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Jan 21st Training Change

Due to the upcoming Sports Competition on Jan 24th (post forthcoming), we will be conducting the Inter-Flight Sports Competition on Jan 21.

Dress is appropriate sportswear. Do NOT wear your running shoes outside to prevent water from getting on the parade square.

CO’s Parade on Wednesday

Wednesday is a Commanding Officer’s Parade night. Training schedule is per the calendar.

Duty Officer Capt Palumbo

Dress C1 for everyone

Madison Hendriks will be giving a presentation during the CO’s Parade period about her IACE trip to China last summer.

Also, a reminder to Level 1 cadets: Bring your polishing kit to training on Wednesday.

Mess Dinner – Parent Servers needed

Please email Capt Palumbo : if you are available to help serve the Mess Dinner next Wed night. We still need 4 more parent volunteers to help move the meal from the kitchen to our cadets hungry tummies! Dress: white shirt, black pants/skirt. 530pm at Grace United Church, 222 Victoria St, NOTL.

Thank you for your help in making the 6th Annual Squadron Mess Dinner such a fantastic yearly celebration.

Level 3 Training Reminder

This is a reminder for all Level 3 cadets.

Wednesday 10 December, 2014 will be your first opportunity to demonstrate your instructional abilities through an assigned lesson.  For those of you that missed the lecture last week please ensure you see LT Russell at some point during the parade night tonight (Wed 3-Dec-2014) to get an overview of expectations and receive your assigned lesson.

All level 3 cadets are expected to advise Lt Russell on all the resources they will require during the lesson.  Every class should require a minimum of 1 training aid.

Please come see Lt Russell with any questions or concerns about your assignment.

Level 4 Mess Dinner Presentation on a Leader

Level 4 Cadets are expected to review and follow the QSP and IG for EO C303.02 – Deliver A Presentation About A Leader.

The leadership presentation required in this EO will be conducted as part of the Unit Mess Dinner on Wednesday 17 December 2014.

Please email the 809 Training Google Group if you have any questions or concerns.

This is a very important part of completing your level 4 training. Please do not forget.

Range Team Practice Monday Night

Range Competition is approaching quickly – congrats to our new team members!  7-9pm

The FTX was a great time. Thanks to all of the parents for co-ordinating drop-off/pick-up to Grimsby. Thanks also for the donations of baked goods – delicious!


Wed Night Training

Parents please join us for a special presentation at the beginning of the night. 630pm Parade Square

Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine

  • Dress
    New Recruits: white shirt, black pants, tie OR C-3 Routine Training Dress (Check the dress regulations under CADETS – DRESS REGULATIONS-NUMBERED ORDERS OF DRESS page 5 on the website) – do not mix uniform with non-uniform clothing parts.
  • LAC, Cpl, FCpl: C-3
  • Sgt, FSgt, WOII: C-2

FTX: 21-22-23 Nov 14, Drop-off at 62 Sqn 105 Mountain Rd Grimsby 7pm on Fri, pick-up on Sun at 2pm.

SUMMER TRAINING: Please find the NATIONAL COURSE HANDBOOK here: 2015 National Courses HB it contains all relevant information regarding the new application process for 2015.



Remembrance Day Poppy Memorial

Remembrance Day Poppy Memorial Tower of London

Please click on above link for a time lapsed video of the Poppy Memorial at the Tower of London in England.

“The Telegraph filmed a time-lapse of the field of poppies from 06.30am to 5pm on Tuesday as huge crowds paraded past.

The memorial, which was created by artist Paul Cummins, includes 888,246 ceramic poppies which have been progressively filling the Tower’s moat. At the peak of the installation on November 11, there will be one poppy for each British fatality in the First World War.

Up to four million people are expected to have visited the installation, called Blood Swept Lands And Seas Of Red.

A team of 11,000 volunteers will begin removing the display on November 12, with the proceeds from the sale of the poppies being split between six charities providing support to service personnel, veterans and their families.” –




Poppy Sales: Sat 8 Nov 14, 10-12 & 12-2pm Meet at Sqn, Dress C-1 with parka and toque – sign up list here:

Grace United Church: Sun 9 Nov 14, 10-1130am. Meet at Grace United Church NOTL, Dress C-1 – sign-up list here: 

Remembrance Day Vigil: Mon 10 Nov 14, 7-9pm, Meet at Sqn. Arrive in civilian dress with UNIFORM C-1 on a hangar, bring parka and toque. KIT LIST here:REMEMBRANCE DAY VIGIL KIT LIST 2014 PARENT Sign-up for BREAKFAST here: SIGN UP FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY_2014

Remembrance Day Parade: Tues 11 Nov 14, VIGIL from 7am-1030am, PARADE from 1030-1130am at NOTL Clock Tower, Queenston from 1-2pm, PARENT PICK-UP from LEGION at 230pm; Dress: C-1 with parka and toque. SCHOOL ABSENCE LETTER here: Permission-Form-Remembrance-Day-2014

FTX: 21-22-23 Nov 14, Drop-off at 62 Sqn 105 Mountain Rd Grimsby 7pm on Fri, pick-up on Sun at 2pm. Op Order detailing trg expectations and timings/locations here: 87 & 809 Sqn Trg Wknd Ops Order NOV 2014 revised

SUMMER TRAINING: Please find the NATIONAL COURSE HANDBOOK here: 2015 National Courses HB it contains all relevant information regarding the new application process for 2015.

Any and all questions/concerns may be directed to either myself, Capt Palumbo @ tammypalumbo@yahoo,ca, or to the event OPI (contact info provided above). It is going to be a busy few days at the Sqn, your patience and understanding as we try to make this the most positive experience possible is appreciated.

Remembrance Day Sunday Church Service (Volunteers Still Needed)

The following cadets have volunteered for the Remembrance Day Sunday Church Service flag party at Grace United Church on the 9th of November:

We need five cadet volunteers to form a colour party and presently have only four. If you are available to attend, please let me know ASAP.

Capt Lemoine

Dress: C-1

Timings: 1015am-1130am at Grace United Church, Niagara-on-the-Lake.