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Final Out Clearance of Old LHQ – WED!

join us as we bid farewell to our old headquarters (LHQ) on Wednesday evening. We still have a few sports and FTX items that need to be moved as well as some cleaning to do before we hand over the keys on Thurs.

If you can help: meet at our old LHQ (the old virgil public school) at 630pm Wed 28 Jun 17. At least two staff members are bringing trucks/trailers – if you have one to lend a hand, please bring it.

We anticipate it’ll take an hour or two to get everything loaded and moved to our new location. Many hands makes light work: come on out if you can!

We also need some cleaners to help us get rid of all our old garbage/recycling and load it into a trailer for the dump. If you can help with that, or cleaning the counters/floors of the old LHQ, come on out!


Air Cadet Pilot Scholarships

Air Cadet League of Canada

Ontario Provincial Committee

Honours & Awards

 31 May 2017

 Directors, Sponsoring Committee Chairs, and Commanding Officers,


This is a reminder that there is still time to apply for the  two NEW scholarships from the Jazz Aviation and Air Cadet League partnership for Cadet graduates of the Power Pilot Scholarship! Air Cadets who are interested in pursuing a career as a commercial pilot can now apply for one of these two new education scholarships.

1.       The Jazz Aviation Pathway Award for Professionalism. Awarded to a full-time student accepted and enrolled in a Jazz APP-affiliated aviation program for outstanding contributions to safety, leadership and professionalism. The Award consists of a $3000 scholarship to one of the Jazz App programs.

2.       The Jazz Aviation Pathway Award for Professionalism and Diversity. Awarded to a full-time student accepted and enrolled in a Jazz APP-affiliated aviation program who has self-identified as Aboriginal, a person with a disability, a visible minority, or female; for outstanding contributions to safety, leadership and professionalism. The Award consists of a $3000scholarship to one of the Jazz APP programs.


Air Cadets have until June 30, 2017 to send their application. Needless to say, these scholarships could greatly help the academic development of a Cadet. It is therefore important for them to be aware of this wonderful opportunity and its upcoming deadline.

Details can be found on the ACC65 form – embedded below.



 Please distribute ASAP to your Power grads.



 David S. Brown

Program Development Officer

Air Cadet League of Canada

Ontario Provincial Committee

Office: 905-477-4411 ext 224

Toll Free: 1-800-513-0952

Niagara Cadet Gala

Please see below the Niagara Cadet Gala poster advertising the Social on Feb 4th 2017. Open to all cadets. Tickets may be purchased through the Squadron Staff.


Niagara Cadet Winter Gala 2017 81 Lake St (Lake Street Armoury) St. Catharines, ON L2R 5X3 Tickets $20 February 4th 2017 Semi-Formal or C8 Mess Dress Black, Silver, and Gold theme Doors Open 17:30! Dinner at 18:00-19:30! Dance 19:30-23:00! Limited number of tickets at the door!



Bus leaves promptly at 7am from the THOROLD SQUADRON LHQ – at Trinity United Church in Thorold. Google map link here: 128 Sqn LHQ.

It takes about 20 mins to get to Thorold from our LHQ – plan your travel accordingly. We do NOT have a bus leaving from 809 – carpool to Thorold is the best we can do (better than parent drivers to Dunnville). Pick up will be at 515pm in Thorold.

If you are having trouble finding a ride to/from Thorold, please let Capt Palumbo know TONIGHT so we can make suitable arrangments.

Bring everything you need for a day of sports. Backpack, music, book, snack.

3 teams – volleyball, handball, soccer. 5-7 players per team. Max 21 cadets. Lunch is provided.

Fish Fry @ Branch 124 Legion

Parents/Guardians: Please note that effective Jan 2017, 809 will no longer be officially supporting the Legion by providing cadets to work at the Fish Fry on Thursday evenings.

This is due to a change in supervision requirements from DND that we cannot meet.

We are happy to inform you that a parent of one of our cadets, Mr Cory Abt, has stepped forward to manage the volunteers for the Legion @ Fish Fry in the New Year. All parents are invited to submit names to him for inclusion in the volunteer list. There is no requirement for cadets to participate – it is entirely of your own initiative. Timings and expectations remain the same, but it will no longer be organized or supervised by 809 Squadron Staff/Sponsors, and as such is an event entirely outside of the cadet program.

We are delighted that Mr Abt has stepped forward to volunteer with the Legion so that their requirements for workers are still met. If you need further information, please contact the Commanding Officer.