Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

March Break Activities (Update)

Looking at the sign-up sheets for our March Break activities, we’re coming down to a go or no-go decision.

Tomorrow’s visit to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum currently has three cadets signed up, which isn’t enough to justify the trip. If you’re interested in going, you need to sign up by 1630h (4:30pm) today. The final decision will be made at that point. If we don’t go, we’ll make another try of it later in the year.

SkyZone on Wednesday is looking good. We have six cadets signed up, but more is better!

Curling on Friday has four cadets signed up and we’ll need a few more to make it viable.

Bottom line: If you’re participating, sign up right away. These are not activities that you can just show up to on the day of the event.

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 4 Mar 2018

4 Mar 18

RO Number

Training Night
7 Mar 18

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C1: All Cadets

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CV Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M160.01 M160.02 CO
Description Aerodrome Operations Aerodrome Operations Parade
Level Two PO/EO M232.04 M260.02 CO
Description Engines Aerodrome Operations Parade
Level Three PO/EO M336.01 M337.02 M308.PC
Description Meteorology Air Navigation Drill
Level Four PO/EO M409.04 M409.05a CO
Description Instructional Techniques Instructional Techniques Parade

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
5 Mar 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
7 Mar 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C1 CV Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
12-16 Mar 2018 March Break Stand-down
(No Training – Other Activities to be Announced)
19 Mar 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
21 Mar 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) Sports Attire CV Nicolescu

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

Range Team Competition Tomorrow

Correction to Wednesday’s announcement about tomorrow’s range team competition:

Only the five competing members of the team should show up at the Lake Street Armouries tomorrow. The spare members of the team should not be in attendance.

Please accept my apology for the confusion and join me in wishing the best to our team as they compete tomorrow.

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 25 Feb 2018

25 Feb 18

RO Number

Training Night
28 Feb 18

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M130.03a M130.03b M108.08
Description Aviation Aviation Drill
Level Two PO/EO M270.03a M270.03b M207.03
Description Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing General Cadet Knowledge
Level Three PO/EO M337.01 C309.06a C309.06b
Description Air Navigation Instructional Techniques Instructional Techniques
Level Four PO/EO M409.03a M409.03b M436.01
Description Instructional Techniques Instructional Techniques Meteorology

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
26 Feb 2018 1900-2100 Monday Range Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian OCdt Couroux
28 Feb 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2/C3 OCdt Couroux
3 Mar 2018 0830-1600 Saturday Zone 7/8 Marksmanship Competition Lake Street Armoury (St. Catharines) Civilian OCdt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
5 Mar 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
28 Feb 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2/C3 CV Lemoine

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

Aviation Training Weekend – The Return

Once again, the cadets of 809 Squadron had a fun, exciting, and educational weekend at the Cadet Youth Development Centre at the Waterloo Airport. We’re on our way home now with a bus load of tired cadets and a renewed enthusiasm for the aviation and aerospace aspects of our program.

Parents, we were a little bit behind schedule leaving the CYDC add expect to arrive at 809 HQ between 1820h (6:20pm) add 1830h (6:30pm) instead of our originally scheduled time.

Aviation Training Exercise

Per the instructions given on Wednesday, we will be meeting in front of 809’s HQ no later than 1815 (6:15pm) for a 1830 (6:30pm) departure. Make sure you have everything in the kit list with you, especially your health card.

We will be returning from the Cadet Youth Development Centre in Waterloo at approximately 1630 (4:30pm) on Sunday for an estimated return of 1800 (6:00pm) arrival. If there are unexpected changes to this, notification will given as soon as possible.

We’re gearing up for an amazing weekend with a few additional things that we didn’t experience last time. I hope everyone else is looking forward to it as much as I am!

Details of the weekend’s exercise can be found here:

CYDC 2018 Exercise – Ops Order
CYDC 2018 Exercise – Annex A – Training Schedule
CYDC 2018 Exercise – Annex B – Kit List

Squadron Effective Speaking Competition

The Squadron Effective Speaking Competition is tonight! We’re all excited to hear what the cadets have prepared for us. The competition starts at 7pm, and we are expecting guests to show up around 6:45pm. Parents, other relatives, and friends are all welcome to attend.

For those cadets participating, remember to bring your signed forms so that we can submit them to the Air Cadet League.

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 18 Feb 2018

18 Feb 18

RO Number

Training Night and CO’s Parade
21 Feb 18

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C2: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO O410 O410 M129.01
Description Effective Speaking Competition Effective Speaking Competition Phonetic Alphabet
Level Two PO/EO O410 O410 M208.01b
Description Effective Speaking Competition Effective Speaking Competition Drill
Level Three PO/EO O410 O410 M370.01
Description Effective Speaking Competition Effective Speaking Competition Aircraft Manufacturing
Level Four PO/EO O410 O410 M432.03
Description Effective Speaking Competition Effective Speaking Competition Engine Systems

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
21 Feb 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2/C3 Lt Russell
23-25 Feb 2018 Wednesday CYDC Aviation Training Weekend 822 HQ (Waterloo) Civilian Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
26 Feb 2018 1900-2100 Monday Range Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian OCdt Couroux
28 Feb 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2/C3 Lt Russell
3 Mar 2018 0830-1600 Saturday Zone 7/8 Marksmanship Competition Lake Street Armoury (St. Catharines) Civilian OCdt Couroux

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

CYDC Aviation Weekend Kit List

Kit List:


  1. Health Card
  2. Appropriate Outdoor Coat or Cadet Parka
  3. Winter Gloves
  4. Toque
  5. Winter Boots
  6. 809 Shirt and Ball Cap
  7. 809 Hoodie (if available)
  8. Shirts (2 minimum)
  9. Socks (4 pair minimum)
  10. Underwear (2 pair minimum)
  11. Pyjamas
  12. Pants (i.e. khakis, jeans [no rips or holes])
  13. Running shoes (indoor and outdoor)
  14. Personal Hygiene Kit. (tooth brush, tooth paste, &c)
  15. Plastic Bag (for dirty laundry)
  16. Air Mattress
  17. Sleeping Bag and Pillow


Medication as required (bring only what is necessary for the weekend)

Optional Items: (Squadron will not be responsible for lost or stolen items)

  1. Camera
  2. Music Player with Headphones (iPod, &c)
  3. Appropriate Reading Material

Prohibited Items:

  1. Any Item Deemed to be a Potential Weapon (i.e. Knives)
  2. Illegal or Controlled Substances (i.e. Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco)
  3. Pornographic material