Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wed Night Trg

Tonight will be our final night in summer dress. Beginning next week we will be in C2 & C4. See the drop down menu on the website for photos of specific orders of dress.

Tonight we will have a  visit from the London Cadet Detachment Headquarters, by PO1 (Petty Officer First Class) Boychuk. Please be sure to tell him everything you love about 809 Sqn and the Air Cadet program – as well as answer any questions he may have for you.

Duty Officer
CI Ruttan

C2B: All parade positions (Sgt, FSgt, WO2); C4A: Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)


News Article St. Catharines Standard

Parents & Cadets,

By now, many of you will be aware of the news article in today’s paper about charges laid in St. Catharines against the Commanding Officer of 68 Army Cadet Corps.  For any questions or concerns arising from this serious situation, I have been directed to send you to the Central Region Public Affairs Officer:

Captain Cory Lohnes: phone – 705-424-1200 ext 7045

The investigation is currently underway. As I receive updates, I will be sure to pass them to you in a timely manner. At this time, I only have the information contained in the news article.

Staff and Sponsoring Committee members have been directed to send you to me, or to Capt Lohnes for any additional questions.


Captain T. Palumbo, CD

Commanding Officer, 809 Newark Squadron



Monday Night Training

Join us for DRILL and SPORTS.

Drill 7-8pm – dress is sports/casual clothing until further notice

Sports 8-9pm – dress is sports clothing (running shoes required, no jeans)

Squadron 809 T-shirts and Ball caps are always encouraged

Monday Night Training

Join us for our first Monday night:

Drill Team: 7-8pm

Sports: 8-9pm

LISTEN carefully at briefing on the Wednesday night before to hear about what training will be offered. Some nights will only be one event, others will be two or more.

DRESS standards for the various activities are as follows:

Drill: jeans, parade boots, sqn t-shirt, wedge

Sports: shorts, sqn t-shirt, running shoes, sqn ball cap (optional)

Range: jeans, sqn t-shirt, running shows, sqn ball cap (optional)

Bottle Drive & NCO Trg Day

  • Don’t forget: TOMORROW is the first Bottle Drive: Sat 12 Sep at the VanNoort Greenhouses (corner of Hunter and Creek Rds) 0900 hrs to 1600 hrs – we need ALL hands on deck: parents to drive and sort, and cadets to collect and load the trucks. Lunch is provided.
  • DRESS: jeans, squadron t-shirt (navy blue with 809 spray painted on it), sqn ball cap (you should have received this either last year or this past wed), running shoes.
  • Level 3-5 Cadets – we will transition from the Bottle Drive to the NCO Trg Joint Trg Day with 79 Sqn immediately following. Dinner and breakfast and lunch the next day, will be provided for you. You will be completed training by NLT 1600hrs Sunday 13 Sep. Kit list HERE: NCO trg day kit list & timings
  • Cadets may move directly from the bottle drive to the NCO trg day, or go home, shower and grab their kit before arriving. Dinner is at 6pm – all cadets are expected to arrive between 530-6pm.
  • All training for the NCO Trg Day will take place at the Squadron Headquarters.
  • Dress: For Saturday night: civilian appropriate. For Sunday: UNIFORM – bring it on a hanger. See kit list above for details.


We need some cadet help on Labour Day Weekend.

Same location as last year: Grace United Church, 222 Victoria Ave in NOTL. (This is where we hold our Mess Dinner, and why we help out!)

We need cadets to help set-up on Friday, September 4th at 4pm. For probably an hour. Then to help with the breakfast on Saturday, September 5th from 8am-1030am and 1030-1pm. We only need 5 cadets for each shift. So please give us some time!

Remember: all of these hours count toward your High School Volunteer Hours graduation requirement.

Dress: Squadron T-shirt, Squadron Ball Cap, shorts & running shoes.

EMAIL ME: with the times you can help. Thank you in advance for helping out an organization that supports Air Cadets!

Bottle Sort/Drop-Off

Several times throughout the year the Squadron Sponsoring Committee gets together to sort accumulated bottles and drop them at the Beer Store for the refunds.

This weekend: Sat 29 Aug 1-4pm (VanNoort’s Greenhouse) and Sun 30 Aug 1030-12 (Beer Store) they are looking for more help.

If you are available – cadets or parents – please email Mr. Tony Hendriks, Sponsor Chairman, at: 



To date, we do not have enough volunteers. We were hoping for 10-15 cadets to help support this local event  – we have 5. Please give me your name via email: if you can help out.

The event is this Sat from 10-4pm at the NOTL Airport. Dress is summer trg – see previous post for details.

Thank you in advance for your help at this event!