Category Archives: Routine Orders

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 13 February 2022

13 February 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

We’ve got some indirect good news in that the province is slowly lifting restrictions, so we’ve got our fingers crossed that we’re coming to the end of virtual-only training. We’ll pass on the information as soon as we have it.

I apologize for the delay in getting the summer training material together, but that will be coming by Wednesday at the latest. It looks like they’ve got some good options on the table, so I hope everyone is ready to put their names when we have all of the details.

Remember that Padre Fowler is running a couple of worthwhile workshops (details below) and if you have the availability, you should be checking them out.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
16 February 2022


All attendees must register for virtual activities on the day of the event using the Virtual Activity Registration form.

Virtual Activity Check-In Form
Virtual Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Couroux

Opening, Closing and Duty Personnel Space
Google Meet

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Level One PO/EO M130.01a M130.01b
Description Identify Aircraft as Military, Civilian and Cadet Identify Aircraft as Military, Civilian and Cadet
Instructor FSgt Rolph FSgt Rolph
Level Two PO/EO M231.01a M231.01b
Description Identify the Four Forces that Act Upon an Aircraft Identify the Four Forces that Act Upon an Aircraft
Instructor FSgt Vidal FSgt Vidal
Level Three PO/EO M340.01 M340.02
Description Identify Canadian Astronauts Identify Canadian Astronauts
Instructor FSgt Dau FSgt Forsyth
Level Four PO/EO C431.01a C431.01b
Description Explain Flight Performance Factors Explain Flight Performance Factors
Instructor FSgt Abt FSgt Abt
Level Five PO/EO C540.01a C540.01b
Description Reflect on Canada’s Contribution to Aerospace Technology Reflect on Canada’s Contribution to Aerospace Technology
Instructor FSgt Tedesco FSgt Tedesco

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
14 February 2022
Monday Self Leadership and Time Management Microsoft Teams 5/C5 Padre (Capt) Fowler
16 February 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 2Lt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
23 February 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu
24 February 2022
Thursday Safe and Positive Space Training Microsoft Teams 5/C5 Padre (Capt) Fowler

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 6 February 2022

6 February 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

We’re still in a holding pattern with respect to a return to in-person training, but will let you know what we know as soon as we know it.

Last week’s split between regular training and fun activities to bring the squadron together was a success, so we’re going to continue. There’s also been talk about cadets organizing their own activities outside of our training environment, and that’s 100% encouraged. Remember that part of being a cadet is the friends that you make. That should definitely extend beyond the training that we’re conducting.

In addition to the activities that we’re offering, Padre (Capt) Fowler, the RCSU(C) Chaplain, is organizing some sessions on self leadership and time management, and on creating and maintaining safe and positive spaces. These sessions are outlined in the upcoming activities section and are open to both cadets and staff.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
9 February 2022


All attendees must register for virtual activities on the day of the event using the Virtual Activity Registration form.

Virtual Activity Check-In Form
Virtual Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Opening, Closing and Duty Personnel Space
Google Meet

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Level One PO/EO M103.03b  
Description Participate in Teambuilding Activities Positive Engagement Activities
Instructor FSgt Tedesco TBA
Level Two PO/EO M240.02b  
Description Invent a Space Technology Item Positive Engagement Activities
Instructor FSgt Lampman TBA
Level Three PO/EO M309.05b  
Description Select Appropriate Instructional Aids Positive Engagement Activities
Instructor FSgt Forsyth TBA
Level Four PO/EO M403.05b  
Description Participate in a Mentoring Relationship Positive Engagement Activities
Instructor FSgt Abt TBA

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
9 February 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
14 February 2022
Monday Self Leadership and Time Management Microsoft Teams 5/C5 Padre (Capt) Fowler
16 February 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 2Lt Couroux
24 February 2022
Thursday Safe and Positive Space Training Microsoft Teams 5/C5 Padre (Capt) Fowler

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 30 January 2022

30 January 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

Congratulations to the FSgts who sat the WO2 MRB this last Saturday. We’ve received the results and the staff will be going over them this week.

We’re still waiting on updates with respect to a return to in-person training, but things are beginning to open up, so we remain optimistic about the near future. In the meantime, we’re still running virtual training and will keep you in the loop as we get more information.

The senior cadets are also working on some fun activities to augment our regular training schedule, so we hope to have something to tell you there really soon.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
2 February 2022


All attendees must register for virtual activities on the day of the event using the Virtual Activity Registration form.

