Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 15 Nov 2020

15 Nov 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

I’d like to begin this week by thanking all of our cadets and parents/guardians for bearing with us as the changing landscape of COVID-19 control measures brings uncertainty to our program delivery. We understand that routine is central to all of our lives and that last minute changes aren’t easy to deal with, and I’m impressed with the way that everyone has worked with us to make things work. We’re all working toward having a more normalized schedule while maintaining safety as a top priority.

Last week’s Remembrance Day training night had to be switched to virtual with less than 48 hours of notice, but our senior cadets brought it all together well with a moving presentation and a good question and answer session with the cadets. LCol (Retired) Kenn Moody and Maj (Retired) Brad Kempston were guests to our session later in the evening and shared their invaluable perspectives on service and Remembrance with the cadets. Thank you both for taking the time to join us.

This week, we’re back to regular (virtual) training, but we’re starting to work on optional activities over the following weeks. Mrs. Gowans is expecting to start our Effective Speaking soon, and WO2 Bell and Sgt Forsyth have put forward some very interesting ideas for optional training to begin later in the training year. We’ll keep you informed as things solidify.

For level 3 cadets and above, there is a Niagara-area Leadership Workshop occurring all day on the 28th of the month. If you’re interested in attending, please let me know so that I can get you signed up.

See you on Wednesday!

Training Night
18 Nov 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell
Duty NCM: WO2 Abt

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
18 Nov 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3/C3D Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
25 Nov 2020
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3/C3D Capt Lemoine
28 Nov 2020
Saturday Cadet Leadership Workshop Virtual C5  

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS