Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-06 – Week 6 – 9 October 2022


9 October 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Good evening 809 Squadron.

Welcome to week 6. This week marks this year’s first CO’s parade. Make sure your blue’s are ready to go and your boots are shined. Also, we’re having a BBQ during the opening and 1st periods. Parent’s briefing & parade practice during 2nd period and the actual parade during 3rd period. This is a great time to introduce new recruits to the program, so please bring friends that you thing will enjoy being a part of the squadron. Remember, bring your tunic and tie in on a hanger.

Thanksgiving Monday – No cadet activities. Enjoy the holiday with your families.

Continue reading

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-05 – Week 5 – 2 October 2022


2 October 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Good evening 809 Squadron.

Welcome to week 5. This week (October 2-7) is Cadet Week across Ontario. It’s a week that the Ontario Government has dedicated towards recognizing the program and all of those participate. This year marks the 1st ever observance of this week, which will continue anually.

This week marks the beginning of optional training on Monday evenings (see below). Also, on Wednesday, October 12, we’ll be having our 1st CO’s Parade of the year. Time to get the blue uniforms out and ready to go.

Continue reading

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-04 – Week 4 – 25 September 2022 (Supplemental)

Good morning.

It appears that I was incomplete in posting the CO’s Weekly Routine Orders last night and only included activities for the upcoming week. Lt Couroux has amended the post to include the missing activities and I encourage everyone to review the WROs again to be more fully aware of upcoming activities. I apologize for the oversight.

This week’s complete WROs can be found here: Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-04 – Week 4 – 25 September 2022

J Lemoine
Administration Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-04 – Week 4 – 25 September 2022


25 September 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Good evening 809 Squadron.

Welcome to week four. There’s not a whole lot going on for the next couple of weeks. We’re finishing off a very busy September and are about to head into our second month of training. Be on the lookout for a start of optional training as we head into October. We’re also going to have our first CO’s parade!

809 Officer and Senior Cadet Staff Positions

Commanding Officer (CO): Lt Couroux
Deputy Commanding Office (DCO): Lt Russell
Training Officer (TrgO): Lt Nicolescu
Administration Officer (AdminO): Capt Lemoine
Supply Officer (SupO): CI Dau
Squadron Warrant Officer: WO2 Abt
Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer/Training NCO: FSgt Forsyth
Flight Commander/Admin NCO: FSgt Vidal
Flight Commander/Supply NCO: FSgt Dau
Cadet Correspondent: FSgt Couroux

COVID-19 Rules

COVID-19 rules have changed slightly for this training year. Masks are no longer mandatory, except under certain circumstances, such as travelling in military transport or when entering an establishment that requires masks to be worn. If you feel comfortable wearing a mask, and would like to continue, you are permitted to do so.

It’s no longer a requirement for you to fill out and post a declaration. The link for this will no longer be provided.

Social distancing will still be practiced as much as possible. Also, it’s encouraged that we do as much training as possible outside.

We’re still committed to making cadets a safe and fun experience. If you have any questions on this, please consult a staff member.

If you feel sick, do the responsible thing. Stay home.



Again, not everyone has their Cadet365 account up and running. Those of you that don’t please see Capt Lemoine this Wednesday evening.

Annual Validation Forms

We are still waiting on completed validation forms from three cadets. We need these in right away in order to finish your enrolment process for this year.


CI Dau won’t be in this Wednesday due to illness. Anyone needing anything from supply will need to see CI Dau when he returns, which will most likely be next Wednesday.\


Anyone needing parts for their blue uniforms, please make sure you get your new sizes and have them ready to see CI Dau when he returns a week from Wednesday. We’re going to have a CO’s parade, most likely on October 12. Make sure you’re kitted out.


Regular Training

Where: Squadron HQ
When: 28 September 2022
Who: All Cadets and Staff
Dress: Cadets – C5 (FTU), CAF 5 (CADPAT/NCD), CIs/CVs – Golf Shirt and Khakis or FTU
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

1815 1830 Building Open, Parade Set-Up
1830 1845 Uniform Inspection/Opening Parade
1845 1920 Period 1
1925 2000 Period 2
2000 2015 Break
2015 2050 Period 3
2050 2100 Clean-Up Trg Areas/Parade
2100 2115 Closing Parade
2115 2130 Building Closed

Class Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M107.01 M108.01 O/F-1
Description Discuss Year One Training Adopt the Positions of Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy SWO Discretion
Level Two PO/EO M203.02 M207.02 O/F-1
Description Discuss the Principles of Leadership Recognize Historical Aspects of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets SWO Discretion
Level Three PO/EO M331.01 M331.01 O/F-1
Description Describe Aircraft Stability Describe Aircraft Stability SWO Discretion
Level Four PO/EO M409.01 M409.01 O/F-1
Description Identify Methods of Instruction Identify Methods of Instruction SWO Discretion

Note: Off-duty instructors are to report to their secondary duties:

  • Training NCO: FSgt Forsyth
  • Administration NCO: FSgt Vidal
  • Supply NCO: FSgt Dau
  • Cadet Correspondent: FSgt Couroux

Lt Nicolescu will not be in attendance on Wednesday, Sept 28. See Lt Couroux if you have any questions pertaining to training.


1. Ground School

Where: TBD

When: TBD (Deadline for Applications is 15 October 2022)
Who: All interested cadets who are eligible to apply for GPTC or PPTC in Summer 2023
Dress: TBD

Anyone interested in applying for GPTC or PPTC MUST take part in 45 hours of Online Ground School and write the qualifying exam by the deadline of 15 January 2023, or they will not be considered for the course. Before your application can be submitted, you must have your Cadet365 account set up. If you’re interested, please see Capt Lemoine to enter your application into FORTRESS. The deadline for applications is 15 October 2022.

More details to follow.

2. Cadet Co-op (High School Credit Program)

The Training Year Cadet Co-op is starting back up once again in partnership between UCDSB (Upper Canada District School Board) and RCSU Central. 

To be eligible a cadet must:

  • Attend High School in Ontario
  • Reside in Ontario
  • Be a current cadet

There is a misconception that has come up over the years:

  • Cadets must be a student from UCDSB – Incorrect
  • The program is a ministry of education program, coordinated on behalf of the ministry through UCDSB. As long as the cadet is a student of any school board in Ontario (French, English, Public, Catholic, or even Private) they are eligible as the credit is linked to their OEN (Ontario Education Number)

Cadets can earn up to four (4) credits through the training year version of cadet co-op. It takes 90 hours of cadet activities (training, team practices, uniform prep, lesson prep, &c) to earn a credit, as well as completion of the pre-placement assignments, tracking their hours on a log sheet, and participating in your ACR. Why not earn some high school credits for what they are already doing?!

If you’re interested, please see Capt Lemoine for more information, including the application and a FAQ sheet.


All attendees must check-in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form.

In-Person Activity Check-In Form

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
28 September 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Golf Shirt and Kakhis or FTU Lt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

03 OCT 2022 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Suitable Civilian Clothes Lt Couroux
05 OCT 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Golf Shirt and Kakhis or FTU Lt Couroux
10 OCT 2022 Monday No Training


12 OCT 2022 Wednesday CO’s Parade Squadron HQ Cadets C1A,


CI/CV Collared Shirt, Tie, Dress pants

Lt Couroux
17 OCT 2022 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Suitable Civilian Clothes Lt Couroux
19 OCT 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Golf Shirt and Kakhis or FTU Lt Couroux
24 OCT 2022 Monday Optional Training Squadron HQ Suitable Civilian Attire Lt Couroux
26 OCT 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Golf Shirt and Kakhis or FTU Lt Couroux

D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-03 – Week 3 – 18 September 2022


18 September 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Let’s start off by mentioning the Queen. Monday, September 19 was the funeral for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. May she rest in peace.

I hope everyone had a great time at the Niagara Garrison FTX this past weekend. Hopefully, we’ll get to do more activities like that going forward. We had a few hiccups with regard to adherence to the Cadet Code of Conduct. Remember, these are the rules that guide your actions as a cadet. I expect each of you to live by these rules. Now, we have a tight turnaround between the FTX and Wednesday’s parade night, but that doesn’t mean you can neglect your uniform. Make sure your combats are cleaned and ready to go, and that your boots are cleaned and blackened for Wednesday night.

We had an extremely busy start to our year, now the activities will slow down a bit and we can concentrate on training.

I won’t be around for training on Wednesday. Lt Russell will be running the Squadron in my absence.


809 Officer and Senior Cadet Staff Positions

There are some minor changes in the staff positions this year. Here’s a reminder

Commanding Officer (CO): Lt Couroux
Deputy Commanding Office (DCO): Lt Russell
Training Officer (TrgO): Lt Nicolescu
Administration Officer (AdminO): Capt Lemoine
Supply Officer (SupO): CI Dau
Squadron Warrant Officer: WO2 Abt
Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer/Training NCO: FSgt Forsyth
Flight Commander/Admin NCO: FSgt Vidal
Flight Commander/Supply NCO: FSgt Dau

COVID-19 Rules

COVID-19 rules have changed slightly for this training year. Masks are no longer mandatory, except under certain circumstances, such as travelling in military transport or when entering an establishment that requires masks to be worn. If you feel comfortable wearing a mask, and would like to continue, you are permitted to do so.

It’s no longer a requirement for you to fill out and post a declaration. The link for this will no longer be provided.

Social distancing will still be practiced as much as possible. Also, it’s encouraged that we do as much training as possible outside.

We’re still committed to making cadets a safe and fun experience. If you have any questions on this, please consult a staff member.


I understand that many of you still do not have your Cadet365 account up and running. If you don’t, please see Capt Lemoine this Wednesday evening.

Regular Training

Where: Squadron HQ
When: 21 September 2022
Who: All Cadets and Staff
Dress: Cadets – C5 (FTU), CAF 5 (CADPAT/NCD), CIs/CVs – Golf Shirt and Khakis or FTU
Duty Officer: Lt Nicolescu

Training Night Schedule

Begins Ends Period
1815 1830 Building Open, Parade Set-Up
1830 1845 Uniform Inspection/Opening Parade
1845 1920 Period 1
1925 2000 Period 2
2000 2015 Break
2015 2050 Period 3
2050 2100 Clean-Up Trg Areas/Parade
2100 2115 Closing Parade
2115 2130 Building Closed

Class Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO      
Description General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Level Two PO/EO      
Description General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Level Three PO/EO      
Description General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Level Four PO/EO      
Description General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge

Upcoming Events


Where: Niagara District Airport (Niagara-on-the-Lake)

When: Saturday, 24 September, Timings To Be Determined
Who: All Interested Cadets
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire
OIC: Capt Lemoine

Unfortunately gliding, for all units, has been postponed until the spring.

2. Ground School

Where: TBD

When: TBD (Deadline for Applications is 15 October 2022)
Who: All interested cadets who are eligible to apply for GPTC or PPTC in Summer 2023
Dress: TBD

Anyone interested in applying for GPTC or PPTC MUST take part in 45 hours of Online Ground School and write the qualifying exam by the deadline of 15 January 2023, or they will not be considered for the course. Before your application can be submitted, you must have your Cadet365 account set up. If you’re interested, please see Capt Lemoine to enter your application into FORTRESS. The deadline for applications is 15 October 2022.

More details to follow.


All attendees must check-in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form.

In-Person Activity Check-In Form

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
21 September 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Golf Shirt and Kakhis or FTU Lt Nicolescu
24 September 2022 Saturday Gliding Familiarization Niagara District Airport Civilian Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
28 September 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Golf Shirt and Kakhis TBD

D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-02 – Week 2 – 11 September 2022


11 September 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

This was a tough week as we’ve lost our Head of State, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was a great supporter of Canada, which she held close to her heart. May she rest in peace.

We now have a new head of state, His Majesty King Charles III. May he reign with dignity and humility. God save the King!

We had our first parade night of the 2022/23 training year. It was awesome to see all the returning faces and a couple of potential new ones. Remember, everyone, bring out your friends to see what the cadet program is all about. The squadron is always looking for new members.

We had great weather on Saturday for what seemed to be a successful bottle drive. To all the cadets that were able to come out, you did an outstanding job. Congratulations to Mr. Abt and the SSC for doing a bang-up job of putting this together. There will be three more this year, and it is mandatory for all cadets to take part.

809 Officer and Senior Cadet Staff Positions

There are some minor changes in the staff positions this year. Here’s a reminder

Commanding Officer (CO): Lt Couroux
Deputy Commanding Office (DCO): Lt Russell
Training Officer (TrgO): Lt Nicolescu
Administration Officer (AdminO): Capt Lemoine
Supply Officer (SupO): CI Dau
Squadron Warrant Officer: WO2 Abt
Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer: FSgt Forsyth
Flight Commander: FSgt Vidal
Flight Commander: FSgt Dau

COVID-19 Rules

COVID-19 rules have changed slightly for this training year. Masks are no longer mandatory, except under certain circumstances, such as travelling in military transport or when entering an establishment that requires masks to be worn. If you feel comfortable wearing a mask, and would like to continue, you are permitted to do so.

It’s no longer a requirement for you to fill out and post a declaration. The link for this will no longer be provided.

Social distancing will still be practiced as much as possible. Also, it’s encouraged that we do as much training as possible outside.

We’re still committed to making cadets a safe and fun experience. If you have any questions on this, please consult a staff member.

Regular Training

Where: Squadron HQ
When: 14 September 2022
Who: All Cadets and Staff
Dress: Cadets – C5 (FTU), CAF 5 (CADPAT/NCD), CIs/CVs – Golf Shirt and Khakis
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

Training Night Schedule

Begins Ends Period
1815 1830 Building Open, Parade Set-Up
1830 1845 Uniform Inspection/Opening Parade
1845 1920 Period 1
1925 2000 Period 2
2000 2015 Break
2015 2050 Period 3
2050 2100 Clean-Up Trg Areas/Parade
2100 2115 Closing Parade
2115 2130 Building Closed

Class Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO      
Description General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Level Two PO/EO      
Description General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Level Three PO/EO      
Description General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Level Four PO/EO      
Description General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge

Upcoming Events

1. Garrison Training Weekend:

Where: Burgoyne Outdoor Education and Resource Centre (St. Anns)

When: Friday, 16 September – Sunday, 18 September, Timings To Be Determined
Who: All Cadets and Staff
Dress: Cadets C5 (FTU), CAF 5 (CADPAT/NCD), CIs/CVs Civilian Attire
OIC: Lt Couroux

This year, we’re participating in the Niagara Garrison Field Training Weekend. This is the first time this is being held and cadets from all three branches (Sea, Army, and Air) will be taking part. You’ll not only take part in typical FTX activities but also those that sea and army cadets experience as well. We’re expecting approximately 500 cadets and staff to be there.

Transportation will be provided from our squadron HQ to the training site. Food is being provided throughout the weekend. As I’ll already be out at the training site as part of the advance party, Lt Russell will be your escort on the bus.

The cadet kit list was posted and emailed to everyone last Thursday. However, if you missed that email, It’s also published on our website at:

Cadet Kit List – Garrison FTX – Friday, Sept 16 – Sunday, Sept 18

Our squadron will be running a canteen on Saturday night. Pop, chips, chocolate bars and candy will be offered, with items costing $1 each. The only acceptable denominations of currency will be loonies, twoonies and $5 bills. Cadets from our unit will be working behind the counter to sell items to the cadets participating in the exercise.

This is considered a mandatory activity. The exercise covers mandatory training that you require to pass your level. If you cannot attend, please notify the squadron to advise of your absence. Make sure you all complete the online registration as usual.

More information, including a kit list to follow. Look for emails, and postings on our website, as more information is received.

This is considered a mandatory activity. If you cannot attend, please notify the squadron to advise of your absence. Make sure you all complete the online registration as usual.

2. Gliding:

Where: Niagara District Airport (Niagara-on-the-Lake)

When: Saturday, 24 September, Timings To Be Determined
Who: All Interested Cadets
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire
OIC: Capt Lemoine

We tentatively have our first gliding date on Saturday, 24 September. This will be a half-day experience. We haven’t had a flying date in a couple of years. This is an awesome activity and I encourage everyone to sign up. More information on this to follow.


All attendees must check-in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form.

In-Person Activity Check-In Form

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
14 September 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Golf Shirt and Kakhis Lt Russell
16-18 September 2022 Friday-Sunday Garrison Training Weekend Burgoyne Outdoor Education and Resource Centre Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Civilian Lt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
16-18 September 2022 Friday-Sunday Garrison Training Weekend Burgoyne Outdoor Education and Resource Centre Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Civilian Lt Couroux
21 September 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Golf Shirt and Kakhis TBD
24 September 2022 Saturday Gliding Niagara District Airport Civilian Capt Lemoine

D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

The Passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

It is with great sadness that 809 Newark RCACS mourns the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, an icon of our age.

The Queen has reigned over the Commonwealth Realms, of which Canada is one, for over 70 years. During this time, she has consistently set an example of service to our community before ourselves and has firmly established herself as a role model to us all.

Rest well, Your Majesty. Your memory and the example you have set will continue to live on in each of us.

Weekly Routine Order (WRO) 2022/23-01 – Week 1 – 4 September 2022


4 September 2022

RO Number


CO’s Message

Welcome Back 809!

After a long, and I hope fun, summer break, we’re starting back up again.

This Wednesday, September 7, marks the beginning of the 2022-23 training year. The staff and I are looking forward to seeing all of you and hearing the stories of how you spent your summer.

This year is going to start off in a quick fashion as we have several events already scheduled for the month of September, so let’s begin.

809 Officer and Senior Cadet Staff Positions

There are some minor changes in the staff positions this year. Here’s a reminder

Commanding Officer (CO): Lt Couroux
Deputy Commanding Office (DCO): Lt Russell
Training Officer (TrgO): Lt Nicolescu
Administration Officer (AdminO): Capt Lemoine
Supply Officer (SupO): CI Dau
Squadron Warrant Officer: WO2 Abt
Squadron Deputy Warrant Officer: FSgt Forsyth

COVID-19 Rules

COVID-19 rules have changed slightly for this training year. Masks are no longer mandatory, except under certain circumstances, such as travelling in military transport or when entering an establishment that requires masks to be worn. If you feel comfortable wearing a mask, and would like to continue, you are permitted to do so.

It’s no longer a requirement for you to fill out and post a declaration. The link for this will no longer be provided.

Social distancing will still be practiced as much as possible. Also, it’s encouraged that we do as much training as possible outside.

We’re still committed to making cadets a safe and fun experience. If you have any questions on this, please consult a staff member.

Regular Training

Where: Squadron HQ
When: 7 September 2022
Who: All Cadets and Staff
Dress: Cadets – C5 (FTU), CEF 5 (CADPAT/NCD), CIs/CVs – Golf Shirt and Khakis
Duty Officer: Lt Couroux

Training Night Schedule

Begins Ends Period
1815 1830 Building Open, Parade Set-Up
1830 1845 Uniform Inspection/Opening Parade
1845 1920 Period 1
1925 2000 Period 2
2000 2015 Break
2015 2050 Period 3
2050 2100 Clean-Up Trg Areas/Parade
2100 2115 Closing Parade
2115 2130 Building Closed

Class Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO      
Description Welcome Speech General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Instructor Lt Couroux
Level Two PO/EO      
Description Welcome Speech General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Instructor Lt Couroux
Level Three PO/EO      
Description Welcome Speech General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Instructor Lt Couroux
Level Four PO/EO      
Description Welcome Speech General Cadet Knowledge General Cadet Knowledge
Instructor Lt Couroux

Upcoming Events

1. Bottle Drive:

Where: Van Noorts’ (Corner of Hunter Rd and Four Mile Creek Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake)

When: Saturday, 10 September, 0830 (8:30am) – Approximately 1400 (2:00pm)

Who: All Cadets, Staff, SSC members and Parents
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire – Dress for the weather
OIC: Lt Couroux

The bottle drive is an important fundraiser for 809 Squadron.  The bulk of the money we raise comes from this initiative.  This is where we get the money to attend special events like the last year’s “Top Gun: Maverick” showing and Cadet Day at Canada’s Wonderland.  It’s also where we get the money for training activities like FTXs and flying.  Most of all, it is what keeps us operating as a squadron and pays for our headquarters.  Without this fundraising, we wouldn’t be able to run our program.

Because of its importance, we’re requesting that all cadets attend.  We’re also requesting parents/guardians participate as well.  We’ll need help sorting bottles, picking up bottles at off-site locations, and helping at pick-up locations.  Bring your trucks and cargo trailers if you can.

This is considered a mandatory activity. If you cannot attend, please call the squadron to advise of your absence. Make sure you all complete the online registration as usual.

Here’s some additional informaton:

2. Garrison Training Weekend:

Where: Burgoyne Outdoor Education and Resourse Centre (St. Anns)

When: Friday, 16 September – Sunday, 18 September, Timings To Be Determined
Who: All Cadets and Staff
Dress: Cadets C5 (FTU), CAF 5 (CADPAT), CIs/CVs Civilian Attire
OIC: Lt Couroux

This year, we’re participating in the Niagara Garrison Field Training Weekend. This is the first time this is being held and cadets from all three branches (Sea, Army, and Air) will be taking part. You’ll not only take part in typical FTX activities but also those that sea and army cadets experience as well. We’re expecting approximately 500 cadets and staff to be there.

Transportation will be provided from our squadron HQ to the training site. Food is being provided throughout the weekend.

More information, including a kit list to follow. Look for emails, and postings on our website, as more information is received.

This is considered a mandatory activity. If you cannot attend, please notify the squadron to advise of your absence. Make sure you all complete the online registration as usual.

3. Gliding:

Where: Niagara District Airport (Niagara-on-the-Lake)

When: Saturday, 24 September, Timings To Be Determined
Who: All Interested Cadets
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire
OIC: Capt Lemoine

We tentatively have our first gliding date on Saturday, 24 September. This will be a half-day experience. We haven’t had a flying date in a couple of years. This is an awesome activity and I encourage everyone to sign up. More information on this to follow.


All attendees must check-in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form.

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
7 September 2022 Wednesday Parade Night Squadron HQ Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Golf Shirt and Kakhis Lt Couroux
10 September 2022 Saturday Bottle Drive Van Noorts’ Civilian Lt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
16-18 September 2022 Friday-Sunday Garrison Training Weekend Burgoyne Outdoor Education and Resource Centre Cadets C5, CAF 5, CI/CV Civilian Lt Couroux
24 September 2022 Saturday Gliding Niagara District Airport Civilian Capt Lemoine

D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 22 May 2022

22 May 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

This is it! We’re down to our final night of the training year. Wednesday night, is our ACR/Awards/CoC night. Dress will be C1A so make sure your unicorns are properly prepared, your boots are polished, and your at your very best. Make sure that you invite your parents/guardians and come hungry. The SSC has arranged food for the evening.

We’re still under standard COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures, which don’t allow non cadets/staff in the building itself, so we’ll be holding the event outdoors rain or shine.

On Thursday, we have a private screening of the new “Top Gun: Maverick” film at Landmark Cinemas at the Pen Centre. Dress will be C3B and you need to find your way to the cinema by 1730 (5:30pm). The cost of the event has been covered by our more than generous SSC, so take the opportunity to thank them on Wednesday.

We have the go-ahead to go to Cadet Day at Canada’s Wonderland on the 28th. We’ll be finalizing numbers and travel arrangements as soon as possible, so we need to know if you’re coming or not as soon as possible.

I have received only two responses in our Cadets365 migration. For those cadets who have not replied, please review the previous post on the topic.

Finally, this will be my last CO’s message as the role of Commanding Officer will be turned over to Lt Couroux on Wednesday. To the cadets, parents/guardians, staff, and SSC members, I’ve had the privilege of working with over these last five years, thank you. If I don’t get the opportunity to speak to you in person, know that I place immense value in what we’ve accomplished together and have the utmost confidence in Lt Couroux’ commitment and capabilities as my successor.

ACR, Awards, and Change of Command
25 May 2022 1830


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
1A (Ceremonial)

Cadet Dress

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CI Dau

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
23 May 2022 Monday Victoria Day (No Training)      
25 May 2022
Wednesday ACR / Awards Night / CoC 809 HQ 1A/C1A Capt Lemoine
26 May 2022
Thursday Private “Top Gun: Maverick” Screening Landmark Cinemas St. Catharines 3B/C3B Lt Couroux
28 May 2022
Saturday Canada’s Wonderland Trip 809 HQ (Pickup/Dropoff) Civilian Capt Lemoine

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
4 June 2022 Saturday Bottle Drive Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 Civilian TBD

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS