Category Archives: Uncategorized

March Break Activities

Good afternoon!

The following activities are on deck next week:

March 13: Movie Night at Squadron HQ (1830-2100h – 6:30pm-9pm)
March 15: Bowling Night! (1900-2100h – 7:00pm-9pm)

The March 13th event is open (bring friends!) and we’re looking forward to a great film and a lot of popcorn. The March 15th event requires attendees to sign up by Sunday night using the sheet above so that we can book the correct number of lanes. Even if you’ve indicated an interest in person or by email make sure you sign up before then so that we have accurate numbers.

J Lemoine
Administration Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Missing Cell Phone

Good afternoon,
One of our cadets left behind their cell phone on Wednesday night. When last seen it was in a white plastic bag with candy. According to the cadet, the bag was located on the floor under the table located in the hallway to the right side of the office. If anyone remembers seeing this bag, please send me an email. DANIEL.COUROUX2@CADETS.GC.CA

Lt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

Training Cancelled for Tonight Due To Weather

Good afternoon 809,

Well, it doesn’t look like the weather is going to co-operate with us this evening.   According to the latest public forecast from Environment Canada, we’re still looking at a freezing rain warning for Northern Niagara.    To be on the safe side, I’m cancelling cadet activities for this evening.

Here’s the forecast:  Alerts for: Niagara – Environment Canada (

Everyone enjoy the evening off and I hope to see everyone on Monday, February 27 for Optional Training.   Next Wednesday (March  1st) will be a CO’s parade and inspection.   So here’s an opportunity to work on your blues.

Lt Couroux, D
809 Newark RCACS

Stand by – Tonight’s activities may be cancelled due to weather.

Good morning, everyone,

Just a heads up that I’m monitoring the weather and there is a possibility that cadets may be cancelled for tonight.    Environment Canada has posted a weather warning showing heavy snow during this afternoon’s commute, along with freezing rain and heavy winds this evening.

Here’s a link to that warning:  Alerts for: Niagara – Environment Canada (

I’ll continue to monitor weather conditions and will post again at 4pm as to whether we’ll proceed with tonight’s activities.

Lt Couroux, D
809 Newark RCACS

Sports Competition Reminder

Good evening everyone,

For those of you who are attending the sports competition tomorrow morning, just some quick reminders.

Key Points:

  • Be at the squadron HQ no later than 0715hrs on Saturday, January 28
    • You’ve each signed up to be participants.   We expect you to be there to help out your team.   However, if there’s a situation preventing you from attending, you need to contact the squadron by phone, or by email, prior to 0700 on Saturday morning.
  • Bus leaves at 0730 SHARP – Don’t be late.
  • Bus is due back @ HQ around 1745hrs.   Make sure you inform your parent/guardian
    • It’s possible that we could head back earlier than expected.   Make sure you alert your parent/guardian that they need to be accessible.
  • Lunch is being provided
  • Bring:
    • Health Card
      • Any prescription medicine that is required must be presented to the staff upon arrival at the squadron
    • Re-fillable water bottle (with water)
    • Snacks for the day
    • Something to entertain yourself with during the bus ride and while you’re there
      • Note: You can bring electronics but they are your responsibility.  If they get stolen or broken, that’s the chance you take.
      • I’d rather you take some time when you’re not playing to socialize and to cheer on the other team (see below about that).
  • What to Wear:
    • Sports gear
      • Athletic shoes
      • Socks
      • Gym pants or athletic shorts
        • NOTE:   I have the new Squadron T-Shirts.   You’ll need your navy blue t-shirt to wear as an undershirt.
      • Do not wear just shorts and t-shirt for travel.   Dress appropriately for the weather.

New Info – Sports Teams:

Because we have 13 participating at this point, you’re able to play in 2 sports.    We had a pretty tight timeline to put together the teams on Monday night.  Unfortunately not many of you were at cadets, so we put together a list of who he’d recommend for each sport.  See the email sent out earlier in the week for the team list.

Because you’ve been assigned a team, it doesn’t mean you can’t play the other sport.   We can discuss during our bus ride out to Cayuga.


For the ugly part – You’ve all signed a Cadet Code of Conduct form when you started at the squadron this year.   Make sure you’re respectable towards each other and also to any referees, staff, officers and adults on-hand.   Any breech of the cadet code of conduct will be dealt with accordingly.

Have fun.   This is meant to be an team building/bonding exercise.    Don’t let the small stuff, or a bad call, or something else along those lines get in the way of having a good time.

See you all Saturday morning.


Lieutenant / Lieutenant  Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)

Cadets Cancelled Tonight (25JAN2023) Due To Weather

Good afternoon everyone,

The weather has started to deteriorate and Environment Canada is calling for dangerous driving conditions at around the time we’re expected to start heading out for cadets.    Please stay home tonight and stay safe.   We’ll see everyone that’s participating in the sports competition on Saturday morning @ 0715 at the Squadron HQ.  Everyone else, we’ll see next week.

Enjoy your evening.
Lt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS


Mess Dinner – Wednesday, December 21

Good day 809,

Cadets, Staff and SSC members, I’m excited to invite you to our 1st in-person mess dinner since 2019.

Cadets, this is our last parade night of the year and we’re hoping we can have everyone participate in this fun event.    We do need you to sign up indicating your intent to participate.   You can sign up here:

Mess Dinner – Cadet Attendance – Wednesday, December 21, 2022 | 809 Newark (

Dress for cadets:

You’ll have to supply the white shirt as it’s not part of your uniform kit.   If you don’t have a bowtie, Mr Dau will have several with him on Tuesday night that you can borrow for the evening.   Or you can purchase one to own for $3.00 ea.


Our annual mess dinner is a celebration in Military Style, giving our cadets an opportunity to experience RCAF tradition and enable them to interact in a social setting prior to our Christmas break. Even though it centers around training and tradition, this has been an effort on behalf of the entire squadron. The staff looks after the program, the SSC looks after most of the preparations as far as the venue and the food, along with the logistics of how it works behind the scenes. Parents have helped out as servers during the dinner. It’s for this that we’re looking for your help. So, Parents/Guardians, we asking for your help to make this a success. Please sign up to show your availability and desire to help us out with this annual tradition. If you find that all the spots are filled up and you’d still like to help, please let us know.

As far as dress for the evening,  we’ve usually asked for parents to wear black dress pants with a white collared shirt, if you have it.

Parent Sign Up – Mess Dinner Assistance – Wednesday, December 21 | 809 Newark (

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday and celebrating the squadron in RCAF style.

Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS