Category Archives: Routine Orders

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 24 April 2022

25 April 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

It’s time to bring on the fun! Tonight’s all about the bowling at Parkway Social in St. Catharines. We’ll be throwing balls down the lanes from 1900 (7pm) to 2100 (9pm) so bring your competitive spirit and an appetite because there will be food! We’re still subject to COVID-19 precautionary procedures, so do the on-line check-in below just as if you were coming to training on Wednesday and definitely bring a mask. When you’re not eating, mask wear and physical distancing are still required.

On Wednesday, we’re returning to some regular aviation subject training to get you into into the theme of our next big activity… RCAF familiarization flying on the 7th of May! We’ve got a bus picking us up at 0715 that Saturday morning and we’re heading down to London International Airport to get a ride on one of these.

If there’s ever a time to be excited about aviation, this is the time! We’ll discuss the details on Wednesday.

See you on tonight!

Regular Training Night
27 April 2022 1830


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (FTU)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M160.03a M160.03b  
Description Construct a Model Aerodrome Construct a Model Aerodrome Squadron Drill
Level Two PO/EO C203.03a C203.03b  
Description Discuss Characteristics of a Leader Discuss Characteristics of a Leader Squadron Drill
Level Three PO/EO M370.01 M370.02  
Description Identify Components of the Pitot Static System Identify Aircraft Manufacturers Squadron Drill
Level Four PO/EO M436.02a M436.02b  
Description Describe Air Masses and Fronts Describe Air Masses and Fronts Squadron Drill
Level Five PO/EO C504.01a C504.01b  
Description Reflect Upon Personal Fitness and Healthy Living Reflect Upon Personal Fitness and Healthy Living Squadron Drill

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
25 April 2022
Monday Bowling Night! Parkway Social, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines, ON L2R 5L3 Civilian Attire Capt Lemoine
27 April 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
4 May 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine
7 May 2022
CC130 / CC177 Familiarization Flights London International Airport (YXU) 5/C5 TBD

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 17 April 2022

17 April 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

Last week’s fitness testing turnout could have been a lot better. We had a little under half of the squadron in attendance and not nearly enough people taking the time to call in and let us know that they wouldn’t be there. The cadet program is a team effort and everyone needs to be on-board in order for everyone to get the most out of it. If a cadet really can’t be in attendance for something, it is expected that they will call in or email us to let us know. Beginning in the new training year, this will be the difference between being absent with an excuse and being absent. Absences without an excuse will count against a cadet’s flight for the inter-flight competitions when they start again, so it’s best to build good habits now.

This week, we will be conducting a marksmanship night and picking our best shots to participate in the mail-in marksmanship competition series. Lt Nicolescu has provided the linked air rifle handling checklist for cadets with some air rifle marksmanship experience to review. We understand that there are a few cadets who still haven’t had an opportunity to become familiar with the handling of air rifles and they will be given appropriate instruction at the beginning of the evening to ensure that they’re properly prepared to participate.

Cadet Air Rifle Handling Test Assessment Checklist

For proficiency level five (L5) cadets, we’ll be conducting leadership evaluations throughout the evening.

See you on Wednesday!

SWO’s Message

This week we will be doing some marksmanship! If you wear glasses you can wear those normally instead of safety glasses however I suggest you wear contacts if possible as they tend to be easier to shoot in. We will briefly go over rifle safety prior to starting the night as well. Another reminder to check you blues to make sure everything fits and for the new Lac’s to make sure you put the new ranks on your blue tunic. If you need help figuring out how to do so please feel free to email any of the seniors and we can help.

Regular Training Night
20 April 2022 1830


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (FTU)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CI Dau

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO C106.01a C106.01b C106.01c
Description Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity
Level Two PO/EO M206.01a M206.01b M206.01c
Description Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity
Level Three PO/EO M306.01a M306.01b M306.01c
Description Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity
Level Four PO/EO M406.01a M406.01b M406.01c
Description Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity Participate in a Recreational Marksmanship Activity
Level Five PO/EO 503 PC 503 PC 503 PC
Description Leadership PC Leadership PC Leadership PC

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
20 April 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 CI Dau

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
25 April 2022
Monday Bowling Night! Parkway Social, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines, ON L2R 5L3 Civilian Attire Capt Lemoine
27 April 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 10 April 2022

10 April 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

Fitness testing is this week and it’s an opportunity to set some goals. We haven’t done proper in-person fitness testing over the last few years, so it will be good to get a baseline for where we are and how we can improve. Testing will cover muscular flexibility in multiple categories as well as cardiovascular fitness and endurance. Cadets who perform well will be awarded Bronze, Silver, Gold or Excellence badges to apply to their blue uniform tunics. We’re not only establishing current fitness standards, but also setting individual targets for improvement in the first part of the next training year.

For senior cadets, remembers that staff and summer training opportunities are still open, but not for much longer. Junior cadets will get the full run-down on the Cadet Activity Program over the next couple of weeks.

