Author Archives: Capt Lemoine
Announcements: Training Year 2023/24 Week 17
7 January 2024
CO’s Message
Happy New Year 809!
Welcome to the first training week of 2024. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday break and are ready to get back into training. We have a lot scheduled for the second half of the training year.
Weekly Routine Orders
Detailed Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) can now be found on Cadet365’s Microsoft Teams application in the T-CEN-809 Air / General channel.
D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-16 – 17 December 2023
17 December 2023
RO Number
CO’s Message
Hello 809!
Well, here we are, the last weekend of training for 2023. We have only 2 items this week: Monday optional training and on Wednesday, our 15th Annual Mess Dinner. Following that, we’re shutting down for a well-deserved break. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish the Cadets, Staff & SSC a happy holiday season and I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the mess dinner and also in the new year.
Now for the WROs…
Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-15 – 10 December 2023
10 December 2023
RO Number
CO’s Message
Hello 809!
I hope everyone had fun at the Santa Claus Parade on Saturday. Thanks to everyone who participated.
We’re going to start this week with range training on Monday night. Wednesday will be regular training.
Now for the WROs…
Niagara-on-the-Lake Christmas Parade
Where: Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 Parking Lot on King Street in Niagara-on-the-Lake
When: Saturday, 9 December at 1015
Dress: Cadets C3; CAF 3; CIs/CVs Appropriate Civilian Attire
All cadets are to meet in uniform. Empty out your RCAF messenger bags and bring them with you if you have them. They’ll be ideal containers for handing out recruiting cards and bottle drive postcards. If you don’t have an RCAF messenger bag, bring a reusable grocery bag or other similar carrier.
We’re expecting temperatures between 7º and 12º for the parade, so it will be warm enough that we won’t need full parkas. Bring your parka liners and gloves to keep warm.
The parade begins at 1100 but we need cadets out at our spot along the parade route by 1030 at the latest. We anticipate we will be finished by 1215 and will meet back at the Legion. Parents should be there no later than 1230 for pick ups.
This is an important event that gives the community of Niagara-on-the-Lake a peek at who we are, so it’s important that everyone participates.
See you there!
J. Lemoine
Administration Officer
809 Newark RCACS
Royal Navy 809 “Immortals” NAS Reactivation
A little over 50 years ago, 809 Newark Squadron was formed with the number and crest of the Royal Navy’s 809 “Immortals” NAS. A decade later, following the Falklands War, 809 NAS stood down and has been inactive for 40 years.
In that time, we’ve strengthened our ties to our history with the formal adoption of “Immortal” as our squadron’s motto and an updated squadron crest that pays tribute to the original 809.
We’re excited to share the announcement that 809 NAS has been reactivated today at RAF Marham, flying the Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II carrier-based fighters.
The Immortals are back and riding the Lighting!
Image and Video Credit: UK Ministry of Defence
Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-14 – 3 December 2023
3 December 2023
RO Number
CO’s Message
Hello 809!
This is a pretty busy week for the unit. Monday will be our standard optional training, Wednesday is COs parade and Saturday AM has the Niagara-on-the-Lake Christmas Parade, Saturday PM is Merit Review Boards for WO2 and WO1. Also, with this being the start of a new month, Canteen Cards will be available for purchase on Wednesday night.
As I mentioned last week, we are now tasking FCpls and Sgts with being duty NCO for the evening. The duty NCO will report directly to the duty officer on Monday and Wednesday night activities. The duties are included as an attachment for your review (See Annex A – General Statement of Duties – Duty NCO). Duty NCO’s are now posted in the WROs on a weekly basis.
Per WROs from last week, we’ll be phasing out posting the WROs on our website at the end of this calendar year and will be posting them solely to Teams. In order to view them, you must have an active Cadet365/CCO email account and access to Teams, which will be used as the main form of communication within the squadron. If you don’t have this, or are not sure how to use teams, please see Capt Lemoine for assistance.