Virtual Activity Check-In Form
Virtual Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CI Dau

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Level One PO/EO M103.03a M103.03b
Description Participate in Teambuilding Activities Participate in Teambuilding Activities
Instructor FSgt Tedesco FSgt Tedesco
Level Two PO/EO M240.02a M240.02b
Description Invent a Space Technology Item Invent a Space Technology Item
Instructor FSgt Lampman FSgt Lampman
Level Three PO/EO M309.05a M309.05b
Description Select Appropriate Instructional Aids Select Appropriate Instructional Aids
Instructor FSgt Forsyth FSgt Forsyth
Level Four PO/EO M403.05a M403.05b
Description Participate in a Mentoring Relationship Participate in a Mentoring Relationship
Instructor FSgt Abt FSgt Abt
Level Five PO/EO C509.01a C509.01b
Description Monitor Instruction Monitor Instruction
Instructor FSgt Vidal FSgt Vidal

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
2 February 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night
Google Meet 5/C5 CI Dau

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
9 February 2022
Timing TBA
Wednesday Regular Training Night TBA 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 23 January 2022

23 January 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

We’re still running virtual training, but are expecting word back today on a time frame for returning to in-person activities. As soon as we get word, we’ll be making sure that you have it.

This is a busy week for our Level 5 cadets as they have Merit Review Boards this weekend for promotion to Warrant Officer 2nd Class. LCol (Retired) Moody has been kind enough to offer his time for preparation sessions on Wednesday, so we’ve scheduled those around the instructional periods. Level 5 cadets: If you do not intend to participate in the WO2 MRBs this weekend, it is important that you let me know right away so that I can clear your spot on the docket. It’s a full schedule this weekend.

We’re expecting attendance at 1845 (6:45pm) this week so that we can all get a start by 1900 (7:00pm) and not run too late.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
26 January 2022


All attendees must register for virtual activities on the day of the event using the Virtual Activity Registration form.

Virtual Activity Check-In Form
Virtual Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Level One PO/EO C140.02a C140.02b
Description Discuss Sleep Patterns in Space Discuss Sleep Patterns in Space
Instructor FSgt Forsyth FSgt Forsyth
Level Two PO/EO M230.02 C230.03
Description Discuss Significant Events in 20th Century Canadian Military History Discuss Significant Canadian Historical Events Relative to Aviation
Instructor FSgt Lampman FSgt Tedesco
Level Three PO/EO M309.03 M309.04
Description Describe Effective Speaking Techniques Describe Questioning Techniques
Instructor FSgt Abt FSgt Abt
Level Four PO/EO M431.02a M431.02b
Description Describe Flight Instruments Describe Flight Instruments
Instructor FSgt Vidal FSgt Vidal
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
MRB Preparation Session
Instructors LCol (Retired) Moody
Capt Lemoine
2Lt Couroux
LCol (Retired) Moody
Capt Lemoine
2Lt Couroux
LCol (Retired) Moody
Capt Lemoine
2Lt Couroux

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
26 January 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night
AEA (LCdr Reilly) Visit
Google Meet 5/C5 Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
29 January 2022 Saturday WO2 Merit Review Board Virtual 1A/C1A TBD
2 February 2022
Timing TBA
Wednesday Regular Training Night
TBA 5/C5 CI Dau

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 16 January 2022

16 January 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

For all of the cadets working on the on-line ground school, there’s been an extension for completion of the course. Previously, the deadline for completion was 0300 (EST) today but is now 0300 EST on Monday, the 24th of January. If you’re still working on those last few bits, you’ve got an extra week to get those done.

We’re still running virtual training, but are anxiously waiting for updates and will let you know as soon as we can about getting back to in-person training.

I’ll be scheduling another parent meeting for early February and will be nailing down a solid date for that over the next week or so.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
19 January 2022


All attendees must register for virtual activities on the day of the event using the Virtual Activity Registration form.

Virtual Activity Check-In Form
Virtual Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Nicolescu

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Level One PO/EO M100.03 M100.04
Description PSRY Sub-Module 3 – What Harassment, Criminal Offences and Child Abuse Are and Where You Can Go for Help PSRY Sub-Module 4 – What Conflict Is and How You Can Deal With It
Level Two PO/EO M260.01 M260.02
Description Explain Aspects of Air Traffic Control (ATC) Identify Aspects of Basic Thunderdome Operations
Level Three PO/EO M307.03 MX04.02
Description Recognize the Partnership Between the Air Cadet League of Canada and the Department of National Defence Identify Strategies to Improve Participation in Physical Activities and Participate in the Cadet Fitness Assessment (CFA)
Level Four PO/EO M432.01 MX04.02
Description Describe Fuel Systems Identify Strategies to Improve Participation in Physical Activities and Participate in the Cadet Fitness Assessment (CFA)
Level Five PO/EO C560.01 M504.01
Description Examine Aspects of Flight Safety (FS) Participate in the Cadet Fitness Assessment and Identify Strategies for Improving Personal Physical Fitness

