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Remembrance Day Sleepover, Vigil, and Parades – 10NOV22-11NOV22

This is the kickoff for our annual Remembrance Day Vigil. On Thursday, 10 Nov 2022 at 1900 (7:00pm), cadets will meet at the Royal Canadian Legion’s Ed Boldt Memorial Hall (upstairs) and begin preparations for Remembrance Day on Friday.

Bring your uniform (on a hanger) and your boots; pajamas; a sleeping bag and pillow; toiletries; and any other essential items for a sleepover.

Dress for the Thursday evening portion is casual. Jeans and a t-shirt are fine. Dress for the Friday parades is full dress uniform: C1A. The early forecasts are calling for rain and 15deg.   The outside shell of the parka may be required to keep the cadets dry.

Breakfast will be provided by the Squadron Sponsorship Committee through donations by our cadets’ families. Please accept our sincere thanks if you are contributing to our breakfast. Please see the Remembrance Day Breakfast Contributions sign-up sheet and bring the items with you when you arrive on Thursday night.

The sign-up sheet for Remembrance Day breakfast contributions can be found here: Event Sign-ups. Please remember that you need to be logged into the site to see the sign-up sheets.

Remembrance Day occurs on a weekday this year, so a letter has been provided for cadets to take to their schools to explain their absence from classes. It can be found here: Remembrance Day Letter.

Our schedule for Remembrance Day is as follows:

0600 – Reveille (First Group)
0620 – Breakfast (First Group)
0645 – Walk to Cenotaph (First Group)
0700 – Shifts begin
1000 – Last shift at the Cenotaph
1030 – Old Town parade begins
1200 – Old Town parade ends and cadets return to the Royal Canadian Legion
1230 – Cadets are to proceed to Queenston for the afternoon parade
1300 – Queenston parade begins
1430 – Queenston parade ends and cadets return to the Royal Canadian Legion
1500 – Cadets are ready for pickup at the Royal Canadian Legion

Shifts last for 30 mins each with five (5) cadets per shift.

Changeovers will occur at the top and bottom of each hour until the last shift takes position at 1030. This shift will remain for the duration of the Remembrance Day parade.

We have no transportation laid on to get our cadets from Old Town to Queenston and back for the different ceremonies.   We’re looking for available SSC members and parents to help out if possible.

Thank you to all who contribute to making this event successful. The Remembrance Day parades are where we have an opportunity for cadets, staff, and volunteers to show our respect for our fallen and, through them, our community.

D. Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Wearing of the Poppy

This was missed in the WRO’s,
Cadets are authorized to wear the Remembrance Day poppy on all uniforms from the last Friday of October until Remembrance Day (November 11th). The poppy is to be worn on the top centre of the rank tab of the field training uniform and on the left pocket flap of the shirt and left chest of the jacket and all-season coat (parka) as per the attached figure.

Lt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

Cadet Kit List – Garrison FTX – Friday, Sept 16 – Sunday, Sept 18

Good evening 809,

You are required to bring the following items with you to the FTX:


  • Coat / parka
  • Flashlight
  • FTU uniform including:
  • Backpack
  • Pants, tunic, elemental t-shirt, headdress, boots, wool socks
  • Water Bottle
  • 1-2 Warm Sweaters
  • Hot drink mug
  • 4 Pairs warm socks
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping Attire
  • Air mattress
  • 4 pair Undergarments
  • Toiletries
  • Wristwatch
  • Towel/ hand towel
  • Chapstick
  • Raingear
  • Whistle
  • Gloves
  • Pencil and Notebook
  • All kit must be packed into a single duffle bag or large backpack that the cadet can carry on their own. All cadets are required to carry their own kit. No rolling luggage is authorized.

Your Provincial Health Card is required to be in your possession to participate in the exercise.

At NO time the following will be brought on any exercises:

  • Electronic devices
  • Non-prescription drugs
  • Cigarettes, cigars, vape for other similar items
  • Knives or other cutting utensils
  • Alcohol or mood-altering substances
  • This is not an exhaustive list. Cadets will be held to their personal conduct as per their signed Code of Conduct.
  • Any cadet caught in possession of any of the above items will be returned home immediately at the expense of the Parents.

Cadets who are deemed not to have suitable, or enough, equipment will not be permitted to participate in the exercise.

All prescription medication will be handed over to the Cadet Corps / Squadron upon arrival.

It must be in the original container or prepared blister pack with the cadet’s name and dosage clearly marked. It is the responsibility of the cadet to know when and in what dosage they need to take it.

The Niagara Garrison is not responsible for any items lost during the trip but will make every effort in search of lost items.

If you have any questions, please reach out.

Lt Couroux,
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

809 Squadron – 2022-23 Training Year Starts 07SEP2022

Good evening 809,

It’s that time again.    809 resumes in-person training for the 2022-23 training year on Wednesday, September 7.    Make sure you have your uniforms ready to go, proper hair cut, all appropriate badges and so on.    Dress for that night will be 5’s.   Bring in any uniform parts that need to be exchanged (blues or green).    Remember, if you don’t have all the proper parts, your uniform can’t be worn.   You’ll need to wear suitable black pants and a white collared shirt.  More details about our start up and the activities planned for September will follow in the WRO’s when they’re published next weekend.

We can’t wait to see everyone.

Lt Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS