
Monday Night 23 Mar 15 6-830pm.

Join us for bowling and dinner at Parkway Lanes. 3 games each and a pizza & drink to share with a friend. FREE!!

Make your own way to Parkway Lanes in St. Catharines (QEW to Ontario street south exit). Dress: Sqn t-shirt, jeans, sqn ball cap


I just received approval to conduct familiarization flights out of the St Catharines Flying Club from April 1st to May 31st.

I would like to use the month of April to do all the flying and the month of May as alternate days.

On Wednesday I will be collecting names of those who are interested in going flying, and any days that don’t work for you.

The duration of the flights will depend on the interest level of the cadets.  We have a budget we need to work within, but if only a few cadets want to go, we will do longer flights.  Possibly a Toronto skyline flight where we buzz the CN tower?  Who knows, the sky’s the limit….get it?

I’m sorry, that was really bad.

See you Monday!

Welcome Back!

It was a joyous reunion last night (or rather, early this morning) as our Cadets, Staff & Sponsors returned from the Washington, DC March Break Trip.

Everyone was a little tired, but hopefully after a good night’s sleep, can start to remember all the fun they had when they were away.

A big THANK YOU to Capt Lemoine for being the OIC, Capt Jarrell, CI Ruttan, Mr. Ruttan and Mr Hendriks for escorting, and to our cadets who made the whole experience worthwhile.

Apparently, there are already discussions about where to go next year…..

PARENTS: ALL Health Cards and Passports were sent home with cadets.

MONDAY NIGHT: Don’t forget – meet at Parkway Lanes in St. Catharines for Bowling. 6-830pm. See you then!


NEW ETA for Washington Trip Return

In the parent handbook distributed before the trip, it states return time for 10pm tonight. Currently, they are running approximately 2 hours behind schedule. This makes the new return time midnight tonight.

Traffic conditions can, unfortunately, be unpredictable. I appreciate your understanding.

I will be hearing from them again in about 2 hrs (around 830pm) and will update the return time accordingly. Please check  the website before calling me – thanks!

Capt Palumbo

Washington DC Trip Update

Just letting everyone know that we have arrived safely in Washington DC.

Cadets and trip staff have checked into their hotel rooms and we’re one organizational meeting away from getting a good night’s sleep.

The whirlwind begins tomorrow morning with a trip to Arlington National Cemetery.

More updates to follow.