Category Archives: Volunteer

Volunteer Opportunity: St. Mark’s Anglican Church Cherry Festival

Volunteer Opportunity

St. Mark’s Anglican Church is looking for some cadet volunteers to assist with the operation of their Cherry Festival this year from 0830h (8:30am) to 1500h (3:00pm). Interested cadets should contact Mr. George Robinson by phone at (905) 468-5487 or (905) 932-5487 or by email at for further details. Volunteer hours for high school will be signed off on by the Cherry Festival staff. This is not a supervised cadet event.

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

This Week (Links Corrected)

Despite a bit of cold and wet weather, this last weekend’s FTX was enjoyed by all. Thanks to all of the staff who contributed to its success.

This week’s training details and community events have been posted to the calendar and can be found below.

Wednesday: Training Night
Saturday and Sunday: Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign
Saturday: Royal Canadian Legion Veterans’ Dinner
Sunday: Royal Canadian Legion Veterans’ Luncheon
Sunday: Grace United Church Remembrance Service

For the Saturday and Sunday events, there are specific sign-up sheets in each calendar entry. Paper sign-up sheets will also be provided on Wednesday night.

Remember that you have to be signed into the web page to see instructors’ names in the training schedule and to have access to the signup sheets.

Canada Day Parade

Sending a big “Thank You!” out to the cadets who attended the Canada Day Parade on Sunday. Volunteering to participate in these events demonstrates our commitment to our community and country. Raising awareness of the squadron in the public eye is also a great side benefit.

SSC – Volunteer Opportunity

The Squadron Sponsoring Committee is looking for a few dedicated parents to take on a new sub-committee: Bottle Drive Fundraising.

Timings will be determined by the group, however the following will be the general parameters for any interested parent:

  • be available once per month
  • be available for a couple of hours (+/-)
  • meet at either the Bottle Drop-Off (located at Ruttan House corner of East & West Line and Hwy 55) or the Van Noort Greenhouse (located at the corner of Hunter Road and Four Mile Creek)
  • sort bottles according to their type as per direction from Mr Zalepa, Sponsor Chair
  • pack, stack bottles in Van Noort/Ruttan storage area for pick-up during bottle drives (twice per trg year)
  • drive to local businesses to pick-up bottles to bring to the two locations above for sorting (on off days, randomly during the year)
  • post posters to advertise local bottle drives (twice per year)
  • plays well with others

Interested parents are asked to contact the Sponsor Chair, Mr Gary Zalepa via email:


This Saturday the Sponsoring Committee will be sorting and packing up the remaining bottles at the VanNoort Greenhouses.

There are a LOT of bottles to get sorted before the summer – PARENTS if you have some free time, please join them. All time will count toward High School Volunteer Hours for cadets that join in.

DATE: Saturday, 22nd April, 2017

TIME: 8am-1pm

LOCATION: 236 Hunter Road (at the corner of Four Mile Creek Road)

DRESS: Civilian casual


NOTL Icewine Festival – Volunteers needed

We need 5 cadets to volunteer an hour of their time on Sunday, January 22nd at 5pm. Meet at the clock tower downtown. Dress is civilian with cadet toques. Dress appropriate for the weather – we will be outside.

Time will count toward high school volunteer hour requirements.

Give your name to Capt Palumbo TONIGHT if you can help.