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
19 January 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
26 January 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night
AEA (LCdr Reilly) Visit
Google Meet 5/C5 Lt Russell
24 January 2022
Monday On-Line Ground School Completion Deadline N/A N/A N/A
29 January 2022 Saturday WO2 Merit Review Board Virtual 1A/C1A TBD

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 9 January 2022

9 January 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

Thanks to all of the squadron’s families, friends, and Sponsorship Committee for the fundraising work that they put in on the weekend. With COVID-19 making a resurgence of late, the logistics of running a successful event were made much more complicated than they normally would be, so the appreciation of the squadron goes to each and every one of you for stepping up.

We’re still running exclusively on virtual training until at least the 24th of this month, but we’re going to make the best of it and carry on with our training until we can meet in person again. Updates will be provided as soon as we have them.

For the FSgts who are ready for their Merit Review Boards for WO2, these will be held virtually on the 29th of the month. We’ll be providing review materials and coaching in the time leading up to them.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety. When the new year starts, we may have some perks for those who have done so.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
12 January 2022


All attendees must register for virtual activities on the day of the event using the Virtual Activity Registration form.

Virtual Activity Check-In Form
Virtual Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Couroux

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Level One PO/EO M160.01 M160.02
Description Identify Major Aerodrome Components Identify Features of a Runway
Level Two PO/EO M203.06a M203.06b
Description Employ Problem Solving Employ Problem Solving
Level Three PO/EO M336.03 C331.01
Description Explain the Effects of Air Pressure on Weather Review Principles of Flight
Level Four PO/EO M409.03a M409.03b
Description Describe Learner Needs Describe Learner Needs
Level Five PO/EO C503.01 C507.03
Description Examine Meeting Procedures Reflect Upon the Cadet Experience

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
12 January 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 2Lt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
19 January 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu
26 January 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night
AEA (LCdr Reilly) Visit
Google Meet 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu
29 January 2022 Saturday WO2 Merit Review Board Virtual 1A/C1A TBD

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 19 December 2021

19 December 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good morning!

These will be the final Weekly Routine Orders for the calendar year 2021.

This Wednesday evening is our 13th annual Squadron Mess Dinner. Due to the influx of COVID-19 cases, the dinner will have to be held virtually again, but this is still a better thing than not having it at all. For those cadets who have signed up, Swiss Chalet dinners will be delivered by the Squadron Sponsorship Committee and their hordes of volunteer elves immediately prior to the dinner schedule. We’re all looking forward to celebrating the commitment and fortitude that the cadets, volunteers, and staff of 809 have shown over the last year. This is easily the #1 reason for our success prior to the pandemic and definitely during it. We’ve all shown that we more than deserve the “Immortal” motto that we’ve come to identify with. Well done, one and all!

Our chain of command is rightfully concerned about the current infection numbers with the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus and has directed us to shut down all in-person and virtual activities after the Squadron Mess Dinner. This works out well for us as we were going into our Winter Stand Down until January anyway. We’re expecting to get an update on how we’ll proceed on the 10th of January, so this does mean that our stand-down has been extended by at least a week and that we won’t be returning to training on the 9th. We’ll be providing updates to everyone the moment we get them.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
22 December 2021


All attendees must register for virtual activities on the day of the event using the Virtual Activity Registration form.

Virtual Activity Check-In Form
Virtual Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
1A (Ceremonial)

Cadet Dress
C1A (Business Dress if C1A hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

Time Item
1820 Cadets gather in Google Meet room.
1830 Five-Minute Call
1835 Start
1840 Welcome
1845 Dinner
2000 Break
2005 Toasts

  • Loyal Toast
  • Delivery Staff
2020 Addresses
2055 Lightsaber Duel to the Death Between the DCO and CO
2100 Conclusion and Dismissal

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
22 December 2021
Wednesday Squadron Mess Dinner Google Meet 1A/C1A Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
23 December 2021 –
11 January 2022
N/A Winter Stand Down No Training N/A N/A

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 12 December 2021

12 December 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

We had our first parent briefing on the evening of the 10th and, as was expected in the weeks leading up to the holidays, attendance was sparse. Not to worry though, we’ll be running another in mid-January with a lot more information on what’s going on with the summer training program.

