Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

Virtual Mess Dinner

Good afternoon.

We’re planning to host our annual Mess Dinner virtually this year on 16 Dec at 1830 (6:30pm) sharp. Hosting it virtually means that we have a few more logistical hoops to jump through, particularly with respect to dinner itself. If you will be attending the mess dinner, it’s critical that you let us know, provide an address for delivery, and let us know what dietary restrictions you might have, if any.

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

2021 Air Cadet National Summer Training Course (ACNSTC) Selection Process

Good morning.

The process below relates primarily to the Glider Pilot and Power Pilot Training Courses, though there is some information concerning the International Air Cadet Exchange as well.

If any cadets are applying for these courses, the information below will be of significant importance. I also need to know as soon as possible if you are applying and to which course.

Please contact me directly with any questions you might have.

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS


  1. CANCDTGEN 035/20 – Air Cadet National Summer Training Course Selection Process 2021, 18 Nov 20
  2. 8060-7 Gp Order – Air Cadet National Summer Training Course Selection Process
  3. 2021 Spring and Summer Training Directive, 9 Nov 20

With the release of the above references, a process will be conducted for the selection of cadets for Air Cadet National Courses during the summer of 2021. Please ensure to review all above references to ensure that you are familiar with the selection process for this year, so that you can advise your cadets on the changes for this year. An ACNSTC Booklet will be released shortly for cadets and parents. As there are some significant changes to the process, personnel need to be familiar with the above references.

Some of the highlighted changes for this year are:

  • Only PPTC and GPTC will be included in this process;
  • Cadets that were selected for PPTC 2020 and were successful in achieving a 70% overall score on the PPTC Online Ground School will receive Advance Standing for PPTC 2021;
  • PPTC/GPTC Qualifying Exam will be conducted online via WebEx and all cadets that meet the prerequisites for either PPTC or GPTC may write the exam;
  • All interviews will be conducted online, platform TBD;
  • File review scoring has been updated;
  • Reduction of PPTC and GPTC billets for summer 2021; and
  • A Behavioural Interview will be conducted for all cadets separate from the standard merit interview.

As well, RCA Ops will be providing a briefing by 15 Dec for cadets interested in applying for either PPTC/GPTC regarding their career progression within the ACFP. Cadets applying for GPTC and PPTC will be required to view the video at and then participate in a live Q&A session hosted by OC Air Ops or a member of the Air Ops staff. Details for the Q&A session have been sent to your J3 Z Trg O and will be out to squadrons shortly.

We have now confirmed the dates for the flying exam and the interviews as follows:

  • Flying exams – 16 Jan 21
  • Interviews – 6-7 Mar 21
  • Behavioural Interviews – Mar 21 – (exact date to be decided by RCA Ops)

As per the billet allocation for PPTC/GPTC in reference C, we have been provided the following allocations per course:

PPTC Advanced Standing Billets PPTC Billets PPTC Interview Positions GPTC Billets GPTC Interview Positions
31 33 96 30 45

In accordance with references A and B, the maximum number of cadets who can be selected for PPTC is one per squadron regardless of squadron quota. When a squadron already has a cadet selected through advanced standing, the 2021 PPTC cadet(s) would be placed on stand-by and only selected if the 2020 Advanced Standing cadet declines the opportunity and they are the next cadet on the regional selection list. A list of Advance Standing cadets will be sent to squadron COs to confirm their cadet(s) are still interested and available to attend PPTC before Christmas.

The PPTC/GPTC qualifying exam will be delivered online via WebEx Training. The exam will be provided by CJCR HQ and they will be creating sessions by Area across Canada to allow for as many cadets that wish to write the exam to do so, as long as they meet the criteria for selection, In accordance with reference B. Each session will allow a maximum of 500 cadets to write the exam per Area. Cadets may only write one exam for either PPTC or GPTC and only in their Area.

All applications will be submitted in FORTRESS after the PPTC/GPTC Qualifying Exam has been written, so squadron COs will have the opportunity to use the qualifying exam to assist them in their decision regarding which cadet(s) application to submit for PPTC/GPTC.

As per the file review, FORTRESS will provide the scores using the FORTRESS Selection Tool. All cadet records must be complete no later than 15 Dec 20. This would include the following:

  • Data modifications must be submitted;
  • Attendance must be up to date; and
  • RDA/NDAs must be complete and closed for cadets to receive points.

For this year, as IACE will not be a part of the selection process, only the school transcript / final report card will required to be submitted for scoring. The school report/transcript will be from the end of Jun 20. Homeschooled cadets will require to submit a school package for scoring. Further details will be provided to the squadron regarding document requirements. This will be submitted electronically to an email or drop box that will be identified shortly.

All personnel should review and be familiar with the process in the above ref. Any questions after you have reviewed the subject orders can be directed to your J3 Z Trg O.

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 6 Dec 2020

6 Dec 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

Monday night from 1900-2000, Effective Speaking training with CV Gowans continues. Remember that participation in this training is considered mandatory for level two cadets, and is highly encouraged for all.

Next Monday, we’ll be taking a break from Effective Speaking for a special presentation from Capt Christian Stenner, MStJ, CD, FRCGS of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society about one of the last unexplored frontiers of our planet. I’m looking forward to hearing what Capt Stenner has to tell us and am hoping that everyone will join. Connection details will be provided as soon as we have them.

We’re still working out the final details for our last training night of the calendar year on the 16th. Expect all of the details to be finalized and announced by Wednesday.

See you all on then!

Training Night
9 Dec 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3F: Cdts, LACs, Cpls, FCpls
C3F: Sgts, FSgts, WO2s, and WO1

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: OCdt Couroux
Duty NCM: WO2 Bell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
7 Dec 2020
Effective Speaking Monday Google Meet Civilian CV Gowans
9 Dec 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F OCdt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
14 Nov 2020
Special Presentation
Royal Canadian Geographical Society
Monday Zoom TBA TBA
16 Dec 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet TBA Lt Russell
17 Dec 2020 –
5 Jan 2021
Winter Stand-Down
No Training
6 Jan 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 29 Nov 2020

29 Nov 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

On this past Saturday, we had three cadets attend (virtually) the Niagara-area Leadership Workshop hosted by 358 Sir Isaac Brock RCSCC. I still have to speak with them about how the day went, but am confident based on previous events that they got a lot out of their time.

Monday night from 1900-2000, we begin Effective Speaking training with CV Gowans. She has done an amazing job with the program these last few years and we’re looking forward to hearing the results from our newer cadets this year. Remember that participation in this training is considered mandatory for level two cadets, and is highly encouraged for all.

Tuesday at 0000 is the deadline for award nominations for the 2019/20 training year. If you haven’t nominated a deserving cadet, take the opportunity to do so before the deadline.

See you all on Wednesday!

Training Night
2 Dec 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Nicolescu
Duty NCM: WO2 Bell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
30 Nov 2020
Effective Speaking Monday Google Meet Civilian CV Gowans
2 Dec 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3/C3D 2Lt Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
7 Nov 2020
Effective Speaking Monday Google Meet Civilian CV Gowans
9 Dec 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3/C3D Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 22 Nov 2020

22 Nov 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

We’ve been keeping an eye on the COVID-19 numbers in Niagara and are seeing the numbers come down. This makes us optimistic that we can return to in-person training sooner than later, but there’s still no update on when that might be. As circumstances change, we’ll be sure to update everyone, but it’s still virtual training for the moment.

Cadets are reminded that virtual training nights are still training nights. If you can’t attend, it is still essential that they let us know in advance by emailing usat[/private], or texting/phoning the squadron phone

We’ve had a few cadets sign up for the Niagara-area Leadership Workshop occurring all day on the 28th of the month. If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late. Just send me and email, let me know, and I’ll add you to the list.

See you all on Wednesday!

Training Night
25 Nov 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell
Duty NCM: WO2 Abt

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
25 Nov 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3/C3D Capt Lemoine
28 Nov 2020
Saturday Cadet Leadership Workshop Virtual C5  

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
30 Nov 2020
Effective Speaking Monday Google Meet Civilian CV Gowans
2 Dec 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3/C3D 2Lt Nicolescu

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 15 Nov 2020

15 Nov 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

I’d like to begin this week by thanking all of our cadets and parents/guardians for bearing with us as the changing landscape of COVID-19 control measures brings uncertainty to our program delivery. We understand that routine is central to all of our lives and that last minute changes aren’t easy to deal with, and I’m impressed with the way that everyone has worked with us to make things work. We’re all working toward having a more normalized schedule while maintaining safety as a top priority.

Last week’s Remembrance Day training night had to be switched to virtual with less than 48 hours of notice, but our senior cadets brought it all together well with a moving presentation and a good question and answer session with the cadets. LCol (Retired) Kenn Moody and Maj (Retired) Brad Kempston were guests to our session later in the evening and shared their invaluable perspectives on service and Remembrance with the cadets. Thank you both for taking the time to join us.

This week, we’re back to regular (virtual) training, but we’re starting to work on optional activities over the following weeks. Mrs. Gowans is expecting to start our Effective Speaking soon, and WO2 Bell and Sgt Forsyth have put forward some very interesting ideas for optional training to begin later in the training year. We’ll keep you informed as things solidify.

