’s 2023 Awards Banquet at 6:30pm on Friday, June 2. The banquet is being held at:

124 Branch, Royal Canadian Legion
410 King St,
Niagara On The Lake

Please notify us of the number of guests that will be attending no later than Wednesday, May 24th in order for us to make accommodations with the caterer. Dress is semi-formal. (No uniforms!)

Any special meal requirements should be communicated to myself, Lt Dan Couroux, before the RSVP deadline.

Cadets are free, all others are $25 each.

Please make sure you include your cadet in your RSVP.

Annual Ceremonial Review

Saturday, June 3 – 1100hrs – 1200hrs

RSVP Link:

Cadets are to arrive at the squadron headquarters for 0800hrs on Saturday, June 3rd for practices and setup. Wear civies but bring your uniform (C1A) on a hanger. They are to report to Capt Emptage for attendance. Parents and guests are asked to be seated 1045hrs for a 1100hrs start. As this is a mandatory parade, we require a note from all cadets who are unable to participate.

All parents and cadets are invited to join us following the parade for a small reception to commemorate our success this year – we have lots to celebrate! Please invite your entire family to come to the parade as it truly shows the result of the hard work the Cadets of 809 Squadron have put forward this past training year.

In order to estimate numbers for the SSC BBQ that traditionally follows the ACR, please RSVP using the link above and include your cadet in your response.

Guests should dress in business casual attire. (No jeans.)

See you there!



Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCAC


Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-34 – Week 34 – 14 May 2023


14 May 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. We’re heading down the stretch to the awards banquet and the ACR. Regular training is over, now we’re practicing drill and getting the displays ready.
Welcome back Capt Emptage. I hope you had a great vacation.

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Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-33 – Week 33 – 7 May 2023


7 May 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. This week were training with the Civil Air Search & Rescue Association (CASARA) at the Niagara District Airport. Sounds like it will be a fun experience.

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Cadets Day @ Canada’s Wonderland – Saturday May 27, 2023

The sign up list is now on the squadron website for the Wonderland year end trip.

To attend, you must sign up by Thursday, May 11.    If you can’t access the sign-up sheet – you need to send an email to myself by Thursday, May 11 ( 

Sign up list: Canada’s Wonderland Sign Up

This will be an all-day experience.   If you’d like to go, make sure you sign up on the website.  You need to be logged in to do so.    The day’s activities will include:

  • Travel to and from Wonderland (from the Squadron Headquarters)
  • Tickets to Wonderland for the day
  • Dinner
  • Unlimited Soft Drink Pass

The plan

  • Bus leaves Squadron Headquarters @ 0800 on Saturday May 27, returning that evening around 2000hrs
  • Dress is in appropriate civilian attire
  • Bring your own spending money (including money for lunch)
  • Bring your health card.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me by email or at the squadron.

Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-32 – Week 32 – 30 April 2023


30 April 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. I was glad to see so many cadets attend the fun day last Saturday. I hope you all had a great time. I know the staff did.

We are now coming up on the last full month of training for the year. Most of the classroom instruction is complete and we’ll be concentrating on practical displays and drill to get ready for the Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) on Saturday, June 3.

This Wednesday marks the 1st training day of the month, which is a CO’s parade and inspection. So, prep your blues and shine your boots.

Capt Emptage will not be around for the next couple of weeks. She’s busy working on her tan down in the Caribbean. OCdt Bell will be running the training section while she’s away.

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This Weekend’s Activities

Just a reminder to everyone about this week’s activities:

Fun day
– When: Saturday, April 29 1000hrs-2130hrs (note: if you have plans for the day, please note that you can participate for a partial day)
– Where: Squadron Headquarters
– Dress: Civies
– OIC: Capt Emptage

Join us for a fun day at the squadron. There will be a mix fun activities covering aviation, aerospace, survival and fitness. Make sure you bring appropriate attire for being outside (the forecast is calling for 12deg & rain) and also sports gear for indoors.
Lunch and dinner will be provided. Bring a re-fillable water bottle and snacks.

– Unfortunately, gliding has been cancelled due to the ongoing federal strike.

If you were only planning to go to one of the activities this weekend, well, there’s only one choice now. I hope to see as many of you as possible on Saturday

D Couroux, Lt
809 Newark Sqn

Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-31 – Week 31 – 23 April 2023


23 April 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. We have an exciting full week of activities planned. Monday is optional training as usual. Wednesday is regular training (FTU’s are the dress of the day). And this weekend we’re having the squadron Fun Day on Saturday, followed by gliding on Sunday (both in civilian attire).

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Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-30 – Week 30 – 16 April 2023


16 April 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. Regular training picks up this Wednesday evening with FTUs being the dress of the day. See you Wednesday.

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