Now for the WROs…
809 Officer and Senior Cadet Staff Positions
Commanding Officer (CO): Lt Couroux
Deputy Commanding Office (DCO): Lt Russell
Training Officer (TrgO): Capt Emptage
Assistant Training Officer (ATrgO): OCdt Bell
Administration Officer (AdminO): Capt Lemoine
Supply Officer (SupO): CI Dau
Squadron Warrant Officer:
Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer:
Regular Training
Where: Squadron HQ
When: 6 December 2023
Who: All Cadets and Staff
Dress: Cadets C1; CAF 1A; CIs/CVs Jacket and Tie
Duty Officer: Lt Couroux
Duty NCO:
Training Night Schedule
Begins | Ends | Period |
1815 | 1830 | Building Open, Parade Square Set-Up |
1830 | 1845 | Uniform Inspection / Opening Parade |
1845 | 1920 | Period 1 |
1925 | 2000 | Period 2 |
2000 | 2015 | Break |
2015 | 2050 | Period 3 |
2050 | 2100 | Clean-Up Training Areas / Parade Square |
2100 | 2115 | Closing Parade |
2115 | 2130 | Building Closed |
Class Schedule
Period 1 1845-1920 |
Period 2 1925-2000 |
Period 3 2015-2050 |
All Levels | PO/EO | MX20.01H | C108.01 | CO’s Parade |
Description | Holiday Cards for CAF | Execute Supplementary Drill Movements | CO’s Parade | |
Instructor | Levels 3 and 4 | Lt Russell | Lt Couroux |
Note: If you cannot make it to a mandatory cadet activity, or one that you’ve signed up to attend, you need to call the squadron at 905-468-7584 and leave a message, or send an email to, indicating your reason for not attending. Failure to do so will result in being marked as absent without excuse and will affect your standings towards training.
November Events
1. Monday Evening – Optional Training
For Monday night optional training, we’ll again have the flight simulator available. Come out for social time with other cadets.
The more cadets we have attending Monday evenings, the more fun it will be. Optional training will be from 1900-2100hrs.
3. Canteen Cards for Sale
Canteen cards will be on sale on Wednesday evening for those who would like to purchase them. Cards are $20 each. Please see Mrs. Lett upon arrival to the squadron to purchase yours.
3. Fish Fry
The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thursday nights. This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration. All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Kathleen Kells by email. Include your phone number, mobile phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out. Ms. Kells’ email is
4. Niagara-on-the-Lake Christmas Parade
809 Squadron is happy to announce that we’ll be marching in this year’s parade. We have the pole position this year meaning that we’ll be at the very front. Here are the details:
Drop-Off: Saturday, 9 December at 1015hrs
Pick-Up: 1230hrs
Where: Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 – 410 King Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake
Dress: Cadets C3; CAF 3; CIs/CVs Appropriate Civilian Attire (Parkas and gloves are weather dependent and will be announced closer to the date)
OIC: Capt Lemoine
This is a really important outing and works best when we have a large number of cadets participating. Please note that King Street is usually shut down earlier in the morning because of the parade, so it may be difficult to drive right up to the Legion. The unit usually gets back to the Legion before the the end of the parade usually even starts. So parents, please aim for 1230 for pick up and don’t use the end of the parade as an indicator as to when your cadet will be finished.
This Week’s Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
4 December 2023 | Monday | Range Training | Squadron HQ | Appropriate Civilian Attire | CI Dau |
6 December 2023 | Wednesday | CO’s Parade Parade Preparation |
Squadron HQ | Cadets C1; CAF 1A; CIs/CVs Jacket and Tie | Lt Couroux |
9 December 2023 | Saturday | Niagara-on-the-Lake Christmas Parade | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 | Cadets C3; CAF 3; CIs/CVs Appropriate Civilian Attire | Capt Lemoine |
9 December 2023 | Saturday | WO2 and WO1 MRBs | Lake Street Armoury | Cadets C1; CAF 1A; CIs/CVs Jacket and Tie | Lt Couroux |
Upcoming Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
11 December 2023 | Monday | Optional Training | Squadron HQ | Appropriate Civilian Attire | Capt Emptage |
13 December 2023 | Wednesday | Mandatory Training | Squadron HQ | Cadets C5; CAF 5; CIs/CVs Appropriate Civilian Attire or FTUs | Capt Emptage |
18 December 2023 | Monday | Optional Training | Squadron HQ | Appropriate Civilian Attire | Capt Lemoine |
20 December 2023 | Wednesday | Mandatory Mess Dinner | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 | Cadets C2; CAF 2 or 2B; CIs/CVs Jacket and Tie | Capt Emptage |
21 December 2023 to 7 January 2024 – Holiday Stand-Down – No Training – Enjoy your time off! | |||||
8 January 2024 | Monday | Optional Training | Squadron HQ | Appropriate Civilian Attire | CI Dau |
10 January 2024 | Wednesday | CO’s Parade | Squadron HQ | Cadets C1; CAF 1A; CIs/CVs Jacket and Tie | Lt Russell |
13 January 2024 | Saturday | Bottle Drive | VanNoort Greenhouses | Appropriate Civilian Attire | Mr. Abt / Lt Couroux |
D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
T + 1 (905) 468-7584
Annex A – General Statement of Duties – Duty NCO
The Duty NCO is responsible on any given training night to the Duty Officer for the general execution of the Squadron’s nightly administrative duties. Any questions regarding the following duties should be addressed to the Duty Officer. The position of Duty NCO is to be rotated between all the Sergeants, or if necessary, the Flight Corporals as well. It is the responsibility of the Squadron Warrant Officer to schedule Duty NCOs for every Wednesday training night. The SWO will make the Commanding Officer aware of the schedule in advance of the publishing of the weekly routine orders.
