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CO’s Parade & Vimy $$ Due Tonight

Duty Officer
CI Lemoine

C1: Everyone

CO’s parade tonight beginning in period 3 at 815. Parents are welcome to attend.

REMINDER: look to previous post for SUMMER TRG and NATIONAL COURSE information.

VIMY RIDGE 2017 TRIP PAYMENT DUE TONIGHT. Please see Mrs Lett directly. 

Summer Trg & National Course Applications

The list of available 2017 summer training courses is here: 2017-air-ctc-info-pamphlet. PAY ATTENTION to course information. If you are in level 1 now, you will have completed level 1 by June 30 – just in time for Summer 2017. This is the case for every level: level 2 now? Level 2 completed are the ONLY courses you can apply for. And so on.

For those cadets that did not receive a copy of the application for Summer Training in November, there is one here: course-selections-for-summer-trg that you can print yourself and bring in, or you can get one tonight at the office. THEY ARE DUE TONIGHT.

The info for NATIONAL COURSE HANDBOOK is here:2017-national-courses-hb-for-cadets-parents-v4-nov-11-2016_reduced. And if you didn’t see the Power Point presentation made to parents in November, it is here:parent-mtg-air-cadet-summer-training-applications. Only those cadets who have completed Level 3 as of June 2017 are eligible to apply for National Courses. In the case of Power (level 4) and IACE (level 5).

NATIONAL COURSE APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NEXT WED. The 14th at the Mess Dinner. The narrative, school transcripts, passport photos (if applicable) and any other supporting documentation/signatures are required. This will give Capt Palumbo 1 week to sort through and make sure nothing is missing before sending off to Detachment in London. The application folders have arrived in the mail and will be compiled beginning this evening. Capt Palumbo will meet with ALL potential applicants individually throughout the parade night.


NOTL Christmas Parade Sat 10 Dec 16

This Saturday is the NOTL Parade in old town. Cadets are expected to attend and be a part of the marching unit that accompanies our float in the parade.

The parade begins at 11am – but we need cadets out at our spot along the parade route by 1030am at the latest. Post will be updated with parade position asap.

Dress is UNIFORM for all cadets (C3 – sweater, with parka, black gloves and toque). For select senior cadets dress will be as directed tonight – all Level 4 & 5 cadets are to meet with Capt Palumbo tonight during break.

Parents: We need your HELP! On Friday afternoon (the 9th) we will be meeting at CI & Mr. Ruttan’s house (across the road from the old NDSS on East & West Line), at 130pm to set-up the parade float. If you are available to help, please contact the office 905-468-7584 tonight before closing parade at 9pm. We anticipate the whole process will take approximately 1 hr.

Tagging this wknd – CHECK YOUR SHIFTS

Cadets please make an effort to double check your shifts this wknd. We’re not sure if there has just been a miscommunication, but ultimately the list HERE tagging-dec-2016 is the correct one (it is the same as the one posted late Wed night). It is your responsibility (not your parents/guardians) to ensure you know where you’re supposed to be and when.

Parents please accept our apologies for any inadvertent confusion and/or last minute panic tonight. As an FYI, we will call your cadet 15 mins after the beginning of their expected shift if they have not yet arrived.

Looking forward to the rest of a great tagging weekend.

Capt Palumbo, CD

CO 809 Newark


Wed Night Training

Sports Night: wear civilian clothing appropriate for sports (NO JEANS). Running shoes required. FITNESS testing will be conducted. It is mandatory for every cadet to participate in fitness testing as a requirement of their level.

Duty Officer
CI Thiffault

Sports Gear: Everyone

Remembrance Day 2016

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them”. ~ Laurence Robert Binyon20161111_114612_resized 20161111_104758_resized 20161111_104711_resized

15039658_1341649882535806_8794787761340826085_o-copyimg_0054 img_004220161111_090348

Photo credits to Mrs Hill, Mrs Couroux, Mr. Mehrotra and Mr. Scott Rosts.



Reminder: NO training night tonight

Reminder: there is NO training night tonight. We have moved it to Thursday to coincide with our Remembrance Day Vigil.

We still need volunteers to donate food for breakfast and/or drive cadets to and from the Clock Tower in Old Town on Friday morning.

We already have the following food:


1 case of water +1bag of chips_


1 box of 36 granola

2  of 6-pack Bagels

2  loaf of bread  (1white/1 brown)

36 plastic spoons, bowls, plates, napkins

Popcorn (Microwaveable)

CHECK THE LIST HERE: sign-up-for-remembrance-day for other items needed. And THANK YOU!