SWO’s Message

This week is all about fitness and pushing ourselves so be prepared for some hard work. We get a week off uniforms but you should all still put some time in every week to work on making them look as good as possible. Remember we are going back to blues soon so make sure everything fits now. Most of you have never done a fitness test with us so I’m excited to see how well you all do. See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
13 April 2022 1830


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
PT Attire (T-Shirt, Shorts/Sweatpants, Running Shoes) or 5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
PT Attire (T-Shirt, Shorts/Sweatpants, Running Shoes)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO MX04.02a MX04.02b MX04.02c
Description Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment
Level Two PO/EO MX04.02a MX04.02b MX04.02c
Description Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment
Level Three PO/EO MX04.02a MX04.02b MX04.02c
Description Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment
Level Four PO/EO MX04.02a MX04.02b MX04.02c
Description Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment
Level Five PO/EO MX04.02a MX04.02b MX04.02c
Description Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment Cadet Fitness Assessment

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
13 April 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night (Fitness Testing) 809 HQ PT Attire Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
20 April 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 CI Dau

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 3 April 2022

5 April 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

This week is all about instructional techniques, with some uniform preparation thrown in for good measure. Junior cadets will be sitting as students for the first two periods while the more senior cadets are evaluated on their ability to deliver a lesson. Period three will be devoted to refreshing (and, in many cases, establishing) some uniform care techniques. There will be a few occasions coming up over the next little while where we’ll be in our dress blues, so it’ll be more than useful to know how to properly wear and care.

See you on Wednesday!

SWO’s Message

All cadets need to bring in their issued polish kits and combat boot paste to this week’s training night. We will be working on uniforms and going in depth on some tips and trick the seniors have collected. Keep working on your uniforms until then and I hope to see you all this week.

Regular Training Night
6 April 2022 1830


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M309.07 M409.05  
Description Instruct a 15-Minute Lesson Instruct a 30-Minute Lesson Uniform Refresher
Level Two PO/EO M409.05 M409.05  
Description Instruct a 30-Minute Lesson Instruct a 30-Minute Lesson Uniform Refresher
Level Three PO/EO M309.07 M409.05  
Description Instruct a 15-Minute Lesson Instruct a 30-Minute Lesson Uniform Refresher
Level Four PO/EO M409.05 M409.05  
Description Instruct a 30-Minute Lesson Instruct a 30-Minute Lesson Uniform Refresher
Level Five PO/EO C560.02a C560.02b  
Description Examine the Canadian Bush Pilot Industry Examine the Canadian Bush Pilot Industry Uniform Refresher

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
6 April 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
13 April 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night (Fitness Testing) 809 HQ PT Attire Lt Russell

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 27 March 2022

27 March 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good morning!

I’m back from my week away and am looking forward to seeing everyone at the squadron HQ this week.

After spending the most part of two years in virtual training, we find ourselves out of practice in a few essential cadet skills (uniform care, drill, marksmanship, &c) that just can’t be conducted virtually. Now that we’re back, we need to get back up to speed on these things in order to reflect the excellence that we aspire to as a unit. Last week’s refresher on drill is going to continue this week. We’re going to get into some competitive marksmanship in the next few weeks, and we’re going to go into high gear when it comes to getting everyone’s uniforms complete. Believe it or not, we only have a little over two months left in our training year, so let’s make as much of it as we can.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
30 March 2022 1830


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Levels One, Two, and Three PO/EO M108.06 M108.07  
Description Execute the Movements Required for a Right Dress Execute an Open Order and Close Order March Squadron Drill
Level Four PO/EO C308.02a C308.02b  
Description Deliver Words of Command Deliver Words of Command Squadron Drill

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
30 March 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
6 April 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 20 March 2022

20 March 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

I’m hoping everyone had a good March Break. It wasn’t all fun and games though. FSgt Vidal attended his National Course Interview this past Saturday and is one step closer to getting some prop-per pilot’s wings on that uniform. We’re all excitedly awaiting the results of that.

Congratulations once again to WO2 Abt on her promotion to Warrant Officer 2nd Class and her new role as Squadron Warrant Officer. We look forward to working with her and our senior cadets to rebuild our local cadet program to its full potential.

I’m away this week attending a conference and will be leaving command decisions to Lt Couroux while I’m gone.

Have fun this week and I’ll look forward to hearing how everything went next week.

Regular Training Night
23 March 2022 1830


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Couroux

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO C170.01a C170.01b  
Description Watch "How It’s Made" Segments Watch "How It’s Made" Segments Drill Review
Level Two PO/EO M232.03a M232.03b  
Description Explain the Cycles of a Four-Stroke Piston-Powered Internal Combustion Engines Powered Engine Explain the Cycles of a Four-Stroke Piston-Powered Internal Combustion Engines Powered Engine Drill Review
Level Three PO/EO M309.06a M309.06b  
Description Plan a Lesson Plan a Lesson Drill Review
Level Four PO/EO M432.03 M437.02  
Description Describe Engine Instruments Describe the Magnetic Compass Drill Review
Level Five PO/EO      
Description Drill Review Drill Review Drill Review

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
23 March 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 Lt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
30 March 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 Capt Lemoine

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 6 March 2022

6 March 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

We’re back! This week’s training will be at 809 HQ for the first time in far too long!

For those of you who don’t remember the procedures, they are outlined in the Registration section of the WROs below. They’re similar to what we’ve been doing for virtual training, but also include the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening procedures. Remember to check in using this form as this is how we’ll be measuring attendance.

Optimistically expecting that we’ll be back for good, we need to get our uniforms in order. Try on your dress blues and your FTUs and make sure everything fits. If anything doesn’t, bring it with you on Wednesday and we’ll see what can be done to get you properly outfitted. Remember that partial uniform wear isn’t permitted, so if you have an FTU item that doesn’t fit, wear civilian clothing until you have everything you need for a full uniform.

Really looking forward to seeing everyone in-person on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
9 March 2022 1830


All attendees must complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening form and check in for all in-person activities using the Registration for In-Person Events form. Cadets must complete the school screening as students. Staff must complete the school screening as employees. Confirmation should be emailed to the squadron email box.

Ontario COVID-19 School Screening Form
Ontario COVID-19 School Screening

In-Person Activity Check-In Form
In-Person Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CI Dau

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M130.01a M130.01b  
Description Identify Aircraft as Military, Civilian and Cadet Identify Aircraft as Military, Civilian and Cadet Group Activity
Instructor Senior Cadets
Level Two PO/EO M231.01a M231.01b  
Description Identify the Four Forces that Act Upon an Aircraft Identify the Four Forces that Act Upon an Aircraft Group Activity
Instructor Senior Cadets
Level Three PO/EO M309.05a M309.05b  
Description Select Appropriate Instructional Aids Select Appropriate Instructional Aids Group Activity
Instructor Senior Cadets
Level Four PO/EO M436.01a M436.01b  
Description Explain Winds Explain Winds Group Activity
Instructor Senior Cadets

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
9 March 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 CI Dau

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
12-20 March 2022   March Break
(No Training)
23 March 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 2Lt Couroux

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 27 February 2022

27 February 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

We’ve just received word that in-person activities can once again begin, but there’s still a few procedures to complete before we can return to regular training at the HQ. All of these have been completed and we’re just waiting on final approval. This leaves us one more night of virtual training on Wednesday with a planned return to in-person the following week!

Senior cadets, if you haven’t done so, please make sure you have your fitness test results in to 2Lt Couroux as soon as you have completed your testing.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
2 March 2022


All attendees must register for virtual activities on the day of the event using the Virtual Activity Registration form.

Virtual Activity Check-In Form
Virtual Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

Opening, Closing and Duty Personnel Space
Google Meet

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Level One PO/EO C107.04a C107.04b
Description Participate in an Activity about the History of the Squadron Participate in an Activity about the History of the Squadron
Instructor FSgt Forsyth FSgt Forsyth
Level Two PO/EO M232.02a M232.02b
Description Identify the Components of Piston-Powered Internal Combustion Engines Identify the Components of Piston-Powered Internal Combustion Engines
Instructor FSgt Lampman FSgt Lampman
Level Three PO/EO C340.02 C340.04
Description Discuss the Canadian Space Program Describe Elements of the Night Sky
Instructor FSgt Dau FSgt Couroux
Level Four PO/EO M437.01a M437.01b
Description Define Air Navigation Terms Define Air Navigation Terms
Instructor FSgt Abt FSgt Abt
Level Five PO/EO M507.01 C504.01
Description Develop a Personalized Schedule Reflect Upon Personal Fitness and Healthy Living
Instructor FSgt Tedesco FSgt Vidal

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
2 March 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
9 March 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ 5/C5 CI Dau
12-20 March 2022   March Break
(No Training)

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 20 February 2022

20 February 2022

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good evening!

We’ve just received word that we should start preparing facilities for a return to in-person training! We don’t have a firm timeframe yet, but we should expect more clarification soon.

In the meantime, we’re suspending regular training this week to have fun with another escape room session. Make sure you’re signed in to the regular Google Meet room and we’ll break out to the escape room session when they’re ready for us.

Senior cadets, please make sure you have your fitness test results in to 2Lt Couroux as soon as you have your results.

Remember to read the WROs in their entirety.

See you on Wednesday!

Regular Training Night
23 February 2022


All attendees must register for virtual activities on the day of the event using the Virtual Activity Registration form.

Virtual Activity Check-In Form
Virtual Activity Registration

CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational)

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Nicolescu

Opening, Closing and Duty Personnel Space
Google Meet

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
23 February 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 Lt Nicolescu
24 February 2022
Thursday Safe and Positive Space Training Microsoft Teams 5/C5 Padre (Capt) Fowler

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
2 March 2022
Wednesday Regular Training Night Google Meet 5/C5 Lt Russell

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS