Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

809 Squadron Annual Cadet Awards Banquet

We welcome your family and your cadet(s) to join us for our Annual Cadet Awards Banquet. Please plan on joining us to celebrate our cadets’ achievements over this past training year.

RSVP (including the number of guests) that will be attending no later than Wednesday, May 14th in order for us to make accommodations with the caterer. There will be NO tickets available at the door and RSVPs received after the 14th will not be accepted.

Dinner: Salad, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Dessert, Punch and Tea/Coffee.

Cadets are free, siblings (under 19 years of age) are $7.50 each and adults are $15 each.

Dress is semi-formal. No uniforms!

Updates will be posted on the event page here: Annual Cadet Awards Banquet
RSVP can be sent either by selecting the “Tickets” button on the event page or by using the following link: RSVP

WED Night Trg & Sqn Effective Speaking Competition

Dress: C-3 (Sgt & up C-2). Dress to impress: flight totals have been averaged, and the results are close. Remember that uniform marks count toward the Top Flight award at annual.

Each cadet that gives a speech tonight earns points for their flight for the Top Flight Award too.  Cadets who have signed up for for the Effective Speaking competition should be prepared to deliver their presentation TONIGHT.

Effective Speaking Competition Information


For your reference, the topic list for this year’s Effective Speaking Competition is as follows:

  1. An Ordinary Canadian Doing Extraordinary Things
  2. 150th Anniversary of the Charlottetown’s Conference
  3. Chris Hadfield, Space Explorer
  4. Bullying
  5. Snowbirds, a Canadian Icon
  6. Women in Military Service
  7. Why I Remember November 11th?
  8. Skills I have Learned in Cadets That Will Help me in Life

If you require any further information to prepare or have any questions concerning the competition, contact me directly.

Capt Lemoine

Tonight’s Mess Dinner

This is another reminder that the annual Mess Dinner is tonight at Grace United Church on Victoria Street in Niagara-on-the-Lake at 1830 (6:30pm) sharp. Please do not arrive early. All cadets are expected to attend.

This dinner is for the cadets, staff and sponsors ONLY. Dress is Mess Dress: cadet uniform with white shirt, black bowtie, no wedge.

Cadets will be ready for pickup at 2100 (9:00pm).