Announcements – Week of 04FEB2024

Good evening 809 Squadron,

I hope you’re all having a great weekend off.   We’re making some changes this week.   Until further notice, we’re going back to our pre-covid standard of dress for training.   So, pack away the greens for now and pull out the blues, as follows:

Senior NCOs (Sgts and above) C3 (ribbons, shirt and tie)
Junior Ranks: (FCpls and below) C3D (same as C3, except shirt is replaced by crewneck sweater)
Cadets w/o Uniform: White collared shirt, black pants & dress shoes
Officers: 3C (sweater – Open collar)

Cadets will be responsible for wearing the uniform in the required manor.   This means, that boots must be shined, uniforms fit right and they need to be ironed.    If your cadet requires upgrades, make sure they visit CI Dau, our Supply Officer.

Here are the announcements for this week:


1. Monday Night – Range Team Practice – 05FEB2024:

Monday 05FEB2024 marks a Mandatory Practice for all members of the Range Team.   All range team members will be practicing for the Zone Range Competition on Sunday, February 11.   We’ll be practicing a mix of standing and prone shooting.

Practice is on Monday, February 5 from 1900-2100hrs.  Dress is appropriate civilian attire.

358 Sir Isaac Brock RCSCC will once again be joining us for practice

Duty Officer: Capt Couroux

    1. 2023-24 Marksmanship Competition – Sunday 11FEB2024:

809 Squadron’s marksmanship team will be competing this Sunday, 11FEB2024 at the Armoury on Lake St in St Catharines.   Here are the particulars:

Time: 0800 – 1700 Sunday 11FEB2024
Location: Lake St Armoury, 81 Lake St, St Catharines
Dress: Cadets – Appropriate Civilian Closthing w/ Spirit wear.  Officer/Coach – CADPAT
Transportation: Parent drop off (no later than 0800)
Lunch: Will be provided.
Bring a full water bottle and snack with you.
No electronic devices are permitted.

 Cadets will compete in both prone and standing positions.    There will be an awards ceremony at the end of the day during dismissal.   Good Luck Team!

  3. Senior NCO Development Day – RE-Scheduled for Saturday, 06 April 2024:

For the 5 Cadets that signed up for the Senior NCO Development day that was to have taken place on Saturday, January 20, it has been re-scheduled for Saturday, 06APR2024.   Some changes are being made to the format.   More information to follow.

    1. Fish Fry:

The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thusrsday nights.    This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration.   All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Katleen Kells by email.   Include your phone number, cell phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out.   Ms Kell’s email is

As usual, I’m available if you have any questions.

Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS