Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-25 – Week 25 – 5 March 2023


5 March 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Good afternoon, 809! It’s our last week before March Break and we’re going to be a bit more casual this week with a sports night on Wednesday. We’re also considering a bowling night on the Wednesday of March Break. Please let Capt Lemoine know if you’re interested in coming out so that we can gauge interest.

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Missing Cell Phone

Good afternoon,
One of our cadets left behind their cell phone on Wednesday night. When last seen it was in a white plastic bag with candy. According to the cadet, the bag was located on the floor under the table located in the hallway to the right side of the office. If anyone remembers seeing this bag, please send me an email. DANIEL.COUROUX2@CADETS.GC.CA

Lt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-24 – Week 24 – 26 February 2023


26 February 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. Well, I hope everyone enjoyed the week off. Let’s get back to it. Get your blues ready, this Wednesday is a CO’s parade.

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Training Cancelled for Tonight Due To Weather

Good afternoon 809,

Well, it doesn’t look like the weather is going to co-operate with us this evening.   According to the latest public forecast from Environment Canada, we’re still looking at a freezing rain warning for Northern Niagara.    To be on the safe side, I’m cancelling cadet activities for this evening.

Here’s the forecast:  Alerts for: Niagara – Environment Canada (weather.gc.ca)

Everyone enjoy the evening off and I hope to see everyone on Monday, February 27 for Optional Training.   Next Wednesday (March  1st) will be a CO’s parade and inspection.   So here’s an opportunity to work on your blues.

Lt Couroux, D
809 Newark RCACS

Stand by – Tonight’s activities may be cancelled due to weather.

Good morning, everyone,

Just a heads up that I’m monitoring the weather and there is a possibility that cadets may be cancelled for tonight.    Environment Canada has posted a weather warning showing heavy snow during this afternoon’s commute, along with freezing rain and heavy winds this evening.

Here’s a link to that warning:  Alerts for: Niagara – Environment Canada (weather.gc.ca)

I’ll continue to monitor weather conditions and will post again at 4pm as to whether we’ll proceed with tonight’s activities.

Lt Couroux, D
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-23 – Week 23 – 19 February 2023


19 February 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. Happy Family Day! I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. This Wednesday will see a continuation of regular training.

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Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-22 – Week 22 – 12 February 2023


12 February 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Good afternoon, 809. I’ve returned from vacation refreshed and relaxed and am looking forward to joining you for this week’s training. This week, most of the training is going to be about uniform maintenance, so be sure to bring your blues (on hangers) and your parade boots.

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Niagara Winter Gala

For the four cadets who confirmed that they will be going to the Niagara Winter Gala, here is a reminder of the details.

When: 1730h-1100h
Where: 128 Squadron – Trinity United Church, 15 Pine Street South, Thorold
Dress: Semi-Formal or Mess Dress (2/2A/C2)

Capt Lemoine will be the on-site supervisor. Bring your $30 to him for your ticket.