Summer Training Courses 2014 Parent Meeting

There will be a PARENT MEETING on Wed 27 November 2013 at 645pm in Classroom #1 at the Sqn HQ for Summer Training 2014 Course Applications.

Below you will find the Summer Training Course Application Worksheet. A copy is being sent home with your cadet this evening. Please fill in the cadet’s LAST name, then circle their 3 choices and label them #1, #2, or #3. Bring the completed form with you to the Parent Mtg.

Summer Trg worksheet

See below the NATIONAL course application guidelines. It outlines all required documentation. If you are planning on applying for a National Course, don’t wait to start asking for what you need. See your guidance counsellor at school NOW to have an up-to-date transcript printed.

2014 National Courses Application Guideline