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Post-Secondary Air Cadet Scholarships


Ontario Provincial Committee

7 March 2016

Good afternoon SSC Chairs, Directors and Commanding Officers,

A reminder that the Dale, Birchall and Young Citizen Foundation scholarships are once again offered – on a competition basis – to any Air Cadet graduating from high school in June 2016.

The applications are available on the National website – with a new and important change.

The deadline to receive applications at the National office is APRIL 1, 2016. The reason being that National will now announce the recipients at the end of May, so that presentations can be made at their Annual Ceremonial Reviews or school graduations in front of family and friends. The transcript they attach can be the latest one they have received.

Questions can be addressed to me at the OPC Office, or Joan Gray at the National Office (1-877-422-6359

David S. Brown, CD, CAE
Program Development Officer
Air Cadet League of Canada
Office: 905-477-4411 ext 224
Toll Free: 1-800-513-0952

Range Team Photos

Now available on the website under PHOTOS – you can view the Range Team at its best. Thanks for Mrs Lett for sending them along.

For anyone else that has photos of our cadets at cadet activities, please send them over to me, and I’ll put them up on the website. Thanks!

Parking Lot Car Damage

Tonight a staff member’s car was damaged in the parking lot from another vehicle exiting at the beginning of the training night. Significant damage occured. If you have any information pertaining to this incident, your help would be appreciated. Please contact Capt Palumbo via email: Thank you.

Squadron Parking Lot

Please remember to reduce speed when entering and exiting the parking lot.

DO NOT drive on the grass area.  DO NOT pull through the paved area via the grass area.

Parking spots are permitted along the edge of the grass (immediately adjacent to the paved surface), but not past the end of the concrete storage shed/benches.

Please follow the above direction so we can maximize safety in the awkward parking area. Your patience is appreciated.

Wednesday Night Training

Duty Officer
CI Ruttan

C2: All parade positions (Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1); C4: Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)

Tonight and next Wednesday are regular training nights leading up to our CO’s Parade on the 17th and our Spring FTX on the 19th-21st.

Bring a friend! Just because our recruiting event was last week doesn’t mean you can’t invite your friends out over the next few weeks. An FTX is a great first experience for a new cadet.

Bottle Drive!

We had our most successful single day bottle drive to date!

All this doesn’t happen without a very dedicated SSC, thank you all for
your great support with this; especially Patricia for organizing the Ads,
newspaper articles and flyers. (thanks also to Kenn for sponsoring one of
the ads).

Big thanks also to our dedicated Staff, we can’t make this happen without
your support.

Great support by so many parents and volunteers who pitched in with
driving, sorting and loading; a real team effort.

Thanks to our Cadets, 100% attendance, and great job by all !!!

All this can’t happen though without our two great anchors for Drop-Offs
and Sorting, the Ruttans and the Vannoorts, this is really not possible
without you and your continued support !!!  So greatly appreciated.

Thanks to All !!!!!

Tony Hendriks
SSC Chairman
809 Newark Squadron