All the cadets that participated in the parade this morning were well received by the spectators lining the parade route this morning. Our float was fantastic! The first year for a float from 809 Sqn and thanks to CI Thiffault, Mr. Hendriks, Mr. Ruttan, Mrs. Burland, OCdt Couroux, and CI Ruttan it was a HUGE addition to our parade entry. Without their efforts our entry would not have been so impressive. Our only drawback was low attendance – only 14 of our 25 cadets attended this event. Cadets & Parents: please check the upcoming months on the website to make sure you can attend as many events as possible. We have more fun, and enjoy more rewards, when everyone works together. Those cadets that attended are reminded to hand-in their volunteer hour sheets for validation to Capt Palumbo. HINT: Log in to see the captions below the photos.
Mr. Hendriks driving the float! With
Our float showcased the Bottle Drive coming up next month on Sat 16th of January.