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Wednesday Night Training

Duty Officer
CI Ruttan

C2: All parade positions (Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1); C4: Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)

Tonight and next Wednesday are regular training nights leading up to our CO’s Parade on the 17th and our Spring FTX on the 19th-21st.

Bring a friend! Just because our recruiting event was last week doesn’t mean you can’t invite your friends out over the next few weeks. An FTX is a great first experience for a new cadet.

Bottle Drive!

We had our most successful single day bottle drive to date!

All this doesn’t happen without a very dedicated SSC, thank you all for
your great support with this; especially Patricia for organizing the Ads,
newspaper articles and flyers. (thanks also to Kenn for sponsoring one of
the ads).

Big thanks also to our dedicated Staff, we can’t make this happen without
your support.

Great support by so many parents and volunteers who pitched in with
driving, sorting and loading; a real team effort.

Thanks to our Cadets, 100% attendance, and great job by all !!!

All this can’t happen though without our two great anchors for Drop-Offs
and Sorting, the Ruttans and the Vannoorts, this is really not possible
without you and your continued support !!!  So greatly appreciated.

Thanks to All !!!!!

Tony Hendriks
SSC Chairman
809 Newark Squadron


Just a reminder to all parents that the BOTTLE DRIVE for January is SATURDAY 16 JANUARY 2016 at 9am at VanNoort Greenhouses. ALL cadets are required to attend this MANDATORY fundraising event.

Attendance cheques for those cadets that do not participate will be cashed. Please contact the Commanding Officer if you have any questions.

RAF Air Cadets

Air Cadets around the world – and from one of the countries on the International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) list of host countries.

An interesting news article from The Telegraph, a newspaper from Great Britain, discussing the changeover in patronage of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets from the Duke of Edinburgh to the Duchess of Cambridge. Top cadets were chosen to meet them and exchange gifts of thanks.

RAF Air Cadets


Cadet Parka Liner & Toque

One of our cadets has misplaced the liner for their parka & toque – check yours at home! If it doesn’t have your name in it, please bring it back to the Squadron. We have many cadets accidentally interchanging items on a regular basis, please check your items. Thanks!

Monday Night Training

Drill: 7-8pm Bring your parade boots and wedge.

Sports: 8-9pm

TAG DAYS were a great success with 100% attendance. Parents & Cadets thank you for showing your support of our fundraising efforts. Many hands makes light work.

MESS DINNER: Wed, 9th Dec, 2015 630pm at the Virgil Fire Hall Conc 6 NOTL. Dress: C-8.

SANTA CLAUS PARADE: Sat, 12th Dec, 2015 9am. We are entering a marching unit – and a little something extra that CI Thiffault and the Staff & Sponsors have been working on. We will need all cadets to participate. Check the website for details this week.

WE NEED YOUR HELP TONIGHT: labels and candy canes need to be affixed to recruiting pamphlets for the parade. 8pm tonight if you have some time. The more the merrier!

Mon Night Trg

Drill Team 7-8pm

Sports 8-9pm Come on out and have some fun!

Dress: sports gear for both

WOII Merit Review Boards for our FSgts:

  • meet at 650pm at 128 Thorold Sqn Air Cadets.
  • 15 Pine St South Trinity Church – go around the back. Enter through the gymnasium.
  • CARPOOL!! Coordinate with each other to get there and back.
  • Probably need 2 hrs to complete everyone.
  • I have your files for the file review portion – its up to you to WOW us with your interview answers.