Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 5 Jan 2020

4 Jan 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

Welcome back! Here’s hoping everyone had a great Christmas and are enjoying the new decade so far.

We’re going to ease into January with a reasonably relaxed first week. There will be •no optional training night• this coming Monday so most cadets don’t need to come out. Instead, we’ll be holding an instructors’ meeting to plan out the remainder of the year. If you’re an instructor, bring your best ideas on Monday. Wednesday will be a CO’s Parade, starting us off on the right foot (literally!) for setting deportment, drill, and dress standards for the new year. Knowing whose uniforms still fit can’t hurt either.

The Winter Bottle Drive on the 11th. This is one of our •mandatory• fundraisers and so it’s important that all cadets (and as many parents as possible) are participating. We expect to get started at 0900 and be finished by 1600.

We also have this year’s Flying Scholarship Exams at 62 Phantom Squadron HQ on the 11th at 0900. It’s been too long since we’ve had a pilot in the squadron, so we’re all wishing Sgt Lampman and FSgt Abt our best as they take the next step toward getting their wings.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing about their holidays. Remember, if you know anyone else who you think might benefit from our program, don’t hesitate to invite them out. We accept new cadets throughout the year.

Training Night
8 Jan 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
6 Jan 2020
Monday Instructor Meeting 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
8 Jan 2020
Wednesday Regular Training Night and CO’s Parade 809 HQ C1A Capt Lemoine
11 Jan 2020
Saturday Winter Bottle Drive Van Noort Greenhouses, Four Mile Creek and Hunter Roads, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Civilian (Cadet Toques) Capt Lemoine
11 Jan 2020
Saturday Flying Scholarship Exams 62 Phantom Squadron HQ, 105 Mountain Street, Grimsby, ON C3 (Area Office Representative)

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
13 Jan 2020
Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
15 Jan 2020
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ Civilian 2Lt Nicolescu

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

New Year’s Day Levees

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and are looking forward to an exciting New Year’s Eve.

For those cadets who will be attending the various New Year’s Day Levees (including those being held a little later on the 4th), you have not only permission, but encouragement to wear your uniforms to these events.

The first of 2020’s Weekly Routine Orders will be published before the weekend.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 15 Dec 19

15 Dec 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

We had a strong turnout at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Santa Claus Parade despite the rain, including one 23 Squadron cadet who decided to jump in with us halfway through the parade. Thanks to all of our cadets for your enthusiastic participation. Events like these are where we cement our ties with our community. Well done!

We’re going into our last training week of 2019 with drill team and sports on Monday night, followed by the 11th Annual Squadron Mess Dinner on the 18th at Grace United Church in Niagara-on-the-Lake.

The Mess Dinner is always memorable and is a wonderful way to learn about Canadian Armed Forces traditions while at the same time celebrating our squadron family. I’ve attached a copy of the invitation for the Mess Dinner so that everyone has the details of the event. Remember that the dress for the event is C2, which is your full uniform with a white collared shirt and a bowtie and no name tag.

Special thanks go out to all of the members of our Squadron Sponsorship Committee for organizing the logistics for the event, to all of our parent volunteers, to Mrs. Norma Ruttan for volunteering to be our kitchen lead, and to Rev. Maureen Ellison and Grace United Church for providing the venue.

Training Night
18 Dec 19

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress
2 or 2B

Cadet Dress

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
16 Dec 19
Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
18 Dec 19
Wednesday Annual Squadron Mess Dinner Grace United Church C2 Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 8 Dec 19

8 Dec 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

For those who weren’t present at last week’s training night, congratulations are in order for our new cadet promotions: WO2 Gowans was promoted from the rank of FSgt and WO1 Lett was promoted from the rank of WO2. In addition, 2Lt Nicolescu was promoted from the rank of OCdt. Congratulations to all!

Monday night is our usual optional training night with Drill Team practice for the first part of the evening and sports for the second part.

On Wednesday, we’ll have Lt Wilson out from 23 Squadron to act as Range Safety Officer for our marksmanship training night. Most of our cadets have been learning or reviewing proper conduct on the rifle range and have been familiarizing or re-familiarizing themselves with the cadet air rifle. It’s time to put all of this together and see how it works in practice.

Those cadets who have applied the IACE, GPS and PPS national-level courses have been given a list of additional documentation required. This all needs to be submitted by 15 Dec, so I would like to have them in by Wednesday at the latest. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with me on Monday.

This Saturday, we’re participating in the Niagara-on-the-Lake Santa Claus Parade. We’ll be gathering at 1030 at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 in Niagara-on-the-Lake for an 1100 start and will be joined by 23 Squadron and their band. The town begins closing off streets around 1000 and so it is recommended that cadets be dropped off around 0930. We’ll have an officer there for supervision from 0900. Further details will be announced on Wednesday.

We’re still looking for three parent volunteers to help out as kitchen staff and servers for the Annual Mess Dinner. If you can help out, please sign up below.

Event Sign-ups
(You must be logged into the site to view sign-up sheets.)

Looking forward to seeing everyone this week!

Training Night
11 Dec 19

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress
Operational (CADPAT)

Cadet Dress

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: OCdt Couroux

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
9 Dec 19
Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian Capt Lemoine
11 Dec 19
Wednesday Regular Training Night (Marksmanship) 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
14 Dec 19
Saturday Niagara-on-the-Lake Santa Claus Parade Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 C3/C3D Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
16 Dec 19
Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
18 Dec 19
Wednesday Annual Squadron Mess Dinner Grace United Church C2 Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 1 Dec 19

1 Dec 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

We’re into the last stretch before the winter stand-down. There’s only three weeks of training left, beginning with this week’s CO’s Parade and ending with our Annual Mess Dinner on the 18th.

For the CO’s parade, let’s put all our effort in and make sure that our uniforms and drill are the best they can be. There will be a few special presentations at this one, setting the stage for a great new year.

We’re still looking for more parent volunteers to help out as kitchen staff and servers for the Annual Mess Dinner. If you can help out, please sign up below.

Event Sign-ups
(You must be logged into the site to view sign-up sheets.)

This is our last call for submissions for national-level courses (AASC, AATC-AM, AATC-AO, IACE, GPS and PPS) before we start finalizing everything for the deadline on 15 Dec. If you have a last-minute change or have suddenly decided that you’d like to apply, make sure you let us know by Wednesday at the latest.

Training Night
4 Dec 19

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Nicolescu

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
2 Dec 19
Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian Capt Lemoine
4 Dec 19
Wednesday Regular Training Night, Effective Speaking, and CO’s Parade 809 HQ C1A 2Lt Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
8 Dec 19
Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian Capt Lemoine
10 Dec 19
Wednesday Regular Training Night (Marksmanship) 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
14 Dec 19
Wednesday Niagara-on-the-Lake Santa Claus Parade 809 HQ C3/C3D Lt Russell

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

358 RCSCC – Annual Cadet Instructional Techniques Workshop

Here are the particulars for the L3 and L4+ cadets who have signed up for the 358 RCSCC Instructional Techniques workshop on Saturday at Niagara College. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly.

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

30 Nov 19 0830-1630 (8:30am-4:30pm)

Niagara College
135 Taylor Road
West Building, 2nd Floor
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
L0S 1J0

Cadet Dress


  Timings Level 3 Level 4
  0800-0830 Advance Party  
  0830-0845 In Routine  
1 0845-0900 Introduction  
2 0900-0940 M309.01a
Explain the Principles of Instruction
L3 Review
3 0940-1020 M309.01a X009.13
Understanding the CCO Training system
  1020-1030 Break Break
4 1030-1110 M309.02a
Identify Methods of Instruction
Developmental Periods
5 1110-1150 M309.02a X009.XX
Making the classroom a fun experience
  1150-1230 Lunch Lunch
6 1230-1310 M309.03
Describe Effective Speaking Techniques
Maximizing your time for training
7 1310-1350 M309.04
Describe Questioning Techniques
Trade Show
8 1350-1430 Trade Show X009.08
New Ideas to Lesson Development
  1430-1440 Break Break
9 1440-1520 M309.04a
Select Appropriate Instruction Aids
Present a Drill Lesson
10 1520-1600 M309.04a X009.XX
Using Team Building to create a dynamic classroom
  1600-1610 Cleaning Stations Cleaning Stations
  1610-1630 Debrief / Dismissal Debrief / Dismissal

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 24 Nov 19

24 Nov 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

Last week, applications for Summer Training courses were provided to all cadets present. If you’re considering any of the national-level courses (Glider/Power Pilot Scholarship, Advanced Aviation Course – Aircraft Maintenance, Advanced Aviation Course – Airport Operations, Advanced Aerospace Course, or the International Air Cadet Exchange) or a staff position at any of the Cadet Training Centres this summer, it’s important that you have your selections made and submitted this Wednesday. The deadline for these is 15 Dec 19 and we want to make sure that nobody misses any opportunities due to late submissions.

This Saturday, 358 RCSCC is running a full-day workshop on Instructional Techniques. This is an optional but highly encouraged workshop for L3 cadets and above. Last Saturday’s Leadership workshop had the best attendance to date, so it’s obvious that previous attendees were impressed and are spreading the word. The sign-up sheet has been posted and we already have three cadets signed up.

