This award was named after Captain (Retired) Dave Leonard, former interim Commanding Officer of 809 Newark Squadron. Through his energy and single-minded determination, 809 was returned to its former viable strength. This award celebrates his and the squadron’s success on our 40th anniversary. The award is given to the cadet who best exemplifies the aims of the cadet program with enthusiasm and dedication.
Nominations for this award may be made by any cadet, member of the squadron staff, or member of the squadron sponsorship committee. The final decision on this award will be made by the staff in consultation with the squadron sponsorship committee and senior cadets. Cadets, members of staff, and members of the squadron sponsorship committee who have nominated a cadet shall recuse themselves from the final consideration process if they have submitted a nomination.
The recipient’s name is engraved on a trophy and the recipient shall receive a keeper plaque and a $50 bursary.
Past Recipients
2012: FCpl R. Lemoine
2013: FSgt M. Hendriks
2014: FSgt K. Chikombero
2015: Cpl W. Couroux
2016: Sgt N. Zalepa
2017: Cpl S. Abt
2019: Sgt D. Bell
2020: Sgt C. Tedesco
2021: Sgt E. Dau
2022: Sgt M. Redeye
2023: WO2 E. Dau
2024: Not Awarded