Category Archives: Gliding

Gliding on Sunday

For those cadets who signed up for gliding this Sunday at the Niagara Central Airport in Welland, we begin at 0900h (9:00am) and so you should arrive at 0845h (8:00am) and meet OCdt Couroux at the 87 Eagle Squadron hangar. Dress: civilian appropriate for weather. (This means that you should wear sunscreen and a hat.) We’ll be finished around noon.

The forecast says that we’ll have a sunny day on Sunday, so fingers are crossed that we’ll have great weather for gliding!

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

We’re Go for Gliding!

Today’s gliding has NOT been cancelled and we’re good to go for 9am at Welland Airport. See previous posts for dress and recommended bring-along items. The gliding centre has indicated that cadets showing up with light jackets will NOT be permitted on the airfield, so bundle up! See you there!

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Gliding Forecast

Good evening.

I received a message from Maj Norio at the Gliding Centre indicating that the chances of cancellation for gliding tomorrow are 50/50. They’re going to do a final evaluation no later than 0745h (7:45am) and will make a decision then. I will ensure that a final go/no-go notice is posted no later than 0800h (8:00am) tomorrow morning, so keep an eye out for it. Fingers are crossed!

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Gliding Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning, weather permitting, we’ll be gliding at Niagara Central Airport in Welland. Priority goes to level two cadets, and to those who have yet to have a flight.

The forecast for tomorrow is cold (6ºC) weather with a 30% chance of snow/rain. It’s very possible that we’ll have to cancel early in the morning, so check the web site before you leave.

Dress is civilian, but bring your cadet parka, liner, gloves, toque, a warm sweater, jeans, and running shoes. To prevent boredom while waiting, a backpack with water/drink, snacks, music and a book is advised, too.

Meet at the Terminal building. DO NOT attempt to cross over into the airfield alone. The SOGC staff will come collect you from the terminal.

If you have transportation trouble and need to carpool, please contact me at (905) 468-7584 to make arrangements.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Gliding Update

It’s looking like the weather is good, the winds are calm, and it’s a good day for gliding! There’s still a forecast for rain and possible thunderstorms, so I’ll keep everyone in the loop if this changes, but we’re still good to go right now.

I had initially thought we had 20 spots for gliding, but we’re sharing the afternoon with 128 Squadron and may have fewer. I’ve submitted the 16 cadets who have signed up with the Gliding Centre and haven’t heard anything back from them, so we should still be good.

It’s going to be a hot day today, so definitely remember to bring a hat, sunscreen, water, and a book or something similar to occupy you while you’re waiting for your flight.

See you there!

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

Gliding Tomorrow

For those cadets who signed up for gliding this Sunday at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Airport, we begin at 1300h (1:00pm) and so you should arrive at 1245h (12:45pm) and meet Capt Lemoine at the terminal building. Dress: civilian appropriate for weather. (This means that you should wear sunscreen and a hat.) We’ll be finished around 4pm.

There is a forecast for thunderstorms tomorrow, so watch for updates in case we have to cancel due to inclement weather. Fingers are crossed that we’ll have a great afternoon of gliding!

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

Gliding – TODAY!

Join us for Gliding! 10 spots – list below:


Meet at the Niagara District Airport (on Hwy 55 in NOTL) at 1300hrs (1pm). Dress is civilian, for the weather. Bring a backpack with something to read, a snack etc. Bring a lawn chair. Parents welcome to stay with cadets. Pick up is at 1600hrs.

WAIT at the Terminal Bldg at the airport until we are escorted over to the airfield by the Flying Centre Staff.

Capt Palumbo will be on-site as the 809 Sqn Escort officer.

CANCELLATION: if there is a cancellation of gliding due to weather – check HERE the website, before you leave for updated info. Or text Capt Palumbo 289-783-1942.


Ground School for Summer Pilot Training Courses

FLYING SCHOLARSHIP 2018 APPLICANTS: 809 Cadets who are eligible to participate (age 15 for Glider, age 16 for Power), and have transportation to Fort Erie (beginning tomorrow), are to contact Capt Palumbo TONIGHT.

337 and 79 are joining forces to provide their gliding and flying scholarship candidates with a ground school program and we would like to extend an invitation to all NAG Squadrons.  I am aware that some squadrons may already have other arrangements, but if you don’t please fell free to join us.

We are asking that cadets who attend be eligible to apply for a gliding or flying scholarship this training year, and come prepared with sufficient note taking materials (paper, pens, etc.) and a package of cue/index/recipe cards.

  • Date: Thursdays (beginning this week)
  • Time: 1900-2100
  • Location: 337 LHQ – Fort Erie Leisureplex Lions Banquet Hall, 3 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie

I am asking that you respond only if you have cadets who would be attending and let us know numbers so that we can ensure we have the proper meeting space available.

I also would like to take this opportunity to thank those cadet flying site and squadron staff who were carrying the torch of the NAG ground school for the past years.  Your hard work and dedication to our cadets is appreciated.



Captain / Capitaine Nicholas Chevalier, CD

Commanding Officer 337 ‘Allan Troup’ Squadron – Fort Erie

Canadian Armed Forces

PO Box 459 Fort Erie, ON L2A 5N2

Tel: 905-871-2775 / Cel: 905-650-3278

Commandant Escadron 337 ‘Allan Troup’ Squadron – Fort Erie

Forces Armées Canadiennes

PO Box 459 Fort Erie, ON L2A 5N2

Tél: 905-871-2775 /  Tél Cell: 905-650-3278

Cadet Gliding: A Family Affair

These things tend to run in families. Congratulations to Maj Luigi, Capt Anne-Marie, and Cadet WO2 Angela Norio.

Video Transcript (English)

Hello, my name is Major Luigi Norio and I am the Cadet Flying Site Commander for the St. Catharines and Welland Cadet Flying Sites. This summer I am working as the tow pilot at the Mountain View Cadet Flight Training Centre in support of the air cadet glider pilot scholarship. I have been involved in the air cadet gliding program for 29 years flying both the Belanca Scout tow plane and Schweizer 2-33A glider. This summer I have the fortune opportunity to tow my daughter Warrant Officer Second Class Angela Norio from 87 Eagle Squadron Welland Air Cadets up for her very first solo flying a glider.

(Radio Transmissions)

Congratulations awesome job! Congratulations Kiddo, well done, I am proud of you!

Spring Gliding in NOTL

Sgt Couroux receiving his pre-flight safety briefing from a WOII with the Gliding Centre, while Capt C Stevenson, CD straps into the pilot’s seat in the back.

Missed the Spring session? Remember to sign-up in October for our next scheduled day.