Category Archives: Social

Baked Goods for Saturday

We are once again asking parents to contribute some baked goods for our post-parade BBQ on Saturday.  Anything that is your favourite and nut-free. From cookies, to brownies to lemon tarts (Capt Palumbo’s fav) we are hoping to fill the dessert table so that it is not an additional cost to the Sqn. Can’t bake? Timbits are always a hit. Thank you in advance for contributing, last year’s treats were delicious and we can’t wait to see what this year brings.

Contact Mrs. Mehrotra on the Sponsoring Committee to let her know what you’ll be dropping off on Sat. Email:

If you bring it in a marked Tupperware container that will make things easier. You or your cadet can bring it to the parade and hand it to the Sponsors. Thanks!

REMINDER: Annual Banquet & Parade RSVP

Please make sure you RSVP for BOTH the Annual Review Awards Banquet (Fri) and the Annual Ceremonial Review Parade (Sat) by TOMORROW. We need to know the numbers for the caterer.

Fri Night Banquet: 6pm for 630 Dinner. At the Sqn HQ. Dress: Semi-formal (no uniforms).      $15 adults, $7.50 siblings & children under 19, Cadets Free. Please RSVP for FRIDAY using the following link (or access it from the calendar on 23 May 14 under TICKETS):

$$$ Can be handed in at Cadets on Wed night this week or next. But tickets must be reserved by Wed 14 May 14.

SAT Morning Parade: BBQ Lunch to follow parade. No cost. Just need to know numbers so we have enough food. We need to know by Wed 14 May 14. Please RSVP for SATURDAY using the following link:


809 Squadron Annual Cadet Awards Banquet

We welcome your family and your cadet(s) to join us for our Annual Cadet Awards Banquet. Please plan on joining us to celebrate our cadets’ achievements over this past training year.

RSVP (including the number of guests) that will be attending no later than Wednesday, May 14th in order for us to make accommodations with the caterer. There will be NO tickets available at the door and RSVPs received after the 14th will not be accepted.

Dinner: Salad, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Dessert, Punch and Tea/Coffee.

Cadets are free, siblings (under 19 years of age) are $7.50 each and adults are $15 each.

Dress is semi-formal. No uniforms!

Updates will be posted on the event page here: Annual Cadet Awards Banquet
RSVP can be sent either by selecting the “Tickets” button on the event page or by using the following link: RSVP

March Break Madness CANCELLED

Please be advised that Cadets is CANCELLED this evening due to the poor weather conditions. Please stay safe and we’ll see you on Monday.

 ALL events that were planned for tonight will be moved to MONDAY. Hours: 7-9pm

 Thank you for your understanding.

March Break Madness

It’s not just the weather that’s nuts. Tonight we are having some fun at the squadron too!

TIME: 630-10pm.

Dress: civilian casual. (no uniforms) wear your Sqn t-shirt!

Want to make one of our ultra-cool spray paint sqn t-shirts? Not sure if you could be the champ in air hockey? Have a crazy wish to beat the officer staff at trivia? Haven’t had a chance to shoot the air rifle? Want to create your own fantastical sundae dessert? Come out TONIGHT for some fun with your fellow air cadets.

$5 cost for t-shirts (if you haven’t already made one – give your name to Capt Palumbo on Wed 5 Mar).