For level 3 cadets and above, there is a Niagara-area Leadership Workshop occurring all day on the 28th of the month. If you’re interested in attending, please let me know so that I can get you signed up.

See you on Wednesday!

Training Night
18 Nov 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell
Duty NCM: WO2 Abt

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
18 Nov 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3/C3D Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
25 Nov 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3/C3D Capt Lemoine
28 Nov 2020
Saturday Cadet Leadership Workshop Virtual C5  

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Suspension of In-Person Cadet Activities

Good evening.

As with the rest of the country, it appears that infection numbers in the Niagara Region have skyrocketed recently. This has prompted a requirement to return to virtual cadet training activities until further notice, per the message below this one.

This is not the scenario any of us were hoping for now that we’ve just begun returning to in-person training, but the health situation in our region demands that we act responsibly to ensure everyone’s safety.

We’re still planning a number of in-person events for when this restriction is lifted, but must settle for an online experience for the moment. Look out for a number of at-home activities and competitions we will have lined up for the next little while as well.

Our Remembrance Day activities will still happen tomorrow night, but we will be moving them to a Meet-based session. The schedule is as follows:

Opening Session


Level 1-5 Cadets

1900-1935 – Remembrance Day Activities
1940-2025 – Remembrance Day Activities

Closing Session


J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Corps/Squadron COs:

  1. In order to maximize our efforts to enhance the safety of all who participate in the Cadet Program, we must ensure we remain aware of local conditions in the communities we serve. Over the past few weeks, the number of active cases of COVID-19 in Ontario has been increasing.  In particular, there has been an increase in communities within the jurisdiction of Niagara Region Public Health Services.
  2. We have started approving in-person training requests for corps/squadrons throughout Ontario.  However, due to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in Niagara Region, no in-person cadet activities will be authorized for any cadet units in the communities serviced by Niagara Region Public Health Services until further notice. Any previous approval for in-person training is withdrawn effective immediately.
  3. Cadet units in the Niagara Public Health Region are to continue with their virtual training program – ensuring engagement at all levels while prioritizing first and second-year cadets. Corps/squadron COs in this health region are also encouraged to continue planning for in-person activities without specific dates in order to be ready to commence in-person activities rapidly when conditions permit.
  4. To assist corps and squadron COs with tracking COVID-19 within their community/municipality, it is recommended you go to to track cases within Ontario. Specific health services also have web trackers that you can access.

Questions may be directed to your Zone Training Officer or the undersigned.

Captain Michael Stacey, CD
J3 Zone Training Officer (Niagara and Greater Toronto Area)
Regional Cadet Support Unit Central
Canadian Armed Forces

Award Nominations – 2019/2020 Training Year

Good afternoon.

As promised, the form for submitting nominations for last training year is now on-line at the following link:

You must be logged in to Google Workspace using your email account in order to access the form.

Award descriptions can be found on the 809 Newark RCACS web site at the following link:

Do not nominate a cadet for an award if you are not eligible to do so. See the description for each award to see who is eligible to make a nomination. Self-nominations will be accepted, but will have less weight than a nomination made for someone else will.

Remember to include as much detail as possible in the justification. This can add weight to the nomination.

Nominations for the 2019/2020 training year must be made before 30 November 2020 so that we can present all of the awards before our winter stand-down.

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Updated COVID-19 Safety Plan

Good afternoon.

As discussed earlier, we’ve updated our COVID-19 Safety Plan to establish standards for departure from in-person activities. The updated safety plan can be accessed at the following link.

Changes are tracked in the Change Record at Annex D of the document, but the key update can be found in the new “Departure From Site” section.

This change is effective immediately.

If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 8 Nov 2020

8 Nov 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

This week, we’re back to in-person training with our remaining staff members and senior cadets in charge of our squadron’s Remembrance Day observations. Dress is 1A for CAF members and C1A for all cadets.

Later this month, for our level three (and above) cadets, there is a virtual leadership workshop taking place hosted by 358 Sir Isaac Brock RCSCC (Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps). If any level cadets are interested in signing up for the workshop, please let me know and I’ll ensure that you get signed up.

See you on Wednesday!

Training Night
11 Nov 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C1A: All Cadets

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: OCdt Couroux
Duty NCM: FSgt Bell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
11 Nov 2020
Remembrance Day Wednesday 809 HQ C1A OCdt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
18 Nov 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday 809 HQ C3/C3D Lt Russell
28 Nov 2020
Saturday Cadet Leadership Workshop Virtual C5  

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS