Author Archives: Capt. Couroux

Welcome Home FSgt Dau

CI Dau tells us that FSgt Dau made it home after graduating the Survival Instructor Course at CTC Blackdown.   From what he tells me, FSgt Dau had fun but wishes the course was 6 weeks.   Congratulations on your graduation and welcome home FSgt.

Lt Couroux


Ok FSgt Vidal, Time to do some of that Pilot stuff….

We’ve heard from FSgt Vidal.   Sounds like he’s doing well (but tired).  He’s busy writing exams and flying.   There have been some delays due to weather, but expects to solo next week.   Good luck FSgt Vidal!

For some more news from the CTC’s our cadets are attending, please have a look at our Facebook page:

Lt Couroux

Canada Summer Games – Follow Up

Good afternoon everyone,

Thanks to the 2 cadets that signed up.    An email was sent to each of you detailing the particulars for the practice.   Please send a reply so I know that you’ve received that email and that you’ll be attending.

Lt Couroux.

Staff Cadet Opportunity – CAP Grimsby

Good evening everyone,

Capt Palumbo is looking for some cadets that would be interested in becoming staff cadets to assist in the running of CAP activities in Grimsby, July 25-29.     You need to be at least 16 years old and have the ability to get to Grimsby.   If you’re interested, send me an email to let me know.

Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Canada Summer Games – Medal Ceremony Practice

We’ve been invited to take part in the medal ceremonies for the upcoming Canada Summer Games.    There’s a practice this Wednesday, July 13 @ Brock University.  Timing is from 1800-1930 hrs.    Dress is appropriate civilian attire.    Capt. Giovenazzo of 613 Lincoln & Welland Army Cadets is running this for the region and is asking for some help.

This is an exciting opportunity, with national exposure, for cadets in our region.  Sign up if you’d like to take part

Due date for sign ups for the practice is tomorrow by 1700.

Sign up for this event is now closed


Summer Cadet Co-Op – High School Credits

UCDSB is once again offering the Summer Cadet Co-op program where cadets who are attending CTC course in Ontario will be able to earn up to 2 high school credits!

Please note- cadets attending CAP, or CTC out of the province of Ontario will not qualify for the program.

For more details, and for registrations forms etc, please follow this link: Summer Semester Cadet COOP – Upper Canada District School Board (

Cadets must already have obtained at least one high school credit to apply.

Most importantly– Although UCDSB is running this program, it is open to all cadets who reside in Ontario, and who will be attending a CTC course in Ontario. Cadets do not need to be students of UCDSB. Cadets remain students of their own board!

Lt Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

100th Anniversary of the Niagara On The Lake Cenotaph

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 (our major sponsor) is conducting ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the Niagara On The Lake Cenotaph.   We need 2 senior cadets, with a properly fitting uniform, to volunteer to stand guard.   Dress of the day will be C1A

Timings: 1000 – 1200 hrs, Saturday, June 04
Where: Cenotaph on Queen St, Niagara On The Lake
OIC: Capt Jody Lemoine

If you’d like to take part, please sign by following this link:

Sign up sheet

Please note that you’ll still be expected to help out at the bottle drive both before and after this event.   Please bring your uniform along with you to the bottle drive and change just before leaving and when you return.

Lt Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 19 May 2022

29 May 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

Well, here goes my first WRO.   Let’s see how it goes.

After all the excitement of last week, were starting to wind things down and head into summer shut down.   However, we still have one item left on the board, Saturday’s bottle drive.

After the bottle drive, we’ll be on summer shutdown.  There will be no further squadron activities until Wednesday, September 7 (the first Wednesday after Labour Day).

To the Cadets attending summer training, good luck on your courses and have fun.   We know you’ll do 809 Squadron proud.

Bottle Drive:

The bottle drive is an important fundraiser for 809 squadron.   The bulk of the money we raise comes from initiative.   This is where we get the money to attend special events like the Top Gun Maverick showing, and the Cadet Day at Canada’s Wonderland.    It’s also where we get the money for training activities like FTX’s and flying.   Most of all, it is what keeps us operating as a squadron and pays for our headquarters.   Without the fundraising, we wouldn’t be able to run the program.

Because of it’s importance, we’re requesting that all cadets attend.   We’re also requesting parents/guardians participate as well.   We’ll need help sorting bottles, picking up bottles at off-site locations, and to help at pick up locations.     Bring your trucks and cargo trailers if you can.

Here’s the info:
Where: VanNoorts (Corner of Hunter Rd & 4 Mile Creek Rd, Niagara On The Lake)
Time: Saturday, June 04, 0830 (8:30am) – Approx 1400 (2pm)
Who: All cadets, staff, SSC & Parents

This is considered a mandatory activity. If you cannot attend, please call the squadron to advise of your absence.

Make sure all attendees complete registration as usual.

Mr. Abt will be in charge of the event, with Capt Lemoine supervising.  I won’t be around as I’m heading off to Trenton for my Air Environmental Training Course (AETC for short).

This is some additional information from Mr Abt’s post on our Facebook page:


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

This Week’s Activities:


Corner of Hunter Rd & 4 Mile Creek Rd, NOTL

Civilian Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities:





This will be the last WRO for this training year.    The next one will be published on the Sunday preceding our next training night.   Have a fun and safe summer.   See you all on September 7.

D Couroux

Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS