Hello 809!
Happy Family Day. No training tonight. We have an exciting parade night this week as we invite the Niagara Youth Collective to attend an open house just for them so that they can see what being an Air Cadet is all about. Remember, some of these visitors have the potential to become new cadets so let’s put our best foot forward and welcome them to our unit. Thanks to Lt Russell and Capt Emptage for putting this together.
Also in the exciting category is that we now have information on summer training and staffing opportunities. Please see below for more information on the courses being offered this year.
For cadets – make sure to review the WRO’s being posted on Teams. And make sure to give the WRO’s a like to let us know that you’ve read them.
Here are this week’s announcements:
- Family Day – Monday, 19 FEB 24:
No training on Monday, 19FEB24 due to Family Day. Enjoy your evening off 809!
- Senior NCO Development Day – RE-Scheduled for Saturday, 06 April 2024:
For the 5 Cadets that signed up for the Senior NCO Development day that was to have taken place on Saturday, January 20, it has been re-scheduled for Saturday, 06APR2024. Some changes are being made to the format. More information to follow.
- Summer Staffing and Training Opportunities are Now Available:
If you’ve been paying attention to the Facebook and Squadron Website Posts, both Staff Cadet and summer course opportunities have opened up.
Staff Cadet opportunities are available to cadets who have completed Level 3 or higher. Here’s a link to the webiste post
Summer training opportunities are available to cadets who are Level 2 or higher. Here’s the link for the website post:
Great news on Summer Training | 809 Newark (809cadets.ca)
If you’re interested in either opportunity, please see squadron staff for more information.
- Fish Fry:
The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thursday nights. This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration. All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Kathleen Kells by email. Include your phone number, cell phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out. Ms Kell’s email is ktkells@gmail.com
That’s all for now. Enjoy your Family Day and see all cadets on Wednesday for the open house.
Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS