We still do not have enough cadets for tomorrow: Sat 16 Aug 14. This is an important community event that we need to support.
Many of the cadets have just returned (today) from summer trg. I am asking that regardless if you have spent the summer away or at home, that ALL of you who can help tomorrow do – we have 8 spots still open and more would be better. Dress is summer uniform – blue dress shirt no tunic.
11am-1pm: Airside** Cdts Lett & Couroux
NEEDED: 4 cadets for parking duty
1-3pm: Parking Cdts Keighan, Burland, Lavoie & Lavoie
NEEDED: 2 cadets for Airside security
3-5pm: Airside** Cdt Lemoine
NEEDED: 1 cadet for AIrside security**
**Please note for ramp security 8am is the briefing time tomorrow morning in the airport conference room. This is critical as the airport and taxiways will remain active while the public visit the static displays.