Good morning.
The process below relates primarily to the Glider Pilot and Power Pilot Training Courses, though there is some information concerning the International Air Cadet Exchange as well.
If any cadets are applying for these courses, the information below will be of significant importance. I also need to know as soon as possible if you are applying and to which course.
Please contact me directly with any questions you might have.
J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
- CANCDTGEN 035/20 – Air Cadet National Summer Training Course Selection Process 2021, 18 Nov 20
- 8060-7 Gp Order – Air Cadet National Summer Training Course Selection Process
- 2021 Spring and Summer Training Directive, 9 Nov 20
With the release of the above references, a process will be conducted for the selection of cadets for Air Cadet National Courses during the summer of 2021. Please ensure to review all above references to ensure that you are familiar with the selection process for this year, so that you can advise your cadets on the changes for this year. An ACNSTC Booklet will be released shortly for cadets and parents. As there are some significant changes to the process, personnel need to be familiar with the above references.
Some of the highlighted changes for this year are:
- Only PPTC and GPTC will be included in this process;
- Cadets that were selected for PPTC 2020 and were successful in achieving a 70% overall score on the PPTC Online Ground School will receive Advance Standing for PPTC 2021;
- PPTC/GPTC Qualifying Exam will be conducted online via WebEx and all cadets that meet the prerequisites for either PPTC or GPTC may write the exam;
- All interviews will be conducted online, platform TBD;
- File review scoring has been updated;
- Reduction of PPTC and GPTC billets for summer 2021; and
- A Behavioural Interview will be conducted for all cadets separate from the standard merit interview.
As well, RCA Ops will be providing a briefing by 15 Dec for cadets interested in applying for either PPTC/GPTC regarding their career progression within the ACFP. Cadets applying for GPTC and PPTC will be required to view the video at and then participate in a live Q&A session hosted by OC Air Ops or a member of the Air Ops staff. Details for the Q&A session have been sent to your J3 Z Trg O and will be out to squadrons shortly.
We have now confirmed the dates for the flying exam and the interviews as follows:
- Flying exams – 16 Jan 21
- Interviews – 6-7 Mar 21
- Behavioural Interviews – Mar 21 – (exact date to be decided by RCA Ops)
As per the billet allocation for PPTC/GPTC in reference C, we have been provided the following allocations per course:
PPTC Advanced Standing Billets |
PPTC Billets |
PPTC Interview Positions |
GPTC Billets |
GPTC Interview Positions |
31 |
33 |
96 |
30 |
45 |
In accordance with references A and B, the maximum number of cadets who can be selected for PPTC is one per squadron regardless of squadron quota. When a squadron already has a cadet selected through advanced standing, the 2021 PPTC cadet(s) would be placed on stand-by and only selected if the 2020 Advanced Standing cadet declines the opportunity and they are the next cadet on the regional selection list. A list of Advance Standing cadets will be sent to squadron COs to confirm their cadet(s) are still interested and available to attend PPTC before Christmas.
The PPTC/GPTC qualifying exam will be delivered online via WebEx Training. The exam will be provided by CJCR HQ and they will be creating sessions by Area across Canada to allow for as many cadets that wish to write the exam to do so, as long as they meet the criteria for selection, In accordance with reference B. Each session will allow a maximum of 500 cadets to write the exam per Area. Cadets may only write one exam for either PPTC or GPTC and only in their Area.
All applications will be submitted in FORTRESS after the PPTC/GPTC Qualifying Exam has been written, so squadron COs will have the opportunity to use the qualifying exam to assist them in their decision regarding which cadet(s) application to submit for PPTC/GPTC.
As per the file review, FORTRESS will provide the scores using the FORTRESS Selection Tool. All cadet records must be complete no later than 15 Dec 20. This would include the following:
- Data modifications must be submitted;
- Attendance must be up to date; and
- RDA/NDAs must be complete and closed for cadets to receive points.
For this year, as IACE will not be a part of the selection process, only the school transcript / final report card will required to be submitted for scoring. The school report/transcript will be from the end of Jun 20. Homeschooled cadets will require to submit a school package for scoring. Further details will be provided to the squadron regarding document requirements. This will be submitted electronically to an email or drop box that will be identified shortly.
All personnel should review and be familiar with the process in the above ref. Any questions after you have reviewed the subject orders can be directed to your J3 Z Trg O.