Annual Cadet Awards Banquet

Friday, 22 May 2015 630pm NOTL Community Centre

Adults $15, Siblings $7.50, Cadets FREE – please pay at the door if you haven’t already. By reservation already received only – there are no additional spots available for last minute, at the door, additions.

Dinner will begin by 645pm.

Please arrive on time and dressed in semi-formal (no uniform, no jeans, no business casual) attire. Gentlemen: Suit and tie, collared shirt and vest, dress pants or equivalent. Ladies: dresses, skirts or blouses with dress pants or equivalent, hair may be worn down.

Looking forward to a great evening celebrating our cadet’s many accomplishments.

Dessert Treats needed for Sat

Just like an FTX, we are asking parents for donations of baked goods for the luncheon following the parade on Sat. Any item as long as it is peanut/nut-free is welcome. Bake or buy – we aren’t picky! Cookies, squares, brownies, or timbits – you decide.  Gluten/dairy-free baking is also welcome (but please LABEL!).

Please label your container with your LAST NAME and either send it to the parade with your cadet on Sat morning at 9am, or bring it with you when you arrive and give it to Mrs. Mehrotra.

Fish Fry Thursday Nights

Level Two Cadets: this is a reminder of your responsibility to our Legion Sponsor to provide the service of two cadets as runners for the Fish Fry on Thursday nights.

This service is a privilege to provide and a lucrative one as well for those level two cadets who participate.

Please ensure you are ON TIME for your shift at 430pm, and at the legion ready to work. Bring your best attitude and make sure that you don’t miss a shift. 

If you can’t make it, call another level two cadet or Mrs. Couroux before Thurs night to arrange a change. Don’t drop the ball – you are responsible for your own attendance.

Annual Banquet RSVP due TONIGHT

Last chance to RSVP for the Annual Banquet. Make sure you reply to your evite – TONIGHT is the deadline.

COST: $15 for adults, $7.50 for siblings, CADETS are free.

DRESS: semi-formal, no uniforms.

LOCATION: NOTL Community Centre, Hwy 55

TIME: 630pm – 9pm

Aeronca Aircraft Project

There is still some time and a few spaces remaining for Cadets to register for the Aeronca Aircraft Project in London, Ontario.  Applications are being accepted until May 29 and interested Cadets are asked to complete the attached registration form. We ask all of our SSC’s and CO’s to distribute the information and the attached documents at their LHQ to parents and Cadets.

 The Aeronca Aircraft Project is a Course to help train Air Cadets in the skills of aviation technology and maintenance, which will undoubtedly benefit the Canadian Air Force and the aviation and aerospace industries in the community.  NEW this year is the course being held at the Jazz Hangar situated right at the London International Airport.

 The Aeronca Project is an exciting opportunity for Air Cadets and includes the following:

Ø  The Course is recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Education, and on successful completion, Cadets will receive a Grade 11 credit toward High School graduation

Ø  The course is for 4 weeks in July, commencing Thursday July 2, 2015 and ending Tuesday July 28, 2015

Ø  The maximum number of Cadets available to participate is limited to 20

Ø  Graduates will receive a $400 bursary, awarded upon completion at the programs Grad Ceremony

Participating Cadets from outside the area will be provided with accommodation in the London area.

Please encourage interested Air Cadets to seek information about the course and to register by the deadline date if interested.  For more information, please contact: LCol (Retd) Armin Grunwald, Chairperson at the following email:

Gliding Sunday – 9 spots left!

We need 9 more cadets to sign up for Gliding on Sunday. Bring your Mom out to watch!

1-4pm at the Niagara District Airport in NOTL. Dress: Civilian comfortable. Bring: backpack with something to read, listen to, eat. Take care of your own kit.

Meet at the terminal building at 1245pm. You must be shuttled to the flight line – do not attempt to walk out on your own.