Wednesday is our last mandatory training night for November. In December, the squadron will only be active for three weeks before we go on our winter stand-down, but we’ve got a number of events packed into those. These include three Mondays of optional training (Drill Team and Sports), three Wednesdays of mandatory training (CO’s parade on the 4th, Marksmanship training on the 11th, and the Annual Squadron Mess Dinner on the 18th) and the Niagara-on-the-Lake Santa Claus Parade on the 14th, where we will be joined by 23 Squadron from St. Catharines and their band!

With respect to the Annual Squadron Mess Dinner, further details will be forthcoming in the next week, but we’re looking for upwards of eight (8) parent volunteers to help out as kitchen staff and servers for the event. If you can help out, please sign up below.

Event Sign-ups
(You must be logged into the site to view sign-up sheets.)

Looking forward to seeing you all this week.

Training Night
27 Nov 19

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
25 Nov 19 1900-2100 Monday Regular Training Night 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
27 Nov 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C3/C3D Lt Russell
30 Nov 19 0830-1630 Saturday 358 RCSCC Instructional Techniques Workshop Niagara College, 135 Taylor Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON C3  

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
2 Dec 19 1900-2115 Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian Capt Lemoine
4 Dec 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night and CO’s Parade 809 HQ C1A 2Lt Nicolescu

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

358 RCSCC – Annual Cadet Leadership Workshop

Here are the details for the L3 and L4+ cadets who have signed up for the 358 RCSCC Leadership workshops tomorrow at Niagara College. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly.

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

23 Nov 19 0830-1630 (8:30am-4:30pm)

Niagara College
135 Taylor Road
West Building, 2nd Floor
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
L0S 1J0

Cadet Dress


  Timings Level 3 Level 4
  0800-0830 Advance Party  
  0830-0845 In Routine  
1 0845-0900 Introduction  
2 0900-0940 M303.01A
Define the Role of Team Leader
Role of the Cadet NCO
3 0940-1020 M303.01B X303.18
  1020-1030 Break Break
4 1030-1110 Guest Speaker X303.22
5 1110-1150 M303.02
Participate in a Mentoring Relationship
Guest Speaker
  1150-1230 Lunch Lunch
6 1230-1310 M303.03
Practice Self-Assessment
Trade Show
7 1310-1350 M303.04A
Communicate as a Team Leader
Prepare for a MRB
8 1350-1430 M303.04B X303.23
Decision Making
  1430-1440 Break Break
9 1440-1520 M303.05A
Supervise Cadets
Receiving Orders
10 1520-1600 M303.05B X403.01B
Small Party Tasking
  1600-1610 Cleaning Stations Cleaning Stations
  1610-1630 Debrief / Dismissal Debrief / Dismissal

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 17 Nov 19

17 Nov 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

We’re back to regular training this week with Drill Team and Sports for the remainder of the month.

Any Level 1 cadets who have not yet received their lottery tickets should bring their $60 and see Mrs. Lett at the beginning of the night on Wednesday.

Remember that we have a new winter footwear policy in order to keep our training area clean and tidy. Cadets (and staff) will come to training wearing outdoor/civilian footwear and uniform footwear in hand. Outdoor footwear will be left in the building entrance and uniform footwear will be worn inside.

For Level 3 cadets and above, 358 RCSCC is offering full-day workshops in Leadership and Instructional Techniques respectively over the next two Saturdays. These are optional, but highly encouraged for cadets who want the opportunity to hone these skills. Sign-up sheets have been posted so that we can give 358 RCSCC an idea of how many 809 cadets are interested in attending. Remember that you need to be logged in to see the sign-up sheets.

Event Sign-ups

See you on Wednesday!

Training Night
20 Nov 19

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
18 Nov 19 1900-2115 Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
20 Nov 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C3/C3D Capt Lemoine
23 Nov 19 0830-1630 Monday 358 RCSCC Leadership Workshop Niagara College, 135 Taylor Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON C3 TBD

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
25 Nov 19 1900-2115 Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian Capt Lemoine
27 Nov 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C3/C3D Lt Russell
30 Nov 19 0830-1630 Monday 358 RCSCC Intructional Techniques Workshop Niagara College, 135 Taylor Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON C3 TBD

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Gliding Cancelled

Unfortunately, the aftermath of the early snowfall this week is still with us and the airfield is no longer suitable for safe use. As a result, our gliding session must be cancelled. We’ll be rescheduling more opportunities in the spring if possible.

Stay home. Stay warm. (A -20° wind chill has been forecast for Saturday too.) We’ll see everyone at training next week.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS