Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

Gliding Follow-up (2)

It appears that the link send for the sign-up sheets in the original follow-up post doesn’t work when accessed from email. This one provides a more functional link.

Capt Jody Lemoine
Training Officer

Gliding Follow-up

As a follow-up to Capt Palumbo’s post about gliding this weekend, cadets are reminded that priority for gliding is by training level and prior experience. Level 1 cadets who have not participated previously will have first priority, followed by remaining level 1 cadets, then level 2 cadets, &c.

A sign-up sheet has been added to the web site in order to track which cadets will be in attendance. The link is provided in this post, but you must either be logged into the site to see it or access it directly from the email message.

Capt Jody Lemoine
Training Officer

Baked Goods for Post-parade BBQ on Saturday

Once again, we’re asking parents to contribute desserts and baked goods for our post-parade BBQ on Saturday. Anything that is your favourite and nut-free would be ideal, but please avoid anything that requires utensils as these will be in short supply. Cookies, brownies, butter tarts and lemon tarts (if you feel the need to be on Capt Palumbo’s good side) are all good examples. As always, we’re hoping to fill the dessert table without additional cost to the Squadron. For those who can’t bake, timbits and and store-bought cookies will be accepted with a smile, too. Desserts can either be dropped off with your cadet or brought when you come for the parade itself. Thank you in advance.

Please contact Mrs. Mehrotra on the Sponsoring Committee to let her know what you’ll be dropping off on Saturday. Email:

PS: Marked Tupperware containers make returning dishes easier.

Awards Banquet and Annual Ceremonial Review 2016

Approaching the end of the year, we’re preparing for our Awards Banquet and Annual Ceremonial Review. In order to get an estimate of attendance, two evite events have been set up below. If you haven’t already confirmed, do so via the following links.

Of primary importance is the RSVP for the Awards Banquet. It is important that we have final numbers for the caterer by the 25th of May. RSVPs received after this date will not be accepted.

We’re looking forward to seeing you at both events!

Call for Photos

The training year is slowly drawing to a close and we’re approach the Awards Banquet and the Annual Ceremonial Review.

With that in mind, CI Lemoine is gathering as many photos from the training year as he can in order to assemble a slide show for these events. If you have any photos of cadets to contribute and can send them to him, it will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Tag Day Schedule – April 2016

The shift schedule for this weekend’s tagging is as follows. Please remember that you must be logged into the site to see the list of cadets.

Shift: Friday, 15 Apr 2016 1600-2000 (4:00pm-8:00pm)
Officer in Charge: Capt Lemoine

Shift: Saturday, 16 Apr 2016 0900-1300 (9:00am-1:00pm)
Officer in Charge: CI Thiffault

Shift: Saturday, 16 Apr 2016 1200-1600 (12:00pm-4:00pm)
Officer in Charge: OCdt Couroux

Shift: Sunday, 17 Apr 2016 1200-1600 (12:00pm-4:00pm)
Officer in Charge: Capt Palumbo

Pick up and drop-off for each shift is at the Squadron Office. If you are able to drive the cadets out to their location, please report to the Officer in Charge of the shift inside. Thank you in advance for helping to make the Tagging weekend a success.

PARENTS, PLEASE REMEMBER: if your cadet does not attend Tagging this wknd, your fundraising deposit cheque will be deposited to the squadron account. Contact the Commanding Officer ( if you need to change a shift due to availability issues.

Upcoming Drill Team Schedule

Per OCdt Couroux:

  1. Monday, 28 Mar 16 – No Drill Team Practice: Due to a lack of availability, there will be no drill team practice on Easter Monday.
  2. Monday, 4 Apr 16 1900h-2100h (7pm-9pm) – Drill Team Practice: Full Dress Rehersal – Dress is C2. Boots polished, uniforms pressed, proper haircuts.
  3. Saturday, 9 Apr 16 – NAG Drill Competition at 809 Squadron – We’re hosting. Do your best. Good luck!

Wednesday Night Training

Duty Officer
CI Ruttan

C2: All parade positions (Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1); C4: Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)

Tonight and next Wednesday are regular training nights leading up to our CO’s Parade on the 17th and our Spring FTX on the 19th-21st.

Bring a friend! Just because our recruiting event was last week doesn’t mean you can’t invite your friends out over the next few weeks. An FTX is a great first experience for a new cadet.

Return from NAG Sports Competition

The NAG Sports Competition is over and we’re on our way back to 809 Squadron HQ. ETA is 1750h (5:50pm), give or take a few minutes.

The cadets put in an excellent effort and showed exemplary sportsmanship, scoring second place in both handball and volleyball. They also scored 4th place in soccer – with one less player on the court!

In addition, our teams placed second for the overall competition. WOOHOO!

They have every reason to be as proud of themselves as we are of them.

Well done!

Bottle Drive Reminder

Saturday is the our mid-year Bottle Drive (16 Sep 2016) at the VanNoort Greenhouses (on the corner of Hunter and Four Mile Creek Roads) 0900h to 1600h. This is a MANDATORY fund-raising activity for all cadets. In addition, we need as many parent volunteers as possible to drive and sort. Lunch is provided.

Dress: jeans, squadron t-shirt (navy blue with 809 spray painted on it), squadron ball cap or cadet toque, winter boots.