Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 8 Apr 2018

8 Apr 2018

RO Number

Training Night
11 Apr 2018

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M103.03a M103.03b C108.01
Description Teambuilding Teambuilding Drill
Level Two PO/EO C232.01a C232.01b C208.02c
Description Aero Engine Systems Aero Engine Systems Drill
Level Three PO/EO M336.04a M336.04b M370.03
Description Meteorology Meteorology Aircraft Manufacturing
Level Four PO/EO M436.02a M436.02b M436.02c
Description Meteorology Meteorology Meteorology

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
9 Apr 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
11 Apr 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2/C3 Lt Russell
14 Apr 2018 0830-1600 Saturday NAG Drill Competition 809 HQ (REIA) C2 Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
16 Apr 2018 1900-2100 Monday Squadron Bowling Night Parkway Lanes, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines Civilian Capt Lemoine
11 Apr 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2/C3 OCdt Couroux

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

Tag Day Shifts

This is a reminder to all cadets that they must sign up for two (2) tag day shifts this weekend. Cadets who do not sign up for their mandatory shifts will have their $100 sponsorship deposit cheques cashed in lieu. If your haven’t signed up for two shifts, please let me know so that we can get this corrected.

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

Spring Tag Days

It’s that time of year again! Tag days begin tomorrow and run all weekend around Niagara-on-the-Lake. Make sure you are arrive five minutes before your shift and be sure that you ware are wearing your uniform. You may wear C2 or C3 depending on the weather. Toques are also optional, but you must wear either a toque or a wedge. Definitely bring your parka. Lunch will be provided for those cadets participating all day on Saturday.

WE HAVE NEED OF FIVE MORE CADETS ON SUNDAY. If you can cover an extra shift on Sunday, please let a staff or SSC member know as when you arrive for your first shift. In addition, one or two cadets needed to be moved to Saturday from Friday because there weren’t enough spots to accommodate. If you are one of these cadets and cannot be available for your new shift, we can move you over to Sunday as an option.

Staff will be on-site at the squadron to facilitate departure, but we need PARENT DRIVERS. Please have your parent come inside the office when you arrive if they are able to drive you out to your location. They will need to provide proof of valid drivers license and insurance.

Cadet Volunteer Schedule

Friday, 6 Apr 2018, 1700h-2000h (5:00pm-8:00pm)

Saturday, 7 Apr 2018, 0900h-1300h (9:00am-1:00pm)

Saturday, 7 Apr 2018, 1200h-1600h (12:00pm-4:00pm)

Sunday, 8 Apr 2018, 1200h-1600h (12:00pm-4:00pm)

Staff Supervision Schedule:

Friday, 6 Apr 2018, 1700h-2000h (5:00pm-8:00pm) – CV Carbone
Saturday, 7 Apr 2018, 0900h-1300h (9:00am-1:00pm) – CI Thiffault
Saturday, 7 Apr 2018, 1200h-1600h (12:00pm-4:00pm) – OCdt Couroux
Sunday, 8 Apr 2018, 1200h-1600h (12:00pm-4:00pm) – Capt Lemoine

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 1 Apr 2018

1 Apr 2018

RO Number

Training Night
4 Apr 2018

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C1: All Cadets

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M108.10 M108.11 CO
Description Drill Drill CO’s Parade
Level Two PO/EO C208.02a C208.02b CO
Description Drill Drill CO’s Parade
Level Three PO/EO M336.03 M370.02 CO
Description Meteorology Aircraft Maintenance CO’s Parade
Level Four PO/EO M431.02a M431.02b CO
Description Principles of Flight Principles of Flight CO’s Parade

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
4 Apr 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night and CO’s Parade 809 HQ (REIA) C1 Capt Lemoine
6 Apr 2018 Friday Cadet Tag Days Niagara-on-the-Lake C1 CV Nicolescu
7 Apr 2018 Saturday Cadet Tag Days Niagara-on-the-Lake C1 CI Thiffault / TBD
8 Apr 2018 Sunday Cadet Tag Days Niagara-on-the-Lake C1 Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
9 Apr 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
11 Apr 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2/C3 Capt Lemoine
14 Apr 2018 0830-1600 Saturday NAG Drill Competition 809 HQ (REIA) C1 Capt Lemoine

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 25 Mar 2018

25 Mar 18

RO Number

Training Night
28 Mar 18

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CV Carbone

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M160.03a M160.03b M108.09
Description Aerodrome Operations Aerodrome Operations Drill
Level Two PO/EO C240.03 M230.01 M230.02
Description Aerospace Aviation History Aviation History
Level Three PO/EO M336.02 M331.01a M331.01b
Description Meteorology Instructional Techniques Instructional Techniques
Level Four PO/EO M409.05b M409.05c M409.PC
Description Instructional Techniques Instructional Techniques Instructional Techniques (PC)

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
26 Mar 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
28 Feb 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2/C3 CV Carbone

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
4 Apr 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Training Night and CO’s Parade 809 HQ (REIA) C1 Capt Lemoine
6 Apr 2018 Friday Cadet Tag Days Niagara-on-the-Lake C1 TBD
7 Apr 2018 Saturday Cadet Tag Days Niagara-on-the-Lake C1 TBD
8 Apr 2018 Sunday Cadet Tag Days Niagara-on-the-Lake C1 TBD

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 18 Mar 2018

18 Mar 2018

RO Number

Training Night
21 Mar 2018 (Fitness Testing)

CAF Member Dress
Operational (CADPAT) or Sports Attire

Cadet Dress
Sports Attire (All Cadets)

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CV Nicolescu

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO MX05.01d MX05.01e MX05.01f
Description Fitness Testing Fitness Testing Fitness Testing
Level Two PO/EO MX05.01d MX05.01e MX05.01f
Description Fitness Testing Fitness Testing Fitness Testing
Level Three PO/EO MX05.01d MX05.01e MX05.01f
Description Fitness Testing Fitness Testing Fitness Testing
Level Four PO/EO MX05.01d MX05.01e MX05.01f
Description Fitness Testing Fitness Testing Fitness Testing

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
19 Mar 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
21 Mar 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Regular Training Night (Fitness Testing) 809 HQ (REIA) Sports Attire CV Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
26 Mar 2018 1900-2100 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
28 Feb 2018 1830-2100 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ (REIA) C2/C3 CV Carbone

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

March Break Activities (Update 3)

Today’s fun? Curling!

Be at the St. Catharines Curling Centre (220 Grantham Ave, St. Catharines, ON) at 1345h (2:00pm) for two hours of throwing rocks! Cadets should be dressed in warm, fibre-free outerwear (it’s 7° out on the ice) and gloves. Bring clean running shoes and your health card!

Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Trip (Update)

Just got back from 809’s March Break trip to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Mount Hope. Everyone, staff included, learned some very cool facts about these incredible aircraft. Did you know that Canadian-built Rolls-Royce Merlin engines have an opposite spin to their British counterparts? We didn’t. Something about driving on opposite sides of the road, maybe?

Here are our cadets in front of the museum’s iconic Supermarine Spitfire Mark XVIe.

Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Trip

For those six cadets who signed up for the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Trip, we’ll be leaving at 0900h (9:00am) tomorrow morning from the front of 809 Squadron HQ and expect to arrive at the museum at 1000h (10:00am) for our tour. Dress is C2 for all attending cadets. Lunch will be served on-site. Bring your health card!