Although it’s beautiful outside, I need to cancel flying tonight on the account that I have the flu and am not fit to fly.
Remember Gliding is on Sunday, meet at the terminal at 1245 at the latest.
Although it’s beautiful outside, I need to cancel flying tonight on the account that I have the flu and am not fit to fly.
Remember Gliding is on Sunday, meet at the terminal at 1245 at the latest.
Famil Flying is a GO for tonight. Double check the schedule – remember to meet at the airport. Dress is uniform as below.
Duty Officer
Capt Palumbo
C-1 for everyone. CO’s parade will be confined to closing briefing. Full parade sequence to be completed beginning at 850pm.
Don’t forget: we have 20 spots for Gliding on Sunday at the Niagara-On-The-Lake Airport. 1pm arrival at the terminal building. Dress: civilian appropriate for weather. Wear sunscreen and a hat.
WE NEED TO SEND 20 CADETS! Each year we struggle to fill our spots. Please check your calendars (and Mother’s Day plans) and make sure you can come out on Sunday afternoon. We’ll be done around 4pm.
Power flying is cancelled tonight due to high winds. Re-scheduling will happen with Capt Jarrell. Watch for a new post.
Please note the May 20 deadline!
OAC Scholarship for Aerospace StudiesThe Ontario Aerospace Council is pleased to offer two scholarships for the 2015-2016 Academic Year for students going into or currently enrolled in an aerospace studies program at a post-secondary institution (college or university) in Ontario. The value of each scholarship is $1,800.00 CAD.
Who Can Apply? – High school students in their final year who are entering an aerospace studies program at an accredited Ontario college or university; – Students currently enrolled in an aerospace studies program at an accredited Ontario college or university What is Required for the Application? – Essay (500 – 800 words) from applicant stating their interest in aerospace and career aspirations – For first year students, a Letter of Acceptance into their chosen academic institution – Two letters of reference from community members (teacher, professor, coaches, employer, volunteer leader, etc.) – Academic report issued by applicant’s current educational institution for the 2014-2015 Academic Year (most current) – Academic achievement of 70% or greater in current year studies Application Submission: – Applications may be submitted electronically to the OAC at – Applications may be submitted by regular mail to: OAC Scholarship Application – Applications must be received no later than Wednesday May 20, 2015 – Incomplete applications will not be considered The OAC Scholarship Review Panel will review applications and successful candidates will be advised by May 27, 2015. Scholarships will be presented at OAC’s Golf Tournament on June 1, 2015. Funds for this initiative are generated from the annual OAC Golf Tournament. We thank all golf tournament sponsors and participants for enabling OAC to offer this to the next generation of our aerospace workforce. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ |
We are finally blessed with good weather.
Meet at the St Catharines Flying Club (to the left and follow the signs) no later than 6:15pm. I will take them back to the LHQ for the rest of the Training Night.
The schedule for the rest of the flights can be found here:
I will be discussing with those who’s flights were cancelled if they are available this Friday. Please
Duty Officer
CV Lemoine
Summer: C2B for everyone – check the dress regulations on the website if you are unsure what to wear!
TAGGING: was a success! Thank you to all the parent drivers, the cadets who participated, the staff and sponsors who supervised, and to Mr. Ruttan (Sponsor Chairman) and Mr. Hendriks (Sponsor Treasurer) for being available all weekend to make sure tagging was successful. Well done!
I hate to do it, but I need to cancell flying again tonight. Cielings are forecasted to be 1700 feet above the ground, which means I can only fly 1200 feet above the ground. Regional Cadet Air Operations require flights to be at least 2500 feet.
Wednesday looks more promising…but shhh dont jinx it!
Monday night training:
7-8pm Drill: jeans, sqn t-shirt, parade boots, wedge
8-9pm Sports: appropriate sports gear (no jeans), running shoes
FLYING: check the schedule from last week.
We still have 8 shifts that need to be filled for the weekend. If you can do an extra one, please call the office or show-up. 905-468-7584
Cadets that were not at the Squadron on Wed were assigned available spots for the weekend. Please CHECK THE REVISED1 SCHEDULE here: Tagging Schedule Apr 2015 REVISED1
Officer staff will be calling your house to make sure you know when your shift is. Maximum participation is required. Don’t cost your parents $75 for not showing up when you are scheduled.
Looking forward to a great weekend of Tagging – don’t forget your PARKA!