We have two training nights before our Winter Stand Down and they’re both going to be a lot of fun, even if only one of them is in-person. This Wednesday, we have a full evening of marksmanship with an opportunity for each cadet to show their skills and get a baseline for improvement throughout the year. Next Wednesday, we have our last training night of the year where we’re going to have our best approximation of a Canadian Forces Mess Dinner. Even if we don’t get it quite right, we’ll have a good time and enjoy some food (which will be delivered) together. We’ll need to collect the names of all cadets intending to participate, along with any food restrictions you might have so that we can get the order right. Lt Russell will be covering that this Wednesday.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety. When the new year starts, we may have some perks for those who have done so.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
15 December 2021


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CI Dau

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M106.05 M106.05 M106.05
Description Participate in Marksmanship Familiarization Using the Cadet Air Rifle Participate in Marksmanship Familiarization Using the Cadet Air Rifle Participate in Marksmanship Familiarization Using the Cadet Air Rifle
Level Two PO/EO M206.01a M206.01b M206.01c
Description Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity
Level Three PO/EO M306.01a M306.01b M306.01c
Description Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity
Level Four PO/EO M406.01a M406.01b M406.01c
Description Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
15 December 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 CI Dau

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
22 December 2021
Wednesday Squadron Mess Dinner Google Meet 1A/C1A Capt Lemoine
23 December 2021 –
8 January 2022
N/A Winter Stand Down No Training N/A N/A

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 5 December 2021

5 December 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

A reminder that we’re going to be having an on-line parent briefing on Friday, the 10th of December at 1900 (7:00pm) to introduce parents and guardians of new cadets to our program and to offer a refresher to the parents and guardians of existing cadets. It will be held on Google Meet and won’t take more than an hour or so. If you know of any parents whose children might be interested in our program, by all means extend the invitation to them. We understand that December is a challenging month for scheduling, so we’ll add more briefings as necessary to bring those who can’t make it up to speed on what we do here.

I have a bit of bad news with respect to the Merit Review Boards that were initially scheduled for the 11th. These aren’t happening and our next opportunity will be the end of January. We’ll build up review and practice opportunities when we return from the winter stand-down so that everyone can be properly prepared.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
8 December 2021


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Couroux

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M106.01 M106.02 M107.03
Description Identify the Parts and Characteristics of the Daisy 853C Air Rifle Carry out Safety Precautions on the Cadet Air Rifle Observe Rules and Procedures for the Paying of Compliments
Level Two PO/EO M240.02a M240.02b M107.03
Description Invent a Space Technology Item Invent a Space Technology Item Observe Rules and Procedures for the Paying of Compliments
Level Three PO/EO MX20.01G MX20.01G M107.03
Description Participate in CAF Video Activities Participate in CAF Video Activities Observe Rules and Procedures for the Paying of Compliments
Level Four PO/EO MX20.01G MX20.01G M107.03
Description Participate in CAF Video Activities Participate in CAF Video Activities Observe Rules and Procedures for the Paying of Compliments

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
8 December 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 2Lt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
10 December 2021

Friday Parent Briefing Google Meet 3 Capt Lemoine
15 December 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 CI Dau
22 December 2021
Wednesday Squadron Mess Dinner Google Meet 1A/C1A Capt Lemoine

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 28 November 2021

28 November 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good morning!

Good news! We’re BACK (did I emphasize that enough?!) to in-person training this week! Get your boots blacked and your FTUs ready. It’s time for the webcams to start collecting dust again!

There are a few things coming up that I’d like to bring to everyone’s attention. We’re going to be having an on-line parent briefing on Friday, the 10th of December at 1900 (7:00pm) to introduce parents and guardians of new cadets to our program and to offer a refresher to the parents and guardians of existing cadets. It will be held on Google Meet and won’t take more than an hour or so. If you know of any parents whose children might be interested in our program, by all means extend the invitation to them.

Also, though we are authorized to resume in-person training again, this unfortunately doesn’t extend to our annual Squadron Mess Dinner on the 22nd of December. We’re going to have to do what we did last year, arranging for deliveries of food and conducting the rest of the event on-line. Once again, we’ll look forward with hope to being able to do this properly next year.

Lastly, there is an opportunity for FSgts to attend an Merit Review Board for WO2 promotion on the 11th of this month. If there are any FSgts interested in sitting the MRB (and I recommend it for all, if only to have the experience of the thing) I’ll need your responses by Wednesday training at the latest.

Thanks very much to 2Lt Couroux and the staff for holding things together while I was gone. We have a phenomenal team here backing up this squadron and I’m proud to serve with them.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
1 December 2021


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
1 December 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
8 December 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 2Lt Couroux
11 December 2021

Saturday Merit Review Board (WO2) TBD 1A/C1A TBD
10 December 2021

Friday Parent Briefing Google Meet 3 Capt Lemoine
15 December 2021
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5 CI Dau
22 December 2021
Wednesday Squadron Mess Dinner Google Meet 1A/C1A Capt Lemoine

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS