Category Archives: Summer Training

TRAINING UPDATE: Wed Night Summer Trg Parent Briefing

Monday 26 May 14:  Sports 7-9pm

Wednesday 28 May 14: Regular Trg Night & Summer Trg Parent Briefing – briefing to begin at 645pm. Approx 45 mins. All parents/guardians of cadets who are attending summer trg this year are to attend.

Monday 2 June 14: Sports 7-9pm & POWER FLYING –  schedule to be posted

Monday 2 Jun – Fri 6 Jun 14: Power Flying – schedule to be posted

Wednesday 4 Jun 14:  Cadet Squadron Commander Change of Command Parade

Saturday 7 Jun 14: Canada’s Wonderland Year-End Trip – optional. Cost of $45 per cadet includes admission to the park, lunch and the cost of the bus (courtesy of the Sqn Sponsoring Committee). CASH to Lt Russell NLT Wed 4 Jun 14.

Wed Night Trg

Dress: Winter C-3 (Sgt & Up C-2)

Regular Training Night 615-915pm see calendar for class details

THIS SAT is the NAG Range Comp. See calendar for more details.

LEVEL TWO cadets who are applying for summer trg: tonight you need to have your priority course sorted out so that we can load cadets where they will most likely have a chance to attend summer trg. Meet with Capt Palumbo in classroom 1 at break.



Drill 7-8pm Dress: jeans, sqn hoodie or t-shirt, wedge, parade boots

Range TEAM (only) 8-9pm Dress: same as Drill only with running shoes

NATIONAL COURSE APPLICATIONS – this is it! This week is your final chance to have everything in to me. I will be in the office tonight from 6-9pm. Bring in your transcripts, narratives, photos – whatever else is required so I can finalize your application. Wed night will be for final file review – everything goes in the mail on Mon 13 Jan.

QUESTIONS? Call me at the office 905-468-7584, email me or come to the office tonight 6-9pm.



All preliminary copies of your National Course Narrative are due in to Capt Palumbo NLT Wed 18 Dec 13.

Also, if you have not already done so, please bring in your school transcripts.  Jan will be here before we know it, and we need you to be on top of your application process NOW.

Capt Palumbo is available on Mon night to review your narrative – 7-9pm at the Cadet Hall. Otherwise, send her an electronic copy ( and she will edit and return it.  Do not leave this to the last min.

By the way, you look cold at the parade…..



Summer Training Courses 2014 Parent Meeting

There will be a PARENT MEETING on Wed 27 November 2013 at 645pm in Classroom #1 at the Sqn HQ for Summer Training 2014 Course Applications.

Below you will find the Summer Training Course Application Worksheet. A copy is being sent home with your cadet this evening. Please fill in the cadet’s LAST name, then circle their 3 choices and label them #1, #2, or #3. Bring the completed form with you to the Parent Mtg.

Summer Trg worksheet

See below the NATIONAL course application guidelines. It outlines all required documentation. If you are planning on applying for a National Course, don’t wait to start asking for what you need. See your guidance counsellor at school NOW to have an up-to-date transcript printed.

2014 National Courses Application Guideline