Primary Duties
- Arrive no later than 1815 and report to the Duty Officer. (1)
- Remain at the main entrance to the building until 18:30 hrs to monitor the influx of cadets.
- Ensure that all visitors sign in at the Squadron Office.
- Ensure that attendance is collected and ready before the opening parade. (2)
- The attendance list shall be delivered to the administration officer after the opening parade is finished.
- Be familiar with the schedule of the night.
- Notify instructors five minutes before end of classes.
- Notify instructors at the end of classes
- Notify the Duty Officer when cadets are formed up and ready for dismissal.
(1) If the Duty Officer is not present, report to the most senior member of staff present.
(2) The Duty NCO will participate in Opening Parade
Secondary Duties
- Conduct additional duties as instructed by the Administration Officer and/or the Duty Officer.
- Ensure that the Canteen NCO sets up and cleans up canteen in accordance with the Squadron schedule.
- Ensure that all garbage cans are emptied and that the Squadron HQ is cleaned following dismissal.
- Assist all officers with additional duties as necessary.
Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-13 – 26 November 2023
26 November 2023
RO Number
CO’s Message
Hello 809!
We have a bit of a fun week. I’m happy to announce that we’ll be doing range this Monday evening. We haven’t had a shooting program in a while and I’m excited to bring it back. On Wednesday we’ll be having a sports night.
We are now tasking FCpls and Sgts with being duty NCO for the evening. The duty NCO will report directly to the duty officer on Monday and Wednesday night activities. The duties are included as an attachment for your review (See Annex A – General Statement of Duties – Duty NCO).
I’d like to announce that we have three cadets taking part in Online Ground School. FSgt Deane (glider), WO2 Dau (power) and Cpl Hogan (glider). Good luck to each of you.
December activities are now posted. It’s a short, but very active month as we move into the Holiday break.
As per WROs from last week, over the next few weeks, we’ll be phasing out posting the WROs to our website and will be posting them solely to Teams. In order to view them, you must have an active Cadets365/CCO email account and access to Teams, which will be used as the main form of communication within the squadron. If you don’t have this, or are not sure how to use teams, please see Capt Lemoine for assistance.
Now for the WROs…
Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-12 – 19 November 2023
19 November 2023
RO Number
CO’s Message
Hello 809!
We have a special visitor this Wednesday evening. Capt Giovenazzo, our Zone Training Officer (ZTO), will be paying us a visit. Any plans we have for training go through Capt Giovenazzo for review to make sure that we’re putting together a great program for you. Make sure your boots are blackened, your FTU’s are not wrinkled and your beret is properly formed. If he speaks with you, please be polite and friendly and answer any questions he may have for you.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be phasing out posting the WROs to our website and will be posting them solely to Teams. In order to view them, you must have an active Cadet365/CCO email account and access to Teams, which will be used as the main form of communication within the squadron. If you don’t have this, or are not sure how to use Teams, please see Capt Lemoine for assistance.
Now for the WROs…
Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-11 – 12 November 2023
12 November 2023
RO Number
CO’s Message
Hello 809!
Thanks to everyone for participating in this year’s Remembrance Day activities. I speak for the staff of the squadron when I say that we were impressed by your efforts.
The next couple of weeks are going to slow down a bit. We’re only looking at Monday and Wednesday night activities until the fun ramps up again in December. Take a breather while you can get it.
Now for the WROs…