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Message from the Chief of Defence Staff

Ladies and Gentlemen,

By now many of you will be aware of the incident today in which Corporal Nathan Cirillo was shot, and later died of his wounds. Corporal Cirillo fell while standing guard over Canada’s National War Memorial. This cowardly attack on our member, and on our institution – will not shake our resolve. It will in fact strengthen it.

 We will take appropriate precautionary measures as we move forward to reduce unnecessary risks, and we will continue our efforts to defend Canadians and Canadian interests, both at home and abroad, with steadfast resolve. We will not be deterred.

 On my order, the Commander of Canadian Joint Operations Command has issued direction for bases across Canada to increase local Force Protection measures as appropriate. In the National Capital Region, this resulted in the lock-down of all Canadian Armed Forces facilities. While this lock-down has since been lifted, beginning tomorrow members in the NCR have been instructed to not wear their uniforms when travelling to and from their places of work. This is to be a temporary measure.  The intent will be to resume wearing uniforms when transiting to and from our place of duty as soon as practicable.

 This order was not given lightly. As Canadian Armed Forces members, we wear our uniforms with pride and we will continue to do so. However, with the recent attack in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, in which we lost Warrant Officer Vincent, and with the shooting in Ottawa today, this is viewed as an appropriate and measured response.

  I have further instructed the CJOC Commander to develop and issue updated Force Protection instructions CAF-wide to include restricting access to DND bases and facilities. Additional information on this will be forthcoming. These orders build on other measures that have been implemented in recent days to increase security.

 In the days to come we will continue to monitor this space, and may take further action. The safety and security of our members, our families, and our civilian partners depend on this diligence.

I am proud of the work that you do, of the operational excellence that you demonstrate in service to our country, and of all that we are able to accomplish together. You, and your families, should be proud too.

TJ Lawson
Chief of Defence

Msg from Detatchment Commander

I will expand on the direction yesterday from RAdm Bennett suspending all cadet activities through and including 27 Oct 14.  This means all CADET training and activities will be cancelled.   This includes the following:

 ·         Weekend exercises

·         All deliveries to cadet units of stores

·         Local unit training

·         Tagging

·         Phase 5 Training in Trenton

·         Any other activity that cadets may attend.

 Officer, COATS, training and related activities will continue as previously planned.  The meeting with the BGen Bury is still scheduled for this evening for those assigned officers however, it will be in civilians instead of uniform, all timings remain the same.

 Once further direction is received, we will provide you written direction.

 DO NOT phone your ACO to get exemptions and or permission to carry on with planned events.  The order is specific.  ALL cadet activities are suspended.  Any activity will be required to be rescheduled.  Your ACO/ACA will be in touch to work with you in order to conduct your training.

 Lloyd G. Sainsbury

Detachment Commander | Commandant de Détachement
RCSU (Central) Detachment London | URSC (Central) Détachement London
900 Oxford Street East
PO BOX 33060, Bellwood PO
London, ON N5Y 5L4
Telephone | Téléphone: 519-660-5189
Toll Free Number | numéro de libre appel:  1-800 263-1009   extension | poste: 5189
Facsimile | Télécopieur: 519-660-5487
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada

URGENT: Cadet Trg Cancelled until 27 Oct 14.

“To all:

Please note and disseminate the direction below immediately to all subordinate elements. In short, all Cadet Activities shall cease through to 27 Oct 14 but COATS / CIC trg may continue. Further direction will be disseminated prior to 27 Oct 14.

I will be communicate with the Leagues under separate cover.

I will be seeking impact assessment for higher profile activities such as Phase 5 Wksp and OPC AGM in the morning.

Tom McNeil
Office: 705-424-1200 Ext 7023
Cell: 705-794-2413


Level Four Cadets

Level Four Cadets:

On the 15th of October you will be having a class on Preparing for a Merit Review Board. This will also include an opportunity for each cadet to participate in a short Mock Interview with two of our Sponsor Committee Members. In preparation for this class and interview please ensure that you have a haircut and that your uniform and boots are in their best condition. Your dress for the evening will be C1.

CI Thiffault

Wednesday Training Update

Thanks to a very attentive WO2, there is sports and the Cadet Fitness Assessment tomorrow. Please note the change to dress.

This is an opportunity to either create a fitness baseline, or improve your previous year’s score. No one is excused from testing as it is a requirement for promotions.

Please bring water.

Duty Officer
CI Thiffault

ALL: Appropriate sports clothing and footwear