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URGENT: Cadet Trg Cancelled until 27 Oct 14.

“To all:

Please note and disseminate the direction below immediately to all subordinate elements. In short, all Cadet Activities shall cease through to 27 Oct 14 but COATS / CIC trg may continue. Further direction will be disseminated prior to 27 Oct 14.

I will be communicate with the Leagues under separate cover.

I will be seeking impact assessment for higher profile activities such as Phase 5 Wksp and OPC AGM in the morning.

Tom McNeil
Office: 705-424-1200 Ext 7023
Cell: 705-794-2413


Level Four Cadets

Level Four Cadets:

On the 15th of October you will be having a class on Preparing for a Merit Review Board. This will also include an opportunity for each cadet to participate in a short Mock Interview with two of our Sponsor Committee Members. In preparation for this class and interview please ensure that you have a haircut and that your uniform and boots are in their best condition. Your dress for the evening will be C1.

CI Thiffault

Wednesday Training Update

Thanks to a very attentive WO2, there is sports and the Cadet Fitness Assessment tomorrow. Please note the change to dress.

This is an opportunity to either create a fitness baseline, or improve your previous year’s score. No one is excused from testing as it is a requirement for promotions.

Please bring water.

Duty Officer
CI Thiffault

ALL: Appropriate sports clothing and footwear

Air Cadet Planner & Commanding Officer’s Policies

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the first day back to school. As per the previous post, tomorrow, Wed 3 Sep 14 is our first regular training night. Dress: Summer Uniform ALL C2A – blue dress shirt & pants, wedge, parade boots.

Please find below the link to our 2014-15 Air Cadet Planner. It contains lots of new information guaranteed to make your year at Air Cadets more productive. It is expected that each cadet and parent/guardian will read it.

Air Cadet Planner 2014-15

Commanding Officer’s Policies will be printed and sent home tomorrow to be signed and returned the following Wednesday. You may print your own copy, sign it and bring it tomorrow.





We still do not have enough cadets for tomorrow: Sat 16 Aug 14. This is an important community event that we need to support.

Many of the cadets have just returned (today) from summer trg. I am asking that regardless if you have spent the summer away or at home, that ALL of you who can help tomorrow do – we have 8 spots still open and more would be better. Dress is summer uniform – blue dress shirt no tunic.


11am-1pm: Airside** Cdts Lett & Couroux

NEEDED: 4 cadets for parking duty

1-3pm: Parking Cdts Keighan, Burland, Lavoie & Lavoie

NEEDED: 2 cadets for Airside security

3-5pm: Airside** Cdt Lemoine

NEEDED: 1 cadet for AIrside security**

**Please note for ramp security 8am is the briefing time tomorrow morning in the airport conference room. This is critical as the airport and taxiways will remain active while the public visit the static displays.

Airport Fest Duty Schedule

PARENTS: please check your schedules and send names for those cadets that can help out on Sat. We still have 10 spots that NEED to be filled (4 for airside** and 6 for parking)

send names to

1-3pm & 3-5pm for AIR SIDE SECURITY – **Please note for ramp security, and anyone involved on ramp side, there is a briefing Thursday, August 16th at 1800 hours, at the terminal.   – if your cadet is away at summer trg, let Capt Palumbo know so she can arrange for another time for this important briefing. This is critical as the airport and taxiways will remain active while the public visit the static displays.

11-1pm & 1-3pm for PARKING

Airport Fest 2014 Duty Schedule

Summer Training REMINDERS

Please remember to bring:

– your ONTARIO HEALTH CARD (no substitutes accepted)

– your TRANSPORTATION FORM (copy here: Cadet In Region Tpt Form 2012)

– your OFFER OF PARTICIPATION (signed by you, your parents and either CI Ruttan or Capt Palumbo)

These documents will guarantee you smooth traveling to your destination.  If you are missing any of these items, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure you have them in your possession prior to boarding the bus/airbus/airplane.

Dress for travel is UNIFORM (no tunic). Bring only what you can carry (one backpack and one luggage piece). Snacks are fine too – but clean up after yourself. And remember: don’t bring anything that you really don’t want to lose. Things happen. Stuff goes missing.

HAVE FUN! Our first cadet departs SUNDAY! Capt Palumbo will be in touch over the next few weeks with any outstanding travel orders. Check your email.